目前分類:美國登山--Trails(步道) (62)

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Looking Northeast from Butler Gulch Trail (1)
Looking Northeast from Butler Gulch Trail 

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Ptarmigan Peak Trailhead (4)
Ptarmigan Peak Trailhead 

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Deer Creek Canyon Park Trailhead (4)

Deer Creek Canyon Park Trailhead

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Taken from Continental Divide Trail
Taken from Continental Divide Trail

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Taken from Eccles Pass (25)
Taken from Eccles Pass 

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View of the Manitou Springs incline from the trailhead
View of the Manitou Springs incline from the trailhead

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Abyss Lake Trailhead 3

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Looking Northwest down to Hells Hole from the summit of Gray Wolf Mountain 1-1
Looking Northwest down to Hells Hole from the summit of Gray Wolf Mountain 

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Taken from the top of “The Chutes”near 10,120', Bard Peak(L) & Engelmann Peak(R) are in the distance (7)

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The trail heads rocky slope through stands of beautiful aspen trees (2)

The rocky slope near South Willow Falls 

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Taken from Colorado Trail, Kenosha Pass (43)

Taken from Colorado Trail, Kenosha Pass 



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Taken from Cheesman Canyon (7)

這個週六華人登山隊計畫走The Gill Trail,這次登山是和Rocky Mountain Chinese Society of Science and Engineer (RMCSSE)聯合辦理,所以參加人數較多,將近有三十人參加。

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Taken from Eccles Pass 1
Taken from Eccles Pass 

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Chautauqua Park
Chautauqua Park

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Angler Mountain Trail (7)

週六跟徐領隊和陳領隊號召的登山隊去攀登Silverthorn附近的Angler Mountain Trail,近兩年不見的陳會計師Tony聰胤兄也趕來同行;陳會計師長期旅居丹佛,專精美國稅務,也喜好登山等戶外活動,他的專屬部落格為~~

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Loveland Pass' summit 1
Loveland Pass' summit 

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Viewing Rocky Mountains from Estes Park
Viewing Rocky Mountains from Estes Park

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Hells Hole trailhead 3

週六(3)與幾位旅居丹佛的台僑去登山,該團體是Tony陳聰胤會計師介紹我參加:當天徐領隊約山友於早上八點鐘在Golden的JEFFCO Courthouse Parking lot集合(100 Jefferson County Pkwy),然後共乘前往Hell’s Hole Trail

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