
 Bluebird Lake with Ouzel Peak behind 1

Bluebird Lake(taken in 2005)


洛磯山國家公園Wild Basin AreaBluebird lake trail 有兩種野花是在其他地方比較難發現的,一種是624日去拍攝的Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper);另一種是Glacier Lily,它生長在距登山口約5.5~6哩處、海拔約10,700呎高的地方,上次因時間所限沒有到達,前一兩天決定再度前往,因這種花的花期是在5~7月,現在應已盛開。



Wild Basin Trailhead 屬於洛磯山國家公園範圍內,位在美國大陸洛磯山脈分水嶺(Continental Divide)的東邊,介於Meeker ParkAllenspark兩小鎮之間;若走7號公路(CO-7)Estes Park南下約13哩處右轉,沿Wild Basin Road西行,半哩後抵達Copeland Lake,再走約2哩的狹窄石子路即抵達登山口--Wild Basin Trailhead

Bluebird Lake Trail由登山口出發,0.3哩後會經過上、下兩處Copeland Falls1.8哩經過Calypso Cascades2.7哩抵達Ouzel Falls,這是一個不小的瀑布,一般遊客大都只到此便折回。經Ouzel Falls續往上行,3.1哩處遇Thunder LakeOuzel Lake的岔路,右往Thunder Lake、左往Ouzel LakeBluebird Lake

取左經一小段的陡坡後上到一開闊地形,此地在1978年遭森林大火焚毀,現在是白木林與新生小松樹、小白楊木(Aspen)雜處區域,路旁都是冰磧石或冰磧丘(Moraine,為冰川融化後遺留在地面上的冰磧物),由於小樹未成林所以地面長滿野花、野草,尤其是Golden Banner(Golden Pea)最多;金黃的一片,煞是美觀。在此地更把鄰近的洛磯山脈群山一覽無疑,通過此開闊地形來到距登山口4.4哩處遇一岔路左下,0.5哩處是Ouzel Lake,右直行2哩到Bluebird Lake經過一片松樹林後出森林線,再爬約0.5哩的岩石地形即到達Bluebird Lake


Bluebird lake海拔10,978/3,346公尺

登山口:Wild Basin Trailhead(海拔8,500/2,591公尺)






09:34  Wild Basin Trailhead出發,太座帶豆豆、貝貝、豆豆的朋友Ryan慢走,我單獨前行,因路途遙遠,怕孩子們跟不上。


Wild Basin Trailhead

Wild Basin Trailhead

Squirrel on the trail

Squirrel on the trail


10:23  抵達Calypso Cascades (海拔. 9,077),距登山口1.8哩。

Calypso Cascades 1

Calypso Cascades 4

Calypso Cascades



10:59  Ouzel Falls (海拔. 9,460)距登山口2.7

Ouzel Falls 6

Ouzel Falls 4

Ouzel Falls 1

Ouzel Falls



11:16  抵達Thunder LakeOuzel Lake的岔路,距登山口3哩,取左往Ouzel Lake

11:30  上到Ouzel Fire zone,此處在1978年一次森林大火中焚毀,現正逐漸復育中。

Longs Peak as seen from Ouzel lake trail 1

Longs Peak as seen from Ouzel lake trail

Golden banner is in full bloom along the trail 4

Golden banner is in full bloom along the trail

Golden banner is in full bloom along the trail 3

Golden banner is in full bloom along the trail

Golden banner is in full bloom along the trail 2

Golden banner is in full bloom along the trail

A large spacious terrain Above Ouzel waterfalls


A large spacious terrain Above Ouzel waterfalls

Longs Peak as seen from Ouzel lake trail 2

Longs Peak as seen from Ouzel lake trail

The fired area Above Ouzel waterfalls 2

The fired area Above Ouzel waterfalls

The fired area Above Ouzel waterfalls 1

The fired area Above Ouzel waterfalls

Mt. Alice (R) & Tanima Peak (L)

Mt. Alice (R) & Tanima Peak (L)


12:05  抵達Ouzel lake岔路,距登山口4.4哩,左下0.5哩為Ouzel lake前幾年已去過,今天首要工作是看Glacier Lily乃取直行目標Bluebird lake

The fired area Above Ouzel waterfalls 3

The fired area Above Ouzel waterfalls

Ouzel lake as seen from the trail

Ouzel lake as seen from the trail

Marmot 2

Marmot on the trail


12:30  經過一片松林後在步道右側發現一大片今天的獵物-- Glacier Lily盡情拍攝。

13:00  出了森林線,海拔約10,700呎,距登山口約6哩左右,只要再攀登一段300~400呎的岩石地形即抵Bluebird lake但因豆豆、貝貝今晚有彈琴課程,怕時間趕不上,此湖也已來過一次,乃決定儘快下山。

A little falls along the trailA little falls along the trail

Snowfield covered the trail

Snowfield covered the trail

A little falls along the trail 3

A litle falls along the trailA little falls along the trail 1A little falls along the trail

Crossing a talus field

Crossing a talus field

Approaching treeline 1

The trail covered with snow about 10,700'

Approaching treeline

The trail covered with snow about 10,700' 1

The trail covered with snow about 10,700'

Looking back the trail where I am coming

Looking back the trail where I am coming


14:20  回到Ouzel falls

14:40  回到Calypso Cascades

15:15  返抵登山口,孩子們也剛下山不久。他們今天走到Ouzel Falls來回5.4(8.64公里) ,算是不錯了!





Elephants(Elephant Head) 2

Elephants(Elephant Head)

Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper) 1

Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper) 3

Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper) 5

Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper)

Dusky Penstemon 1

Dusky Penstemon

Common Violet

Common Violet

Blue Columbie 2

Blue Columbie

Black Tipped Senecio 2

Black Tipped Senecio
Snow Buttercup 2

Snow Buttercup

Picture 134

Indian Paintbrush 3
Indian Paintbrush 2

Indian Paintbrush

Gray-leaved skullcap 2

Gray-leaved skullcap
Golden Banner

Golden Banner

Globeflower 3
Globeflower 1

White Globeflower




花名:Yellow Glacier Lily, Glacier Lily, Yellow Fawn Lily









Glacier Lily 17
Glacier Lily 15
Glacier Lily 8
Glacier Lily 2
Glacier Lily 1
Glacier Lily 4
Glacier Lily 11

Glacier Lily 20


    創作者 edjimy 的頭像


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