Lake Estes 1
Lake Estes

今天偕同太座進去國家公園走走,挑一條輕鬆路線~~ Emerald lake Trail,該路線已走過無數次,秋高氣爽,遊客蠻多的!


登山步道:Emerald lake Trail




Bear lake~海拔9,475呎(2,888公尺)

Nymph Lake~~海拔9,700呎(2,957公尺)

Dream Lake~~海拔9,900呎(3,018公尺)

Emerald lake~~海拔10,080呎(3,072公尺)


經過小鎮Estes Park前的Lake Estes風平浪靜,倒影蠻美的!

Lake Estes:海拔7,522呎(2,293公尺)
Lake Estes (2)
Lake Estes (3)
Lake Estes (1)
Lake Estes (4)
Lake Estes

Bear Lake:海拔9,450呎( 2,880公尺)
Bear Lake Ranger Station & Shuttle Bus stop 2
Bear Lake Ranger Station & Shuttle Bus stop
Hallett Peak & Flattop Mountain from Bear Lake parking lot
Hallett Peak & Flattop Mountain from Bear Lake parking lot
Bear Lake (5)
Bear Lake (3)
Bear Lake (4)
Bear Lake

Nymph Lake :海拔9,675呎(2,949公尺),距離Bear Lake 0.5哩,爬升高度225呎。
Nymph Lake (1)
Nymph Lake (4)
Nymph Lake (2)
Nymph Lake (3)
Nymph Lake

Dream Lake:海拔9,875呎(3,010公尺),距離Nymph Lake 0.6哩,爬升高度200呎。
Dream Lake Trail 2
Dream Lake Trail 1
Dream Lake Trail
Longs Peak from Dream Lake Trail 3
Longs Peak from Dream Lake Trail
Dream Lake (8)
Dream Lake (1)
Dream Lake (11)
Dream Lake (4)
Dream Lake (6)
Dream Lake (9)
Dream Lake (10)
Dream Lake (3)
Dream Lake (7)
Dream Lake

Emerald Lake:海拔10,055呎(3,065公尺),距離Dream Lake 0.7哩,爬升高度180呎。
Cascade along the trail (4)
Cascade along the trail (3)
Cascade along the trail (7)
Cascade along the trail (8)
Cascade along the trail (2)
Cascade along the trail
Picture 097
Hallett Peak stood behind Emerald Lake
Hallett Peak stood behind Emerald Lake
Emerald Lake (1)
Emerald Lake (4)
Emerald Lake (5)
Emerald Lake (6)
Emerald Lake (2)
Emerald Lake
Chipmunk 1
Chipmunk 2

下山時車行過小鎮Estes Park不遠在路旁發現三頭鴕鹿(moose),應該是一家三口(父、母、子),這是我第一次看到的景象;要看到鴕鹿(moose)的機會不多,以前看過幾次都僅看到一頭或兩頭,今天的全家出遊還是首見!
Moose (3)
Moose (8)
Moose (5)
Moose (7)
Moose (6)
Moose (1)
Moose (2)
Moose (4)
Moose at Rocky Mountain National Park

    創作者 edjimy 的頭像


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