
Herman Lake 6
Herman Lake 

今天參加華人登山隊去攀登Herman GulchHerman Lake,該湖前年才和貝貝去攀登過,當時我又單獨攀登湖後的13ers~Pettingell Peak,今天貝貝忙作業無法同行,僅我一人趕到Golden集合地點供程前往登山口。

Herman Lake位在小鎮Bakerville北邊Herman Gulch上游Pettingell Peak山腳下一處開闊的苔原台地上,正在大陸分水嶺下方,Herman Gulch Trail是一條老少咸宜很容易親近的步道,有人稱他是“urbanite(都市人)”步道,所以假日時登山客蠻多的。

攀登湖泊:Herman Lake,海拔11,987呎(3,654公尺)

登山口:Herman Gulch Trailhead(海拔10,300呎 / 3,139公尺)





由丹佛沿I-70州際公路西行,然後在Exit 218出口下交流道,隨即右後轉彎行駛一條兩三百呎的石子路即抵達Herman Gulch Trailhead,登山口有一處蠻大的停車場,登山口就在停車場的北邊中間位置,此登山口是Herman Gulch Trail和Watrous Gulch Trail共用登山口。


09:10 登山口出發;
Herman Gulch Trailhead (1)
Herman Gulch Trailhead 
Herman Gulch Trailhead (5)
Herman Gulch Trailhead

由登山口小亭旁沿Watrous Gulch Trail往東前進;
Herman Gulch Trailhead (3)
Herman Gulch Trailhead 

09:12遇Herman Gulch Trail和Watrous Gulch Trail岔路,海拔10,376呎(3,163公尺),距登山口約900呎(274公尺);
Herman Gulch Trail & Watrous Gulch Trail junction 2
Herman Gulch Trail & Watrous Gulch Trail junction 

取左上朝西北往Herman Lake。

這一段上坡路段較為陡峭,地面小砂石也較為鬆散,小徑還算寬敞,左側山谷下是Herman Gulch Creek,兩側白楊木(Aspen)葉子少數開始轉黃,估計葉子變色盛期約再三個禮拜;
Aspen leaves are turning yellow 3
Aspen leaves are turning yellow 1
Aspen leaves are turning yellow 

沿途正前方是海拔3,872公尺的Mount Bethel;
Herman Lake Trail (1)
Herman Lake Trail 

左邊越過I-70州際公路看到的則是海拔4,034公尺的Mount Sniktau。
Mount Sniktau as seen from Herman Gulch Trail 1
Mount Sniktau as seen from Herman Gulch Trail

Herman Lake Trail (3)
Herman Lake Trail

09:29 陡坡結束,出現小片草原,視野豁然開闊。
Mount Sniktau as seen from Herman Gulch Trail 3
Mount Sniktau as seen from Herman Gulch Trail

09:47 眼前出現大片草原,海拔約10,940呎(3,335公尺),距登山口約1.05 哩(1.68公里),大陸分水嶺巨龍似的橫亙在前方遠處,大陸分水嶺中央山頭是海拔13,553呎(4,131公尺)的Pettingell Peak。
Pentingell Peak from Herman Gulch Trail 2
Pentingell Peak from Herman Gulch Trail 4
Pentingell Peak from Herman Gulch Trail
A close up view of Pettingell Peak. Herman Lake sits at the base of the peak 2
A close up view of Pettingell Peak. Herman Lake sits at the base of the peak 3
A close up view of Pettingell Peak. Herman Lake sits at the base of the peak
Facing southeast from Herman Lake trail, Torreys Peak and the Kelso Ridge in the distance 3
Look back down valley to see Torreys Peak and the Kelso Ridge from the trail 1-1
Look back down valley to see Torreys Peak and the Kelso Ridge from the trail

10:01 步道穿過幾處松林後又出現一處大草原,海拔約11,288呎(3,441公尺),距登山口約2.0 哩(3.2公里);
Herman Lake Trail (4)
Herman Lake Trail (5)
Herman Lake Trail 

10:30 步道再轉為陡升,此段陡升坡約有超過半哩路。
Herman Lake Trail (8)
Herman Lake Trail (11)
Herman Lake Trail (12)
Herman Lake Trail

10:47 抵達Herman Lake和Jones Pass Trail 岔路,此處海拔約11,838呎(3,608公尺),距登山口約2.85 哩(4.56公里);
Tony on the junction of Herman Lake & Jones Pass Trail
Tony on the junction of Herman Lake & Jones Pass Trail
Herman Lake & Jones Pass Trail junction 1
Herman Lake & Jones Pass Trail junction

取左往Herman Lake,步道進入高山地形上升一段路後上抵寬闊的苔原地帶;
The final pitch to the level of the lake
The final approach to Herman Lake 1
The final approach to Herman Lake
Hiking up the gulch with wonderful views of The Citadel (13,294') 3
Hiking up the gulch with wonderful views of The Citadel (13,294') 1
Hiking up the gulch with wonderful views of The Citadel (13,294') 
Wildflowers along the trail 2
Wildflowers along the trail 1
Wildflowers along the trail 3
Wildflowers along the trail 4
Wildflowers along the trail

步道續往西北朝Pettingell Peak山腳下前進。
The trail leveled off in the tundra as near Herman Lake 1
The trail leveled off in the tundra as near Herman Lake
On the trail up Herman Lake, looking back down on the Herman Gulch 1
On the trail up Herman Lake, looking back down on the Herman Gulch
Looking southeast at Mount Bethel (12,705') from a knoll above Herman Lake (4)
Looking southeast at Mount Bethel (12,705') from a knoll above Herman Lake
Facing east from Herman Lake trail, Mount Parnassus in the distance 1
Looking down onto Herman Gulch from the trail 1-1
Facing east from Herman Lake trail, Mount Parnassus in the distance

11:00 抵達Herman Lake,海拔11,987呎(3,654公尺),距登山口約3.25哩(5.2公里);
Herman Lake 2Herman Lake 4
Herman Lake 7
Herman Lake 

Herman Lake位在海拔13,553呎(4,131公尺)的Pettingell Peak山腳下,湖面不大,湖岸都是大小石塊,我們各自找岩石在上面休息用餐!
Me on the Herman Lake 1
Me on the Herman Lake 3
Me on the Herman Lake
Taken from Herman Lake 4
Taken from Herman Lake 2
Taken from Herman Lake 1
Taken from Herman Lake 3
Taken from Herman Lake 7
Taken from Herman Lake 9
Taken from Herman Lake 8
Taken from Herman Lake

11:30 有些山友晚上有事趕著下山,而另一領隊品菁女士陪著另一山友李安女士一直未上來,我是搭品菁女士的便車因不確知她們是否要上山,所以也跟著山友一起下山;當行約0.5哩過了Herman Lake和Jones Pass Trail 岔路後遇上了她們兩位正要上山,我又陪她們上到Herman Lake,在湖邊休息了半個多小時才下山。
Taken from the trail near 11,838'
Taken from the trail near 11,838'
Taken from Herman Lake 5
Taken from Herman Lake 6
Taken from Herman Lake
Fringed Gentian
Fringed Gentian
Mountain gentian (2)
Mountain gentian (1)
Mountain gentian
Alpine Sunflower (Old man of the mountain)
Alpine Sunflower (Old man of the mountain)

14:30 回到登山口,搭品菁女士的便車回Golden,沿途I-70州際公路對向的車陣像條長龍,下禮拜一是Labor Day,Long weekend老美幾乎都往山上跑,不知他們要塞到何時才能抵達目的地,還好我們下山這向不塞車,很快抵達Golden後各自開車回家!

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