Red Rocks Park

Seven Ladders Rock

 Seven Ladders Rock

Red Rocks Park沿著洛磯山脈東側,位於丹佛西方15哩的Morrison北側,海拔6200(1890公尺) ,因其佔地868英畝內處處聳立著23百英尺的紅色砂岩而得名。如果說 Garden of the Gods 是個婀娜多姿的少女,那麼 Red Rocks Park 就是一位粗獷狂野的壯漢。

Visitor Center

Visitor Center

Red Rocks Park內最有名的是天然的露天劇場(open-air amphitheater),該劇場開始建造於1936年,完成於1941年,劇場完全依天然地形而建。在劇場兩側分別為所謂的南牆(south wall-- Ship Rock)和北牆(north wall-- Creation Rock)圍繞,Ship Rock原稱Titanic rock,而在舞台後面的大岩石則稱為Stage Rock,這三座天然的巨石都高達2、3百英尺

Amphitheatre& Mt.Morrison (2)


Amphitheatre& Mt.Morrison

Amphitheatre& Mt.Morrison

Amphitheatre. (Built in the 1930s, this historical landmark could suffer from RF interference o

劇院舞台(背後為Stage Rock)

俯瞰劇院(The Ampitheatre)


俯瞰劇院(左後遠方為Denver down)

俯瞰劇院(左後遠方為Denver down)


The Ampitheatre 4

Terraces(seats)of Amphitheatre

Terraces(seats)of Amphitheatre (可容納10000人)

Terraces(seats)of Amphitheatre 1

Terraces(seats)of Amphitheatre (可容納10000人)--後方為south wall--Ship Rock

Terraces(seats)of Amphitheatre (可容納10000人)--後方為south wall--Ship Rock

Terraces(seats)of Amphitheatre (2)

 Terraces(seats)of Amphitheatre (後方為north wall--Creation Rock)

Amphitheatre(From Top Circle Lot) 1

north(L) & south(R) wall of the Ampitheatre

Amphitheatre(From Top Circle Lot)

 Amphitheatre(From Top Circle Lot)

Ship Rock(L) & Creation Rock(R)

Ship Rock(L) & Creation Rock(R)

The  north wall of the Ampitheatre(Creation Rock)

 The  north wall of the Ampitheatre(Creation Rock) North wall of the Ampitheatre(Creation Rock) (2)

The  north wall of the Ampitheatre(Creation Rock)

North wall of the Ampitheatre(Creation Rock)

 The  north wall of the Ampitheatre(Creation Rock)

The  north wall of the Ampitheatre(Creation Rock)3

 The  north wall of the Ampitheatre(Creation Rock)

The  north wall of the Ampitheatre(Creation Rock) (2)

 The  north wall of the Ampitheatre(Creation Rock)

The  south wall of the Ampitheatre(Ship Rock,faces north)

 The  south wall of the Ampitheatre(Ship Rock,faces north)

The view of the south wall of the Ampitheatre(Ship Rock)

 The  south wall of the Ampitheatre(Ship Rock,faces east)

The  south wall of the Ampitheatre(Ship Rock,faces south)

 The  south wall of the Ampitheatre(Ship Rock,faces south)



Red Rocks Park擁有廣大的視野可遠眺丹佛市區和週遭200哩的廣大平原在晴朗的天氣裡,遠在45哩外的丹佛國際機場的帳棚式天幕依然清晰可見。

Dinosaur Ridge (遠後方為丹佛市區)

Dinosaur Ridge (遠後方為丹佛市區)


View of Morrison from Red Rocks Park

View of Morrison from Red Rocks Park

Overlooking Red Rocks Park

Overlooking Red Rocks Park




Nine Parks Rock

 Nine Parks Rock(faces east )

Nine Parks Rock(faces west )

 Nine Parks Rock(faces west )

Help me!!


Picnic Rock & Frog Rock(R) 2

Picnic Rock & Frog Rock(R)

Sinking Titanic Rock(下沉的鐵達尼)

 Sinking Titanic Rock(下沉的鐵達尼)

Iceberg Rock

 Sinking Titanic Rock

Visitor Center,Creation Rock (L) & Ship Rock(R)

 Visitor Center,Creation Rock (L) & Ship Rock(R)

Looking down the visitor center

 Looking down the visitor center

Ship Rock(L) & Nine Parks Rock(R)

 Ship Rock(L) & Nine Parks Rock(R)

Ship Rock(L) & Nine Parks Rock(R) 1

 Ship Rock(L) & Nine Parks Rock(R)

Red Rock


Unnamed rock

Unnamed rock

There are some fantastic trees scattered in the park

There are some fantastic trees scattered in the park

Unnamed rock1

Unnamed rock

Unnamed rock2

Unnamed rock

Unnamed rock3

Unnamed rock


Red rock in the park

Red rock in the parkIceberg,Sinking Titanic,Sphinx Rock(left to right)

Iceberg,Sinking Titanic,Sphinx Rock(left to right)

Unnamed rock4

Unnamed rock

Red rock & wildfflower  in the park

Red rock & wildfflower  in the park

Red Rock (2)

Red rock

Frog Rock(L) &  Cave Rock

 Frog Rock(L) &  Cave Rock 

Icicle (Taken at Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre)

 Icicle (Taken at Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre)

Looking down the Cave Rock

 Looking down the Cave Rock

Looking down the Seven Ladders Rock

 Looking down the Seven Ladders Rock

Trading Post (built in 1931)

Trading Post (built in 1931)


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