Mount Evans road (Hwy 5) 17

Mt. Evans 標高 14,264 ( 4,347公尺 ),是科羅拉多州14ers中兩座可以開車上山的14ers(Pikes Peak & Mount Evans)之一,Mount Evans Scenic Byway即是通往山頂的景觀道路。



由丹佛沿70號州際公路向西行,車行約30哩由 Idaho Springs Exit 240 下高速公路,Idaho Springs(8,700) 開始通到Mount Evans(14,130)山頂,長達28哩。該路可分兩段:第一段從Idaho springs Echo Lake103號公路,長14哩,全年開放;

Aspen in Fall, Mount Evans Scenic Byway 1Aspen in Fall, Mount Evans Scenic Byway 2
Aspen in Fall, Mount Evans Scenic Byway 3
Aspen in Fall, Mount Evans Scenic Byway 4
Aspen in Fall, Mount Evans Scenic Byway 5
Aspen in Fall, Mount Evans Scenic Byway 6
Aspen in Fall, Mount Evans Scenic Byway 7

Aspen in Fall, Mount Evans Scenic Byway 8

Aspen in Fall, Mount Evans Scenic Byway 9
Aspen in Fall, Mount Evans Scenic Byway 10
CO 103公路景觀


第二段從Echo Lake到山頂的14哩長的5號道路,從每年的Memorial day 開放到Labor day,但若天候不良如大雪、強風、路面結冰等狀況下,縱使是夏天,5號道路也是封閉或只開放到 Summit lake(距山頂上有5哩路)

19世紀末丹佛和科泉市( Colorado Springs)在觀光上競爭,以吸引東部的遊客。1888年科泉市完成直達Pikes Peak山頂的長達16哩道路後,從丹佛地區吸引大量旅客,促使丹佛市長Speer提議興建通達 Mount Evans山頂的道路。該道路開始興建於1917年,而於1927年完成。目前該道路從收費站到山頂停車場(14130)14哩路都已鋪設柏油路面,是北美最高的已鋪設路面的汽車道路。

Sunrise as seen from Summit lake 4

日出(From Mount Evans Scenic Byway)

Dawn on Denver as seen from Summit lake

丹佛市區(From Mount Evans Scenic Byway)

It's almost dawn 2

晨曦(From Mount Evans Scenic Byway)

Overlook the zigzag road from summit 1

The road lead to sky(CO HWY 5) 5

Mount Evans road (Hwy 5) 23

Mount Evans road (Hwy 5) 11

Mount Evans road (Hwy 5) 10

Mount Evans road (Hwy 5) 22

Mount Evans road (Hwy 5) 2


Mount Evans road (Hwy 5) 16

Mount Evans road (Hwy 5) 19 

Mount Evans Scenic Byway



Echo Lake

位在Mount Evans 收費站北方103公路旁,在湖的北端湖邊是野餐區,環湖步道大約3/4哩,是散步的好地方。Echo lake 1

Echo lake 2

Echo lake


Mount Goliath Natural Area—

就在你往山頂的路旁,介於亞高山帶森林和苔原帶之間,此區有很多松樹(bristlecone pine ),有些樹齡超過1600年,此區也以多鳴鳥和野花著名。

bristlecone pine, Mount Goliath Natural Area

Mount Goliath Nutural Area 8

Mount Goliath Nutural Area 3

Mount Goliath Nutural Area

Lincoln Lake

位在Roger Peak 東邊道路下方800呎的峽谷下,開車路過即可俯瞰整個湖面,也常在路旁發現MarmotsMountain Goats Big Hornsheep 的蹤跡。

Lincoln Lake(located 800 feet below the road on the east sid

Lincoln Lake(located 800 feet below the road on the east side

Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep 3

Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep 2

Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep along the way


Marmot 4


mountain goats 10

hunter 2



Summit Lake

Summit Lake(12830/3911公尺) 是一個很美的高山湖,湖邊被Mount Evans Mount Spalding的岩石山脊和峭壁圍繞著,這些山脊和峭壁突出湖面超過1000呎。

