View of the Manitou Springs incline from the trailhead
View of the Manitou Springs incline from the trailhead

上週四利用到Crested Butte賞花之便特地繞道Colorado Springs去攀登附近的景點~The InclineThe Manitou Incline或簡稱The Incline(中文的“斜坡很難表達此景點的特色,我姑且以天梯稱之)位在科羅拉多大城Colorado Springs西邊的觀光小鎮Manitou Springs,該天梯(The Incline)建於1907年,建造之初是作為纜車的軌道,而該纜車是為了運送當年在Pikes Peak山頂建造供應Manitou SpringsColorado Springs的給水工程的材料之用,該給水工程竣工之後轉變為觀光旅遊景點。

該纜車軌道在1990年由於落石崩塌摧毀一部份路段而關閉,之後拆除鐵軌後僅留下一條巨大的“飛龍上天樓梯似的鐵軌枕木,當地人開始使用這條陡峭的枕木進行具有挑戰性的登高訓練,但由於此天梯的停車場與Barr TrailPikes Peak Cog Railway的停車場屢有停車糾紛,加上此天梯經過的土地分屬三個不同的單位管轄未取得協調,所以此種挑戰是非法的,直至20132月取得協調後才合法化。

Manitou的天梯The Manitou Incline全長1.6公里,階梯共有2744階,由底部的6,500(1,981公尺)爬升到頂部的8,590(2,618公尺)總共爬升637公尺,此天梯的平均坡度約45,最大坡度達到68;此段天梯是比台灣登六順山時在萬榮林道末端(46K)的天梯來得短,階梯數也比較少,六順山的天梯全長約2.9公里,三千多階,由底部的5,823(1,775公尺)爬升到頂部的8,268(2,520公尺)總共爬升745公尺,平均坡度約26;雖然六順山的天梯是重裝上山,The Manitou Incline是輕裝來回,但The Manitou Incline天梯的難度是很陡峭,而且全程幾乎無樹蔭,炙熱難熬,不像六順山的天梯全程在森林裡踏著長滿青苔的台階緩升,所以我還是覺得六順山的天梯爬得舒服!


Hiking Route
Hiking Route


登山時間:上山(The Incline) 1小時35分,下山(Barr Trail) 1小時20

The Manitou Incline台階數2744




由丹佛開車沿I-25 州際公路南行,車扺Colorado Springs後於Exit 141出口下交流道後右轉沿US-24Manitou Springs西北行,行約4.0哩後於US-24哩程299.1 mile處下交流道沿Manitou Ave西行,Manitou Ave行約1.4哩從圓環的第二個出口出去,朝Ruxton Ave西行,然後循Incline Parking Lot的指標行約0.7哩抵達停車場(停車費美金10)Manitou Incline的登山口在最北邊停車場的西端。

View to the southwest from the base of The Incline 1-1
View to the southwest from the base of The Incline

10:45 從天梯的底部登山口出發,沿著枕木階梯拾級而上,登山口海拔6,500(1,981公尺)
The base of The Incline 2
The base of The Incline 1
The base of The Incline


Ruth & Jacob heading up the Manitou Springs Incline
Ruth & Jacob heading up the Manitou Springs Incline
The Manitou Incline, Manitou Springs (1)
The Manitou Incline, Manitou Springs
The easy part of the incline
The easy part of the incline
10:51 階梯坡度轉為較為陡峭,步道旁立了一面警語,上面寫著~~


2744 steps is not a walk in the park

Hiking the incline is comparable to climbing up

The Empire State Building

The Eiffel Tower Twice

The Washington Mountain Three Times

The Statue of Liberty six times”


Warning sign at the base of The Incline
Warning sign at the base of The Incline
Hikers climbing up the Manitou Incline in Manitou Springs (4)
Hikers climbing up the Manitou Incline in Manitou Springs
Looking southwest at Barr Trail from The Incline 1-1
Looking southwest at Barr Trail from The Incline
View of the Manitou Incline from the base
View of the Manitou Incline from the base

