
前天(14)和登山隊前往Idaho Springs附近攀登Saint Mary's Glacier上頭的James Peak;James Peak海拔13,294呎(4,052公尺),是科羅拉多州眾多13ers(海拔介於13,000呎~13,999呎間的高山)中排名第352的一座高山,該山我之前曾去攀登過兩次,登山紀錄請瀏覽:
前天早晨07:00我們約在Golden的Jefferson County Courthouse parking lot集合,參加人員有11人,分乘兩部車開往登山口。
攀登山岳:James Peak,海拔13,294呎(4,052公尺)
登山口:Saint Mary's Glacier trailhead,海拔10,300呎(3,139公尺)
在Golden分配共乘車輛後沿I-70州際公路西行,過Idaho Springs(Exit 240) 不久於Exit 238下高速公路後沿Fall River Road (County Road 275) 北行,中途經過Alice小鎮後抵登山口停車場,I-70至停車場約9哩;該停車場一大一小皆在公路左側,每車停車費5元美金,夏天假日有時車位一位難求,大部分的遊客是為著St. Mary's Glacier和St. Mary's Lake而來,這個景點距登山口僅0.75哩,爬升約400呎(122公尺);我們於08:00左右抵達登山口停車場,整裝後出發。
08:10 停車場出發,前行0.1哩抵達登山口(海拔10,300呎),登山口告示牌標示距冰河(Glacier)底部3/4哩;

Saint Mary's Glacier trailhead
左轉往Saint Mary's Glacier的還算寬大、亂石集聚的步道上山,步道雖寬但亂石堆積走來不輕鬆。

James Peak Trail, Colorado

Saint Mary's Glacier trailhead
左轉往Saint Mary's Glacier的還算寬大、亂石集聚的步道上山,步道雖寬但亂石堆積走來不輕鬆。

James Peak Trail, Colorado
08:30 到達冰河(Glacier)底部小湖--Saint Mary's Lake,此處海拔約10,696呎/3,260公尺,距登山口約0.45哩,時間尚早遊客不多。

Saint Mary's Lake

Saint Mary's Lake
08:45 由St. Mary's Lake東岸出水口的小鐵橋繞過後,來到北岸的St. Mary's Glacier底部,此處海拔約10,848呎/3,306公尺,距登山口約0.75哩;

Saint Mary's Glacier

Saint Mary's Glacier
08:50 循冰河上山;

Saint Mary's Lake from Saint Mary's Glacier

Beginning of the hike up the glacier

Saint Mary's Lake from Saint Mary's Glacier

Beginning of the hike up the glacier
這段小徑上次7月初來時野花盛開,尤其是Alpine Sunflower、Sky Pilot綻放整個山坡,今天則看不到,應該是花期已過,僅看到寥寥幾株已凋謝的Alpine Sunflower。

James Peak Trail, Colorado

James Peak Trail, Colorado
09:35 抵達冰河頂端,此處海拔約11,236 呎/ 3,425 公尺,距登山口約1.1哩;


Taken from the top of St. Mary's Glacier, background is James Peak

The top of Saint Mary's glacier

Taken from the top of St. Mary's Glacier, background is James Peak
這裡是James Peak的東面山坡,走在苔原上往西一看,兩塊大山頭矗立在遠處;左邊雙駝峰的左側山頭是海拔13,250呎(4,039公尺)的Mount Bancroft,右邊即是今天的目的地James Peak;我們就在這寬廣的苔原上朝James Peak西進。

Looking at Mount Evans to Torreys Peak crest line from the Tundra

Looking south at Mount Evans from the Tundra above the glacier

Looking southwest at Grays & Torreys Peak from the Tundra above the glacier

Looking at Mount Evans to Torreys Peak crest line from the Tundra

Looking south at Mount Evans from the Tundra above the glacier

Looking southwest at Grays & Torreys Peak from the Tundra above the glacier
10:05 抵達Kingston Peak Off-Road Trail(這是一條ATV-All-terrain vehicle車道) ,此處海拔約11,641 呎/ 3,548 公尺,距登山口約2.0哩;

Kingston Peak Off-Road Trail

Crossing the wetland at James' east slope

The wetland at James' east slope

Crossing the wetland at James' east slope

Kingston Peak Off-Road Trail

Crossing the wetland at James' east slope

The wetland at James' east slope

Crossing the wetland at James' east slope

涉過沼澤地後步道轉向往南上坡,坡度變陡,此處海拔約11,818 呎/ 3,602公尺,距登山口約2.5哩;

