
Diamond lake from S Arapaho peak view to south 2

Diamond lake from S Arapaho peak view to south

73女兒公司放假,本打算在74日帶家人去一個叫做74日登山口(Fourth of July Trailhead)的地方爬爬高山湖,但因74日女兒另有他事,所以就提前一天去了,女婿子峰到委內瑞拉短宣未能跟上,又被逃掉了。這個登山口不知如何取名的,74不就是美國獨立紀念日嗎!

這裡常常會遇到一些令人看了不覺莞爾的地名;在離丹佛不遠的一個賭城小鎮Central City就曾看到一個指示牌:“To Oh My God Road”,我想賭贏或賭輸都會叫“Oh My God只是語氣不同罷了。




登山口:Fourth of July Trailhead(海拔10,172)




The Diamond Lake Trail位在Indian Peaks Wilderness範圍內,我們經由Arapaho Pass Trail進入,Arapaho Pass Trail的登山口在靠近小鎮NederlandFourth of July Trailhead

Nederland往南沿CO 119(CO 72Peak To Peak )0.5哩右轉,沿County Road 130往小鎮EldoraEldora後再走約5哩的石子路,路盡頭即為Fourth of July Trailhead備有停車場及廁所。


我們於9:30左右到達登山口,停車場早已客滿,只好跟隨其他登山客將車子停靠路邊,整裝出發。此登山口兩年前來過,那次是走Arapaho Pass Trail去爬South Arapaho PeakNorth Arapaho Peak,所以路徑不陌生。天氣陰陰的,溫度有點低,天氣預報午後有局部性陣雨。

South Arapaho Peak from the south 17

South Arapaho Peak from the south (2007.08.13)



10:00  登山口(Fourth of July Trailhead)出發,海拔10,172(3,100公尺),沿Arapaho Pass Trail西行。

4th of July Trailhead parking lot

4th of July Trailhead parking lot

4th of July Trailhead

4th of July Trailhead



10:26  通過Indian Peaks Wilderness Backcountry 告示牌,距登山口0.4哩,海拔10,385呎。再行不久步道成字形在杉林中盤升。穿出杉林後步道轉為平緩狹小,但視野寬闊可遠眺西南方向群山;Diamond Lake出水口形成一串數百呎的垂瀑,懸掛在對面山谷上,煞是壯觀。步道兩旁野花盛開。

Overlooking a waterfall that Diamond Lake’s outlet

Overlooking a waterfall that Diamond Lake’s outlet

On the trail

On the trail

A lot of hiker on the trail

A lot of hiker on the trail



11:05  右側山坡發現一大片Shooting Star Flowers


Shooting Star Flower 6

Shooting Star Inhabit

11:10  通過一個不小的小溪澗(流瀑),一路走來有不少類似小流瀑,這一處是比較大的一個;此地距登山口1哩,海拔10,650呎。

Waterfalls along the trail 3

Waterfalls along the trail 2

Waterfalls along the trail 10

Waterfalls along the trail 8

Waterfalls along the trail 9

Waterfalls along the trail 5

Waterfalls along the trail 4

Waterfalls along the trail 7

Waterfalls along the trail 1

Waterfalls along the trail




11:27  岔路口(Arapaho Pass Trail junction),右線續行為Arapaho Pass;左岔為Diamond Lake Trail。此地距登山口約1.15哩,海拔10,752呎。取左下南行,緩下坡。

The trail descends to the North Fork of Middle Boulder Creek

The trail descends to the North Fork of Middle Boulder Creek



11:30  陸續發現Glacier Lily,其數量不比前幾天在Bluebird Lake看到的少,又殺了不少記憶體。

Glacier Lily 4

Glacier Inhabit



11:56  從岔路口下行約半哩多後遇一座木橋跨過North Fork of Middle Boulder Creek此處瀑布極為壯觀,孩子們肚子餓了,就在瀑布下用餐。此地距登山口1.7哩,海拔10,602呎。

The trail crosses the North Fork Middle Boulder Creek just below this picturesque waterfall 1

The trail crosses the North Fork Middle Boulder Creek just below this picturesque waterfall

North Fork of Middle Boulder Creek 3

North Fork of Middle Boulder Creek 2

North Fork of Middle Boulder Creek 1

North Fork of Middle Boulder Creek

Take a picnic

Take a picnic



12:30  過木橋,步道開始在赤松林中盤升。路況跟前段溼地相同,雪水溢出,部份路段泥濘難走;較低窪地方不時出現整根松木為棧橋,人行其上才不致沾濕鞋襪。

The log bridge  across the North Fork Middle Boulder Creek

The log bridge  across the North Fork Middle Boulder Creek

Diamond Lake Trail 1


Diamond Lake Trail 4

Diamond Lake Trail 5

Diamond Lake Trail 6

Diamond Lake Trail 2

Diamond Lake Trail 3

13:25  經過將近一個小時在森林、沼澤、雪地中艱苦的盤升,走了約一哩路、爬升約340呎,終於抵達Diamond Lake東南邊的大草原。草原長滿沼澤濕地野花,北望尖尖的山頭應是Mount Neva(12,814)山稜南邊的Jasper Peak (12,923)長長的原木棧橋橫跨在大草原上供登山客行走。

A large meadow Before Diamond Lake 5

A large meadow Before Diamond Lake 1

A large meadow Before Diamond Lake




13:31  走過長長的原木棧橋來到Devils Thumb Trail junction,指示牌幾乎被雪淹沒,已不見路跡,順著指示及前人留在雪地上的足跡往Diamond Lake前進。

Diamond Lake Trail 7

Picture 278

A large meadow Before Diamond Lake 2

Devils Thumb Trail junction

Devils Thumb Trail junction

The trail to the lake was still covered in snow

The trail to the lake was still covered in snow 1

The trail to the lake was still covered in snow



13:36  終於抵達Diamond Lake,距登山口2.65哩,海拔10,940(3,335公尺)。湖的四周仍被雪蓋住,行走不易,打消環湖的念頭,露營地也懶得去勘察了。

Diamond lake 1

Diamond lake 5

Diamond lake 4

Diamond lake 6

Diamond lake 2

Diamond lake 3

Diamond lake


Search & rescue airplane

14:00  天氣預報午後陣雨,不做久留,下山。下山比上山難,又溼又滑,太座在雪地上滑了好幾跤,逗的貝貝和豆豆哈哈大笑。下山途中遇到又是冰雹、又是雨,幸好事先有準備雨具,才不致淋成落湯雞。

Are you skiing,grandma 3

Are you skiing,grandma 1

Are you skiing,grandma 2

Are you skiing?grandma !

16:30  回到登山口,結束一趟愉快的Hiking



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