Abyss Lake Trailhead 3

昨天跟華人登山隊前往Mound Evans Wilderness區內的Abyss Lake Trail登山健行,Abyss Lake Trail登山口位在Guanella Pass的南端,距Grant小鎮約5.5哩,該步道的終點是位在Mount BierstadtMound Evans兩座14ers之間山谷中的高山湖Abyss Lake,單程約8.5哩,往返全長17.1(27.36公里),總爬升約3,280(1,000公尺),是一條頗有難度的登山步道,我們並沒計畫走完全程,全視成員體力及天候隨時後撤。
登山口Abyss & Burning Bear Trailhead (海拔9,654/2,943公尺)
Golden沿CO-470南下,在Exit 5A下交流道轉US-285Fairplay西南行,行約39.4哩於小鎮Grant右轉Guanella Pass Rd西北行,再行約5.2哩道路右側一停車場即為Abyss & Burning Bear Trailhead停車場。
Abyss Lake Trailhead parking lot
Abyss Lake Trailhead parking lot

09:15 停車場起登,海拔約9,654(2,943公尺)
Abyss Lake Trailhead 1
Abyss Lake Trailhead
Abyss Lake Trail (1)
Abyss Lake Trail

行數十公尺有一面Mound Evans Wilderness的解說牌,旁有一座登山客入山登記簿,登山客自行登記後入山;
Abyss Lake Trailhead 2
Abyss Lake Trailhead 

 一開始步道有點小坡度,且路面石頭坎坷有點難走,兩旁是筆直的lodgepole pine(海灘松)
09:26 路過Mound Evans WildernessPike National Forest界牌。
Abyss Lake Trail (3)
Abyss Lake Trail (4)
Abyss Lake Trail

09:37 過一小溪溝,腳踏石頭及兩根枯木跨過,海拔約9,915(3,022公尺),距登山口0.68哩;
Crossing stream on rocks
Crossing stream on rocks

過小溪溝後步道坡度趨緩、路面也平整好走,兩旁仍是筆直的lodgepole pine(海灘松),偶而夾雜著白楊木(Aspen)
Abyss Lake Trail (5)
Abyss Lake Trail (7)
Abyss Lake Trail (6)
Abyss Lake Trail
Blue Columbine (2)
Blue Columbine (1)
Blue Columbine

10:00 路旁一大片空曠的青草地。
Grade moderates thru meadow
Grade moderates thru meadow
Swamp Pyrola (1)
Swamp Pyrola
Paintingbrush flower 1
Paintingbrush flower
Paintingbrush flower

10:22 過第一座橋,兩根原木橫跨在Scott Gomer Creek上;
Crossing log bridge at Scott Gomer Creek
Crossing log bridge at Scott Gomer Creek 1
Crossing log bridge at Scott Gomer Creek

此處海拔約10,151(3,094公尺),距登山口2.2哩,河岸多株Shooting Star野花盛開著;
Shooting Star flower (2)
Shooting Star flower (3)
Shooting Star flower 
Mountain Harebell
Mountain Harebell
Monkshood flower (2)
Monkshood flower (1)
Monkshood flower

此處東北可遠眺Mount Evans山頂停車場旁邊的丹佛大學Meyer-Womble氣象站。
Looking northeast at Mount Evans Ridge from Abyss Lake Trail 1
Looking northeast at Mount Evans Ridge from Abyss Lake Trail 2
Looking northeast at Mount Evans Ridge from Abyss Lake Trail 3
Looking northeast at Mount Evans Ridge from Abyss Lake Trail
Abyss Lake Trail (9)
Abyss Lake Trail (10)
Abyss Lake Trail (11)
Abyss Lake Trail

10:40 左側遠方一座山勢崢嶸,崖壁陡峭的岩壁下方有一大片青翠的白楊木(Aspen)
Abyss Lake Trail (13)
Abyss Lake Trail

路徑兩旁也陸續出現新生的白楊木(Aspen)林,陸續經過幾處小溪溝,此路段較泥濘,濕地裡出現不少的較罕見的Elephant Head
Elephant Head
Elephant Head
Abyss Lake Trail (15)
Abyss Lake Trail (12)
Abyss Lake Trail

10:55 左側松林間有人在此紮營,營地旁是Scott Gomer Creek小溪,越過Scott Gomer Creek的山崖下一大片白楊木,如在九月白楊木葉子轉黃時肯定非常壯觀。
Abyss Lake Trail (36)
Abyss Lake Trail (37)
Abyss Lake Trail

11:06 過第二座橋,海拔約10,354(3,156公尺),距登山口3.2哩;
The trail crosses back over Scott Gomer Creek 1
The trail crosses back over Scott Gomer Creek
The second bridge crosses back over Scott Gomer Creek
The second bridge crosses back over Scott Gomer Creek

Abyss Lake Trail (17)
Abyss Lake Trail

Abyss Lake Trail (18)
Abyss Lake Trail 

隨著海拔的升高lodgepole pine(海灘松)逐漸被白楊木(Aspen)所取代,路徑兩旁是青翠、筆直的白楊木(Aspen)
Abyss Lake Trail (20)
Abyss Lake Trail

11:48 抵一開闊較低漥地區,低窪地後面遠方山稜是Mount Evans東南延伸的稜線。
Abyss Lake Trail (21)
Abyss Lake Trail

11:50 過第三座橋,海拔約10,676(3,254公尺),距登山口3.8哩;
The third bridge crosses Scott Gomer Creek 1
The third bridge crosses Scott Gomer Creek

Abyss Lake Trail (32)
Abyss Lake Trail (23)
Abyss Lake Trail (24)
Abyss Lake Trail (22)
Abyss Lake Trail
Abyss Lake Trail (28)
Abyss Lake Trail (26)
Abyss Lake Trail

12:10 抵達Abyss Lake Trail Rosalie Trail 岔路,海拔約10,880(3,316公尺),距登山口4.2哩;
Abyss Lake Trail & Rosalie Trail junction 1
Abyss Lake Trail & Rosalie Trail junction 2
Abyss Lake Trail & Rosalie Trail junction

左岔為Rosalie Trail,右岔為Abyss Lake Trail Rosalie Trail,我們取右岔再行數十公尺遇一小溪流,此時天色有點轉變,氣象預報下午有雷陣雨,大夥兒決定在此下撤;
Abyss Lake Trail (29)
Abyss Lake Trail

登山口距此約4.25哩,約是Abyss Lake Trail的半程,如要走到終點Abyss Lake 非得早點出發不可,留待九月份白楊木葉子轉黃時嘗試來走走看!
Open meadows at the convergence of two valleys near the Rosalie Trail split (2)
Open meadows at the convergence of two valleys near the Rosalie Trail split

Abyss Lake Trail (31)
Abyss Lake Trail (34)
Abyss Lake Trail
Rider and dog (1)
Rider and dog (2)
Rider and dog

14:05 返抵停車場,下山途中雖偶有打雷聲,還好沒淋到雨,整裝後開車返家。

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