
Quandary Peak Hiking route


Quandary Peak海拔14,265(4,348公尺),是Tenmile Range(Mosquito Range向北延伸的山脈)最高的一座山,在科羅拉多州14ers中排名第13,位在滑雪勝地Breckenridge西南方約8哩處,它的標準(傳統)登山口East Ridge位在Hoosier Pass北方約1哩的CO 9公路旁,若從丹佛出發不管從I-70州際道路到FriscoCO-9南下,或走US 285公路到Fairplay北上皆90哩左右。此座山若由標準(傳統)登山口East Ridge起登,攀登難度是Class 1,所以是一座很容易親近的14ers


不同角度看Quandary Peak:

 Quandary Peak as seen from CO- 9 near trailhead(南向北望)

 Quandary Peak as seen from CO- 9 near trailhead(南向北望)

 Quandary Peak as seen from From Breckenridge 7 miles south on CO- 9

 Quandary Peak as seen from Hoosiear Pass

 Quandary Peak(R) and N.Star Mt.(L) as seen from Hoosiear Pass

Quandary Peak as seen from Hoosiear Pass


此座山我和山友George200685日 一同去攀爬,當天我們5點從Thornton出發,06:30抵登山口,稍作整裝後於06:35開始攀爬。

06:35 登山口出發,海拔10,850(3,307公尺)。開始是在松林中之字形緩升,偶有廢棄的採礦小路,但沿途有明顯路標,應不致走錯路。

Quandary Peak trailhead 


06:55 上到一稍空曠處,海拔約11,300呎。透空處可南眺North Star Mountain

North Star Mt. from East Ridge trail of Quandary(Lincoln Group is behind)


07:14 抵一平坦空曠處,接近森林線。往西眺整座Quandary呈現眼前,此處海拔約11,600呎。

East Ridge of Quandary

Quandary‘s East Ridge

Taken from East Ridge trail of Quandary

Seen looking SE from East Ridge trail of Quandary

Seen looking SE from East Ridge trail of Quandary, Mt Silverheels in the distance


07:24 出森林線,海拔約12,000呎。步道在Quandary南坡盤旋,Blue Lakes就在左下方,湖的左側即是North Star Mountain。接下來是坡度稍陡的石階路。

Taken from East Ridge trail of Quandary

North Star Mt. from East Ridge trail of Quandary(Lincoln Group is behind)

North Star Mt. and Blue Lakes from the  East Ridge trail of Quandary

East Ridge trail of Quandary

East Ridge of Quandary

The summit of Quandary Peak is barely visible


07:55 步道右上稜線,北眺兩週前去攀登的Grays PeakTorreys Peak雙峰,此處海拔12,800呎。之後步道即在稜線上往西爬升。

Seen looking NE from East Ridge trail of Quandary Grays & Torreys Peak are in the distance

Looking down CO 9 from EastRidge trail of Quandary

Seen looking S from East Ridge trail of Quandary


08:20 抵稜線上一高點,主峰就在正前方約一哩處。登山口至此約走了3.4哩,此時已起霧,主峰看起來真是雲深不知處。

On the homestretch

A closer look at the last 1000 ft. to the summit

Taken from the upper portion of the hike(13,150 ft.)



Looking back down the trail near the summit


09:20 登抵山頂,海拔14,265(4,348公尺) ,山頂蠻熱鬧的。

Looking back down the East Ridge trail of Quandary

On the summit of Quandary peak



Quandary Peak的山頂是一東西向狹長亂石地形,最高點岩石上崁有兩個US Coast & Geodetic Survey Reference Mark(功用如同台灣的三角點)。山頂霧濃,僅隱隱約約看到南邊的North Star Mountain山形,及北邊Tenmile RangePacific PeakAtlantic Peak,其他山頭都隱藏在濃霧中。

Bench-mark on Summit of Quandary peak(14265 ft.)

Looking down on Quandary Peak's West Ridge

A view of the jagged peak edges from the summit of Quandary Peak

Looking north from the summit

Looking north from the summit 


09:50 下山

11: 00 隻Mountain goats出現在陡峭的亂石坡。

Mountain goats on the Quandary's slope

 East Ridge trail of Quandary

 East Ridge trail of Quandary

 Seen looking E from East Ridge trail of Quandary



12:13 回到登山口,來回共花了5小時35分,輕鬆的撿了一座14ers


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