11:11 登上1300階,天梯在階梯右側每100階噴有階梯數;
Step #1300
Step #1300

除了埋頭苦爬外,利用休息喘息片刻回望一下上來的路及遠眺東邊Colorado Springs

Looking down the Manitou Incline from the trail 2
Looking down the Manitou Incline from the trail
The Manitou Incline, Manitou Springs (4)
The Manitou Incline, Manitou Springs
Looking down the Manitou Incline from the trail 3
Looking down the Manitou Incline from the trail
11:33 抵達中途下撤點(the bailout point),此處約是天梯的三分之二處,距天梯底部約0.7海拔約7,800(2,377公尺),登山客如果體力不濟可由此點左切隨即接到Barr Trail下山,階梯旁有兩面說明牌,一面寫著到達山頂大約還要1000階多一點,大約還要一小時,從山頂下到停車場約二小時;另一面則寫著此處是Lower Return Trail,由此處左切下山到停車場約一小時;
The Bailout Point leads to the Barr Trail
The Bailout Point leads to the Barr Trail
The Bailout Point
The Bailout Point
Looking east at Garden of the Gods from The Incline
Looking east at Garden of the Gods from the bailout point, The Incline
Hikers climbing up the Manitou Incline in Manitou Springs (1)
Hikers climbing up the Manitou Incline in Manitou Springs (2)
Hikers climbing up the Manitou Incline in Manitou Springs (3)
Hikers climbing up the Manitou Incline in Manitou Springs (5)
Hikers climbing up the Manitou Incline in Manitou Springs



The Manitou Incline, Manitou Springs (5)
The Manitou Incline, Manitou Springs (6)
The Manitou Incline, Manitou Springs
Jacob on his way up to the top of the incline (5)
Jacob on his way up to the top of the incline (4)
Jacob on his way up to the top of the incline (3)
Jacob on his way up to the top of the incline (6)
Jacob on his way up to the top of the incline (7)
Jacob on his way up to the top of the incline (2)
Jacob on his way up to the top of the incline (1)
Jacob on his way up to the top of the incline
Jacob reaches the top of the incline
Jacob reaches the top of the incline
12:20 登上天梯頂端,距天梯底部約1.0哩,海拔約8,590(2,618公尺)
On the top of the incline (1)
On the top of the incline (2)
On the top of the incline (3)
On the top of the incline 

天梯頂端展望頗佳,東面俯瞰Manitou Springs及遠方的Colorado Springs,左方幾片紅色巨岩處是Gardern of the Gods Park

Looking down the Incline from the top
View of Colorado Springs from the top of the Manitou Incline
View of Colorado Springs from the top of the Manitou Incline
View to the west from the top of The Incline 1-1
View to the west from the top of The Incline
一般登山客登上天梯後有兩條下山的路,一條是循原路直線下山,一條是從天梯南邊的Barr Trail“之字形下山;前者距離較短,僅一哩,但較陡峭危險,後者距離較長,約3.5哩,但坡度較緩,景觀也較多樣化,所以大部分的登山客都選擇由Barr Trail路線下山;我們在山頂小休後也沿著Barr Trail下山。

View to the southwest from Barr Trail 1-1
Looking southwest at Barr Trail from The Incline
On the way down the Barr Trail (1)
On the way down the Barr Trail
On the way down the Barr Trail (2)
On the way down the Barr Trail
12:50 下抵天梯的Lower Return Trail岔路處,此處距天梯頂端約1.4哩,海拔約7,800(2,377公尺),左岔接天梯,右岔為Barr Trail;右轉繼續沿著Barr Trail下山。

On the way down the Barr Trail (3)
On the way down the Barr Trail
Taken from Barr Trail (3)
Taken from Barr Trail
Looking east at Garden of the Gods from Barr Trail
Looking east at Garden of the Gods from Barr Trail
Taken from Barr Trail (1)
Taken from Barr Trail (2)
Taken from Barr Trail
Overlooking east at Colorado Springs from Barr Trail
Overlooking east at Colorado Springs from Barr Trail
On the way down the Barr Trail (4)
On the way down the Barr Trail
13:52 下抵Barr Trail登山口,此處距天梯頂端約3.0哩,海拔約6,680(2,036公尺)
Barr Trailhead (2)
Barr Trailhead (1)
Barr Trailhead

此處是Barr Trail的停車場,沿著小徑續往The Incline停車場,途中經過今年已停駛的Pikes Peak Cog Railway。

Pikes Peak Cog Railway
Pikes Peak Cog Railway
13:57 返抵The Incline底部登山口,右轉行一小段路後抵達停車場,開車下山。

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