Sunrise on Mount Evans 6

Sunrise on Mount Evans 3

Sunrise on Mount Evans

Mount Evans (From Hwy 5 near summit lake) 5

Summit lake

Mount Evans from Summit lake

Mount Evans (From Hwy 5 near summit lake)

Mt. Spaulding from the Summit Lake area 1

Summit lake 3

Summit lake 5

Summit lake 18

Summit Lake

Mountain goats 4



湖東邊一大片Summit Lake Flats是美國阿拉斯加以外唯一著名的永久凍原地帶 。

Summit lake outlet 1

Summit Lake Flats

Chicago Basin

Summit Lake停車場走1/4哩到Chicago Basin overlook,俯瞰Chicago Basin是很壯觀的。

Looking into the Chicago Lakes basin from the Chicago lakes

Looking into the Chicago Lakes basin from the Summit Lake

Abyss Lake

Summit Lake Summit Parking area途中一個大轉彎處,即可看到Abyss Lake躺臥在山谷中。若時間充裕,亦可Hiking到湖邊,那兒有很多鱒魚。

Mt Bierstadt and Abyss Lake from Mt Evans

Abyss Lake

Mt. Bierstadt seen from Hwy 5

Mt. Bierstadt seen from Hwy



Summit Parking Lot (14130)—

在此可以一覽洛磯山脈壯麗的景觀;往北可遠眺洛磯山國家公園的Longs Peak,往南可看到位在Colorado Springs 市郊的Pikes Peak。聽說在晴朗的天氣甚至可看到堪薩斯州呢!真是難以置信。

Summit of Mount Evans(From parking lot)

Summit Parking Lot  1

Mount Evans' summit from parking lot

Summit Parking Lot 

Seen looking N from Summit parking lot 2

Seen looking N from Summit parking lot

Summit of Mount Evans

Mount Evans' summit from parking lot


從停車場往上走1/4哩即可抵達Mount Evans 的山頂,輕鬆檢得一顆14ers,比台灣檢百岳石門山還輕鬆,然後你可驕傲的向你朋友炫耀“我在假日爬了一座14ers!”
在停車場四週或山頂上常可看到Mountain Goats的蹤跡。

Mountain goats(Mt. Evans) 4

Mountain goats(Mt. Evans) 6


mountain goats 24

Mountain goats




Meyr Womble observatory(Elev. 14125 ft.) 1


Meyr Womble observatory(Elev. 14125 ft.)



The Crest House –

天空中的城堡Edwin Francis建築師所設計,興建於19391941年,當時是世界上最高的建築(海拔14260/ 4346公尺 ) ,原是販賣紀念品和餐飲的地方,遊客在此一邊享用美食,一邊欣賞丹佛市區和東方大平原,是最吸引遊客的地方。該建築在197991日 的一場大火整棟建築物付之一炬,直到1992Arapaho National Forest 重新整理遺跡,將殘餘的Crest House 整修為觀景平台,成為今日遊客沉思憑弔的地方。


The Crest House -- The Castle in the Sky 1

 The Crest House -- The Castle in the Sky 2


The Crest House -- The Castle in the Sky


Mount Evans Summit —

站在14264呎的Mount Evans山頂往西看,左邊最近一座山是 Mount Bierstadt (14,060) ,而 Gray's Peak (14,270) Torrey's Peak (14,267)在正前方,這些都是科羅拉多有名的14ers

Mount Evans Summit 2
Mount Evans Summit 1


On the Mount Evans Summit

A good view of Mt Evans west and false summit(from Mt Evans


A good view of Mt Evans west and false summit

Mt. of the Holy Cross as viewed from Mount Evans

 Mt. of the Holy Cross as viewed from Mount Evans 



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