On the way up to James' summit

Looking at the summit of James Peak from the trail

On the way up to James' summit
一路在James Peak的東面山坡“之”字形挺進,沿途南眺Mount Evans、Mount Bierstadt、Grays Peak和Torreys Peak等幾座14ers。

Mount Evans to Torreys Peak crest line from James' slope

On the way up to James' summit

Looking at the summit of James Peak from the trail

On the way up to James' summit
一路在James Peak的東面山坡“之”字形挺進,沿途南眺Mount Evans、Mount Bierstadt、Grays Peak和Torreys Peak等幾座14ers。

Mount Evans to Torreys Peak crest line from James' slope
10:45 左側一條小徑來接,岔路口有一堆cairn,此小徑是由Loch Lomond上來的小徑,此處海拔約12,020呎/ 3,664公尺,距登山口約2.8哩;過了岔路口步道偏右往山頂緩坡上升。
10:48 抵達一峭壁口,左下是Loch Lomond drainage,幾座小湖星盤羅列著,此處海拔約12,195呎/ 3,717公尺,距登山口約3.0哩;

Looking down at the Loch Lomond drainange from James Peak trail

Looking down at the Loch Lomond drainange from James Peak trail

On the way up to James' summit

On the way up to James' summit

Looking down at the Loch Lomond drainange from James Peak trail

Looking down at the Loch Lomond drainange from James Peak trail

On the way up to James' summit

On the way up to James' summit
11:07 陡坡上到一制高點,此處又可俯瞰Loch Lomond drainage幾座高山湖,介於James Peak 和Mount Bancroft間的Ice Lake也清晰可見。

Looking down at the Loch Lomond drainange from James Peak trail

Ice Lake at the foot of Mount Bancroft

Looking down at the Loch Lomond drainange from James Peak trail

Ice Lake at the foot of Mount Bancroft
11:20 登抵James Peak山頭下一苔原鞍部,此處海拔約12,535呎/ 3,821公尺,距登山口約3.4哩;

Fairy Primrose

On the way up to James' summit

Looking south at Parry Peak & Mount Bencroft from below the summit of James Peak

On the way up to James' summit

Fairy Primrose

On the way up to James' summit

Looking south at Parry Peak & Mount Bencroft from below the summit of James Peak

On the way up to James' summit
12:00 右側一峽谷,俯瞰右側Mammoth Gulch中的Little Echo Lake和James Peak Lake;

Looking down at Mammoth Gulch from James Peak trail
此處海拔約12,880呎/ 3,926公尺,距登山口約3.8哩,已接近山頂。

Looking down at Mammoth Gulch from James Peak trail
此處海拔約12,880呎/ 3,926公尺,距登山口約3.8哩,已接近山頂。
12:15 登頂James Peak,海拔13,294呎(4, 052公尺),這裡地處落磯山脈大陸分水嶺 ,西邊是Winter Park滑雪勝地;

Taken from the summit of James Peak

Looking northwest at Winter Park from James' summit
北望Indian Peaks和落磯山脈連稜;

Looking north at Rockies from James Peak summit

View to North from James' summit, Longs Peak is in the distance
南邊最近的兩個山頭即是同是13ers的Parry Peak和Mt. Bancroft;

Taken from the summit of James Peak

Looking northwest at Winter Park from James' summit
北望Indian Peaks和落磯山脈連稜;

Looking north at Rockies from James Peak summit

View to North from James' summit, Longs Peak is in the distance
南邊最近的兩個山頭即是同是13ers的Parry Peak和Mt. Bancroft;

View to South from James' summit
我們在山頂一座石頭圍成的避風處(rock shelter)休息午餐。

Taken from the summit of James Peak
我們在山頂一座石頭圍成的避風處(rock shelter)休息午餐。

Taken from the summit of James Peak
14:00 下抵沼澤地區,拍拍野花後續行下山。
14:40 抵達Saint Mary's Glacier頂端,這次我順著冰河下行,因為冰河經過日曬有點鬆軟比較好走了!
15:15 回到Saint Mary's Lake,等全員到齊後再一起下山。
16:00 回到停車場,稍作整裝後下山。