Bluebird Lake
Ouzel Lake:海拔10,026呎/3,056公尺
Bluebird Lake:海拔10,978呎/3,346公尺
登山口:Allenspark Trailhead,海拔8,960呎/ 2,731公尺
07:10 從Allenspark Trailhead登山口出發,海拔8,960呎/ 2,731公尺,沿步道朝西行。
Allenspark Trailhead
07:30 抵一岔路,右下往Wild Basin的登山口不取,取左往Finch Lake、Pear Lake西行。
07:50 再抵一四岔路,座標N40° 11.973' W105° 34.227',海拔9,620呎/2,932公尺,距登山口約1.7哩/2.74公里;木製路牌標示來時路往Allenspark Trailhead約1.8哩,東北向岔路往Ranger Station via Finch Lake Trailhead約 3.0哩,南向往Finch Lake約2.2哩、Pear Lake約4.2哩,西南向往Ranger Station via Calypso Cascades約 3.1哩;取西南向岔路往Calypso Cascades下行。
Looking northwest at Mountains from Bluebird Lake trail near 9,570'
Looking west at Mountains from Bluebird Lake trail near 9,570'
08:20 接到由Ranger Station上來的步道,座標N40° 11.731' W105° 35.426',海拔9,151呎/2,789公尺,距登山口約2.9哩/4.67公里;
Wild Basin Trailhead & Allenspark Trailhead junction
取左往Ouzel Falls西行。
08:21 經過Calypso Cascades,海拔. 9,151呎/2,789公尺,距登山口3.0哩/4.83公里。
Calypso Cascades
08:45 抵達Ouzel Falls下方木橋,座標N40° 11.918' W105° 35.971',海拔. 9,385呎/2,861公尺,距登山口3.7哩/5.95公里;
Ouzel Falls
繞上去瀑布處休息賞景後跨過瀑布下橫跨Ouzel Creek的木橋後朝西北往Ouzel Lake上行。
Ouzel Falls
09:10 抵達Thunder Lake和Ouzel Lake的岔路,座標N40° 12.094' W105° 36.197',海拔9,400呎/2,865公尺,距登山口約4.1哩/6.6公里;
Thunder Lake & Bluebird Lake junction
右往Thunder Lake、左往Ouzel Lake和Bluebird Lake,取左上行。
09:18 經一小段的陡坡後上到一開闊地形,此地在1978年遭森林大火焚毀,現在是白木林與新生小松樹、小白楊木(Aspen)雜處區域,路旁都是冰磧石或冰磧丘(Moraine,為冰川融化後遺留在地面上的冰磧物),由於小樹未成林所以地面長滿野花、野草,尤其是Golden Banner(Golden Pea)最多,金黃的一片,煞是美觀;
On the Ouzel Lake Trail
Indian Paintbrush
Golden Banner along the trail (background is Copeland Mountain)
Mount Alice (R) & Tanima Peak (L) as seen from Bluebird Lake Trail
View of St. Vrain Mt.(R) & Meadow Mt.(L) from Bluebird Lake Trail
09:50 通過開闊地形後來到距登山口約5.5哩處遇一岔路左下往Ouzel Lake,木製路牌標示左岔往Ouzel Lake約0.5哩,右岔直行往Bluebird Lake約2.0哩;
Ouzel Lake & Bluebird Lake junction
取左下往Ouzel Lake。
10:00 抵達Ouzel Lake,座標N40° 11.983' W105° 37.960',海拔10,026呎/3,056公尺;
Ouzel Lake
The Outlet of Ouzel Lake
Ouzel Lake
Ouzel Lake , background are Longs Peak (L) & Mount Meeker (R)
在Ouzel Lake湖邊停留拍照數十分鐘後循原路回到Bluebird Lake Trail岔路。
11:02 回到Ouzel Lake和Bluebird Lake岔路,取左往Bluebird Lake西南行。
Hiking to the lake pass through the Ouzel burn area
11:08 由Chickadee Pond 上方經過。
Chickadee Pond
11:12 由Ouzel Lake上方經過。
Looking down Ouzel Lake from the Bluebird Lake trail
Ouzel Peak as seen from the Bluebird Lake trail
Crossing a talus field
Indian Paintbrush
11:22 進入亞高山帶的杉林中爬升,距登山口約7.2 哩。
11:40 出了森林線,海拔約10,700呎,距登山口約7.9哩左右,再爬約0.5哩的岩石地形即到達Bluebird Lake;
Approaching treeline
Snow patch along the trail
Here is a small snow field I had to climb
步道開始在Bluebird Lake出水口左岸側岩岸陡峭爬升;
Here the trail makes a steep climb to Bluebird Lake
在步道右側發現一大片Glacier Lily,盡情拍攝。
Glacier Lilies near the Bluebird Lake
Here the trail makes a steep climb to Bluebird Lake
Wild Basin(Seen to east from the Bluebird Lake trail)
Mahana Peak
12:15 好不容易登上了Bluebird Lake湖岸,此湖海拔10,978呎/3,346公尺,距登山口8.2哩/13.2公里。
Bluebird Lake with Ouzel Peak behind
Bluebird Lake
Bluebird Lake and Mahana Peak
Seen to NE from Bluebird Lake, Mount Meeker is in the distance
Seen to East from Bluebird Lake, Wild Basin is in the distance
Seen to South at Copeland Mountain from Bluebird Lake
12:45 循原路下山。
14:23 回到Ouzel falls。
14:45 回到Calypso Cascades,過了Calypso Cascades遇到Allenspark Trailhead與Wild Basin Trailhead的岔路,取右岔朝Allenspark Trailhead方向上行。
15:55 返抵登山口Allenspark Trailhead,此湖往返約16.3哩/26.23公里,費時8小時46分,算是蠻硬的行程。
Alltrails:Bluebird Lake Trail