Diamond Lake (8)
Diamond Lake 

The Diamond Lake Trail位在Indian Peaks Wilderness範圍內,登山口是由Arapaho Pass Trail進入,Arapaho Pass Trail的登山口在靠近小鎮NederlandFourth of July Trailhead,該步道走過多次,但真正走到Diamond Lake卻僅一次,因每次去該步道主要是去拍攝該步道特有的野花~ Shooting Star FlowersGlacier Lily和一種少見的野生蘭~ Calypso(仙女拖鞋蘭, Fairy Slipper Orchid),這幾種野花的花期是六月份,而六月份要上到Diamond Lake的步道積雪還蠻厚的,所以每次都半途折返,而今年特地延後上山,當然這三種較罕見野花花期都已過,暫且貼出早期所拍的照片過過癮了。
Shooting star flower (2)
Shooting Star flower (5)
Shooting Star Flowers
Glacier Lily (4)
Glacier Lily (2)
Glacier Lily
Fairy Slipper orchid (6)
Fairy Slipper orchid (3)
Fairy Slipper orchid (2)
Calypso(仙女拖鞋蘭, Fairy Slipper Orchid)

攀登湖泊Diamond Lake (海拔10,955/3,339公尺)
登山口Fourth of July Trailhead(海拔10,136/3,089公尺)
登山里程:約5.5(8. 8公里)
Boulder開車沿CO 119 (Boulder Canyon Road)西南行往Nederland,車抵Nederland後左轉往南沿CO 119(CO 72Peak To Peak )0.5哩右轉,沿County Road 130往小鎮Eldora,過Eldora後再走約5哩的石子路,路盡頭即為Fourth of July Trailhead,備有停車場及廁所。
10:40 登山口(Fourth of July Trailhead)出發,海拔10,121/3,085公尺;
Fourth of July Trailhead 2
Fourth of July Trailhead 

此登山口是因Arapaho Pass Trail上頭有一舊礦場 Fourth of July Mine”因而命名。
Fourth of July Trailhead 1
Fourth of July Trailhead

10:48 倒木前望積雪山頭,海拔10,221/3,115公尺,距登山口0.2哩。
Mountain view from Arapahoe Pass Trail (1)
Mountain view from Arapahoe Pass Trail

11:00 左側遠眺Diamond Lake出水口流瀑,海拔10,390/3,167公尺,距登山口0.4哩。
Overlooking a waterfall that Diamond Lake’s outlet
Overlooking a waterfall that Diamond Lake’s outlet
Monkshood flower
Monkshood flower

11:14 空曠處遠眺積雪山頭,海拔10,555/3,217公尺,距登山口0.8哩。
Mountain view from Arapahoe Pass Trail (2)
Mountain view from Arapahoe Pass Trail
Aspen sunflower
Aspen sunflower

11:15 過一處小溪澗,海拔10,564/3,220公尺,距登山口0.8哩。
Waterfall stream on the Arapaho Pass trail (1)
Waterfall stream on the Arapaho Pass trail

11:23 過一處大溪澗,水量大、踩著墊腳石小心通過,海拔10,645/3,245公尺,距登山口0.9哩。
Waterfall stream on the Arapaho Pass trail (2)
Waterfall stream on the Arapaho Pass trail
Mountain view from Arapahoe Pass Trail (3)
Mountain view from Arapahoe Pass Trail
Wildflowers along the trail (1)
Wildflowers along the trail (2)
Wildflowers along the trail
Early larkspur
Early larkspur

11:33 抵達Arapaho Pass TrailDiamond Lake Trail岔路,右岔續行為Arapaho Pass Trail,取左岔Diamond Lake Trail下行,此處海拔10,729/3,270公尺,距登山口1.1哩。
Diamond Lake & Arapahoe Pass Trail junction
Diamond Lake & Arapahoe Pass Trail junction
Indian Paintbrush flowers
Indian Paintbrush flowers
Blue Columbine (1)
Blue Columbine (3)
Blue Columbine

11:59 下抵North Fork Middle Boulder Creek,此處右上方有一處大流瀑,海拔約10,591/3,228公尺,距登山口1.6哩;
Waterfall on the North Fork Middle Boulder Creek (1)
Waterfall on the North Fork Middle Boulder Creek (2)
Waterfall on the North Fork Middle Boulder Creek (3)
Waterfall on the North Fork Middle Boulder Creek
Perry Primrose
Perry Primrose

The log bridge  across the North Fork Middle Boulder Creek
The log bridge  across the North Fork Middle Boulder Creek

12:03 又過一小溪澗,海拔10,671/3,253公尺,距登山口1.9哩,過此小溪澗後步道開始在森林中盤旋爬升。
Picture (82)
American Globeflower
American Globeflower

12:25 抵達Diamond Lake前大草原,海拔10,935/3,333公尺,距登山口2.55哩,大草原野花盛開。
A large meadow Before Diamond Lake
A large meadow Before Diamond Lake
Elephant Head Flower (1)
Elephant Head Flower (2)
Elephant Head Flower (3)
Elephant Head Flower

12:27 抵達Diamond LakeDiamond Lake TrailDevil’s Thumb Trail岔路,海拔10,943/3,335公尺,距登山口2.6哩;
Devils Thumb Trail junction
Devils Thumb Trail junction

左往Diamond Lake TrailDevil’s Thumb Trail,取右往Diamond Lake
12:30 抵達Diamond Lake,海拔10,955/3,339公尺,距登山口2.7哩。
Diamond Lake (2)
Diamond Lake (3)
Diamond Lake (4)
Diamond Lake (5)
Diamond Lake (6)
Diamond Lake (7)
Diamond Lake (9)
Diamond Lake (10)
Diamond Lake (11)
Diamond Lake (1)
Diamond Lake
Outlet of Diamond 1
Outlet of Diamond

Anticlea elegans (the mountain death camas) (2)
Anticlea elegans (the mountain death camas) (1)
Anticlea elegans (the mountain death camas) 

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