Coyote Song Trailhead (3)
Coyote Song Trailhead  

今天登山隊本來預定前往Deer Creek Canyon ParkPlymouth Creek trail,抵達公園時才知因前幾天下雪公園封閉,改往鄰近South Valley Park走一條簡易的步道!

登山步道Coyote Song Trail Loop
登山口South Valley Park South Trailhead,海拔5,709/1,740公尺
Golden沿CO-470 EColorado Springs南行,行約12哩後從Kipling Pkwy出口下交流道,下交流道後右轉沿S Kipling Pkwy南行約420呎隨即向右轉沿W Ute Ave西行,行約0.6哩後從W Ute Ave靠左行駛,進入S Owens St0.2哩後接著走W Deer Creek Canyon Rd一路西南行,行約1.1哩抵達South Valley Park South Trailhead,登山口在道路右側。
08:45 South Valley Park South Trailhead沿著Coyote Song Trail朝北出發,海拔5,709/1,740公尺;
Coyote Song Trailhead (2)
Coyote Song Trailhead 

Coyote Song Trail (1)
Coyote Song Trail (6)
Coyote Song Trail
South Valley Park裡分布著大小不一的紅色砂岩,這種砂岩同樣出現在猶他州、科羅拉多州,在丹佛附近出現最壯觀的是Garden of the GodsRed Rocks Park,這裡的紅色砂岩跟上述兩處比起來算是小巫見大巫,但也蠻有可看性的。
Coyote Song Trail (5)
Coyote Song Trail (9)
Coyote Song Trail (14)
Coyote Song Trail (17)
Coyote Song Trail (19)
Coyote Song Trail (20)
Coyote Song Trail (21)
Coyote Song Trail (23)
Hiking on South Valley Park, Colorado (By Charlie) (14)
Coyote Song Trail (27)
Coyote Song Trail (32)
Coyote Song Trail
Looking west at Lockheed Martin Corporation from Coyote Song Trail (5)
Looking west at Lockheed Martin Corporation from Coyote Song Trail (3)
Looking west at Lockheed Martin Corporation from Coyote Song Trail (2)
Looking west at Lockheed Martin Corporation from Coyote Song Trail
09:00 抵達Coyote Song Trail Prairie Falcon Trail岔路,海拔5,856/1,785公尺,距登山口0.4哩;
Coyote Song Trail (34)
Coyote Song Trail 、Prairie Falcon Trail junction

左岔為Prairie Falcon Trail,右岔直行為Coyote Song Trail,取右直行。
Coyote Song Trail (41)
Hiking on South Valley Park, Colorado (By Charlie) (1)
Coyote Song Trail (46)
Coyote Song Trail
09:13 抵達Coyote Song Trail Lyons Back Trail 岔路,海拔5,942/1,811公尺,距登山口0.8哩;
Coyote Song Trail 、Lyons Back Trail junction (3)
Coyote Song Trail 、Lyons Back Trail junction

左岔直行為Coyote Song Trail,右岔上山為Lyons Back Trail,取右岔Lyons Back Trail上山。
09:15 抵稜線下一制高點,有良好的展望,海拔5,974/1,821公尺,距登山口0.87哩。
Looking west at Lockheed Martin Corporation from Lyons Back Trail (2)
Looking west at Lockheed Martin Corporation from Lyons Back Trail
Lyons Back Trail (13)
Lyons Back Trail (20)
Lyons Back Trail (21)
Lyons Back Trail (28)
Lyons Back Trail (29)
Lyons Back Trail
09:24 抵一”T”字步道Columbine Trail,海拔6,030/1,838公尺,距登山口1.06哩;左右岔均為Columbine Trail,我們在此取直下切斜坡下玩雪。
Columbine Trail (6)
Columbine Trail (12)
Columbine Trail (15)
Columbine Trail (21)
Columbine Trail (30)
Columbine Trail (42)
Columbine Trail (46)
Columbine Trail
09:38 接回Columbine Trail,海拔6,033/1,839公尺,距登山口1.24哩;取右轉朝西北續行。
Columbine Trail (48)
Columbine Trail (63)
Columbine Trail (69)
Columbine Trail
09:56 Columbine TrailCathy Johnson Trail岔路,海拔6,014/1,833公尺,距登山口1.74哩;
Columbine Trail、Cathy Johnson Trail junction (2)
Cathy Johnson Trail (3)
Columbine Trail、Cathy Johnson Trail junction

取左岔沿Cathy Johnson Trail 朝西北續行。
Cathy Johnson Trail (2)
Cathy Johnson Trail (12)
Cathy Johnson Trail (18)
Cathy Johnson Trail (19)
Hiking on South Valley Park, Colorado (By Charlie) (11)
Cathy Johnson Trail
10:12 抵達Cathy Johnson Trailhead,海拔5,945/1,812公尺,距登山口2.36哩;
Cathy Johnson Trailhead (6)
Cathy Johnson Trailhead

再往東北行一小段路即接到South Valley Road

10:14 接到South Valley Road,此處為Cathy Johnson TrailValley View Trail 的岔路,取左沿South Valley Road旁的Valley View Trail西南行。
Valley View Trail (5)
Valley View Trail (6)
Valley View Trail
10:29 抵達Valley View TrailCoyote Song Trail 岔路,海拔6,040/1,841公尺,距登山口3.04哩;右岔為Valley View Trail,取左岔Coyote Song Trail朝東南行。
Coyote Song Trail (49)
Coyote Song Trail (56)
Coyote Song Trail (64)
Coyote Song Trail (69)
Coyote Song Trail (79)
Coyote Song Trail (80)
Coyote Song Trail
10:54 返抵Coyote Song Trail Lyons Back Trail岔路,取右岔Coyote Song Trail朝東南行回登山口。
Coyote Song Trail (88)
Coyote Song Trail (103)
Coyote Song Trail
11:15 返抵South Valley Park South Trailhead,結束今天的行程。

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