
Mt. Meeker from 7 HWY 3
Mt. Meeker from 7 HWY 

昨天和家人本來要進去落磯山國家公園走一趟Trail Ridge Road,該條高山公路往年都是在The Memorial Day假期前開放通行,但出發前上網一查才得知由於上週在落磯山國家公園的暴風雪,導致Trail Ridge Road的開放將延遲,不會在The Memorial Day假期開放,因此臨時改變行程到國家公園的Wild Basin Area走走Ouzel Falls Trail

步道名稱Ouzel Falls Trail (Wild Basin Area)
登山口Wild Basin Trailhead(海拔約8,500呎/2,591公尺)
步道終點Ouzel Falls (海拔9,460呎/2,883公尺)
Hot Air Balloon
Hot Air Balloon
Mt. Meeker from 7 HWY 1
Mt. Meeker from 7 HWY 2
Mt. Meeker from 7 HWY

Ouzel Falls Trail位在落磯山國家公園東南隅的另一個分離的園區Wild Basin內,該登山口在Estes Park南邊約15哩、Allenspark北邊約4哩的7號公路西側,由該登山口起登可到多處的高山湖、瀑布和高山,每到夏天遊客絡繹不絕,停車場往往車滿為患,所以夏天、尤其是假日到此登山口還是早點出門為妙!
Wild Basin parking lot
Wild Basin parking lot
Wild Basin Trailhead
Wild Basin Trailhead

Copeland Lake--海拔8,300 呎(2,530公尺)
Mount Copeland reflects on Copeland Lake 2
Mount Copeland reflects on Copeland Lake 2

Wild Basin Trailhead--海拔8,500 呎(2,591公尺)

Ouzel Falls Trail 1
Ouzel Falls Trail 

Copeland Falls--分Lower Copeland Falls和Upper Copeland Falls兩處,距離登山口約0.3 哩,爬升高度約15 呎。

Lower Copeland Falls
Lower Copeland Falls
Upper Copeland Falls 1
Upper Copeland Falls 2
Upper Copeland Falls
Ouzel Falls Trail 2
Ouzel Falls Trail
The creek along the trail 1
The creek along the trail
The creek along the trail 2
The creek along the trail
Jacob on the bridge
Jacob on the bridge
Ouzel Falls Trail 3
Ouzel Falls Trail
Ouzel Falls Trail 4
Ouzel Falls Trail 5
Ouzel Falls Trail

Calypso Cascades--海拔約9,200呎(2,804公尺),距離登山口約1.8 哩(2.88公尺),爬升高度約700 呎。
Calypso Cascades
Calypso Cascades
Ouzel Falls Trail 7
Ouzel Falls Trail 6
Ouzel Falls Trail 8
Ouzel Falls Trail
Longs Peak (L) & Mt. Meeker (R) from Wild Basin
Longs Peak (L) & Mt. Meeker (R) from Wild Basin
making a face
making a face
take a rest
take a rest

Ouzel Falls--海拔約9,460呎(2,883公尺),距離登山口約2.7 哩(4-32公尺),爬升高度約960 呎。
Ouzel Falls 2
Ouzel Falls 1
Ouzel Falls
Ouzel Falls 3
Ouzel Falls 5
Ouzel Falls 4
Ouzel Falls 
New wood bridge across the creek below Ouzel Falls
New wood bridge across the creek below Ouzel Falls
Jacob on the bridge below Ouzel Falls
Jacob on the bridge below Ouzel Falls

此行除了健行外尚有一個期待,希望能不能找到此步道特有的野生蘭—Calypso orchid (Fairy Slipper Orchid)-- 仙女拖鞋蘭,依據往年經驗此稀有物種是在5~6月開花,但今年因為融雪較晚,相對的影響到Fairy Slipper Orchid的花期,祖孫倆努力尋找全程才找到一株,盛開期估計要再半個月左右!
Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper Orchid) (13)
Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper Orchid) (4)
Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper Orchid) 
Early Larkspur 2Early Larkspur 1
Early LarkspurBlue virgin's bower (4)Blue virgin's bower (2)Blue virgin's bower (1)
Blue virgin's bower 

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