Hells Hole trailhead 3

週六(3)與幾位旅居丹佛的台僑去登山,該團體是Tony陳聰胤會計師介紹我參加:當天徐領隊約山友於早上八點鐘在Golden的JEFFCO Courthouse Parking lot集合(100 Jefferson County Pkwy),然後共乘前往Hell’s Hole Trail
Jefferson County Courthouse in Golden
Jefferson County Courthouse in Golden

Hell’s Hole Trail登山口位在Idaho Springs西南邊約10哩處的West Chicago Creek Campground旁,步道全長約4.1哩,爬升高度約2000(610公尺)左右,算是一條蠻平易近人的登山步道,我三年前曾單獨去攀登過(Hell's Hole Trail登山健行(2014.08.11));步道前段一哩左右是白楊木(Aspen)林,中段兩哩多則在松林間穿行,不到一哩路則是漫遊在Gray Wolf Mountain山腳下的河谷中,步道終點是一大片草原及柳樹叢(Willow grove),終點附近西側山坡有一片Bristlecone pines,東側河谷則有一稱為Hells Hole Tarn的河中小湖,看地圖真正的Hells Hole應該是介於Gray Wolf Mountain12,988峰間的山谷,但因該處無步道抵達,所以一般登山客都只抵達步道終點處的大草原。
此趟登山由於積雪未退,我們勉強走到三哩多要下切到Gray Wolf Mountain山腳下的河谷中時路徑已很難找,加上天空烏雲漸起,為安全起見徐領隊乃宣布下撤,全員於下午兩點二十分安全返抵登山口。
登山步道:Hell’s Hole Trail
登山口:Hell’s Hole Trailhead(海拔9,700/2,957公尺)
步道終點:Hell’s Hole tarn(海拔11,572/3,527公尺)
步道全長:8.2/13.12公里(round trip)
由JEFFCO Courthouse Parking lot開車上I-70州際公路西行,約20.3哩後在Idaho SpringsExit 240出口左轉西南行即為Mount Evans Scenic Byway(CO 103)公路,沿CO 103公路行約6.5哩後在一急左轉彎處右岔改走West Chicago Creek Road

West Chicago Creek Road
West Chicago Creek Road
Sugarloft Peak  as seen from West Chicago Creek Road
Sugarloft Peak  as seen from West Chicago Creek Road

此路為有點顛簸之土石路,約3哩後抵達West Chicago Creek Campground旁的行車終點停車場,此為Hell’s Hole Trailhead停車場。

Hells Hole trailhead parking lot
Hells Hole trailhead parking lot


Hells Hole trailhead 1
Hells Hole trailhead 
Hells Hole trailhead 2
Hells Hole trailhead 3
Hells Hole trailhead出發前合照


Into the Aspen Grove 1

Into the Aspen Grove 2
Into the Aspen Grove 

09:17 經過小溪,兩根大樹幹為橋,距登山口約0.45哩,步道開始變陡。

Crossing the creek
Crossing the creek

Into the Aspen Grove 3
Into the Aspen Grove 

09:40 經過界牌,進入“Mount Evans Wilderness”範圍,距登山口約0.95哩,此地已脫離白楊木林範圍進入松林區。

Permit station
Permit station

09:50 上抵稜線,林間透空處西眺Sugarloft Peak那金字塔狀山頂。

Hells Hole trail 1
Out of the Woods
Out of the Woods
Hells Hole trail 4
Hells Hole trail 5
Hells Hole trail 
Sugarloaf Peak as seen from West Chicago Creek 1

Sugarloaf Peak as seen from West Chicago Creek 
Hells Hole trail 3
Hells Hole trail 


Hells Hole trail 2
Hells Hole trail 
Trail is covered with snow 1
Trail is covered with snow 6
Trail is covered with snow 7
Trail is covered with snow 3
Trail is covered with snow 4
Trail is covered with snow 5
Trail is covered with snow 
Sugarloaf Peak as seen from West Chicago Creek 2
Sugarloaf Peak as seen from West Chicago Creek 
Trail is covered with snow 2
Pasque Flower 1
Pasque Flower 2
Pasque Flower 
Trail is covered with snow 8
Trail is covered with snow 

12:15 當行至里程約3.5哩處步道要下切到Gray Wolf Mountain山腳下的河谷中時路徑已很難找,加上天空烏雲漸起,為安全起見徐領隊乃宣布下撤。
Trail is covered with snow 9
Gray Wolf Mountain(L) as seen from West Chicago Creek Trail
Gray Wolf Mountain(L) as seen from West Chicago Creek Trail
Hells Hole trail 6
Taken on the Hells Hole Trail 1
Taken on the Hells Hole Trail 2
Taken on the Hells Hole Trail 

14:20 全員於下午兩點二十分安全返抵登山口,然後搭原車下山。
Hells Hole trail 7Trail is covered with snow 11Trail is covered with snow 10Mountain view from Hells Hole Trail
Mountain view from Hells Hole Trail

★    行車路線圖(DenverHells Hole Trailhead)

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