Butler Gulch Trailhead (2)

Butler Gulch Trailhead 

Butler Gulch Trail 位在丹佛西邊I-70州際公路往Winter Park岔路US 40公路邊小鎮Empire附近的一條登山步道,沿途有小溪澗、流瀑及盛開野花,很適合登山健行,該步道除了夏季的登山健行外,也適合冬季的cross country skiing snowshoeing;該登山步道在兩年前曾和登山隊前去攀登,那次登山是6月底,整條步道積雪未融,是一趟刺激的雪攀之行,此趟也是登山隊安排,整條步道積雪已融,野花盛開,與上次登山是一全然不同的體驗。


登山步道Butler Gulch Trail






開車沿I-70州際公路西行,行至Exit 232出口下交流道,朝U.S. 40 E/Empire/Granby前進,0.3哩後接著走US-40 W直行,再行0.3哩後靠右繼續沿US-40 W西行,經Empire行約8.7哩於道路大右彎處靠左行駛進入Henderson Mine Rd,岔路前道路旁有紅底白字指示牌,指示牌標示“Big Bend,左往Jones PassHenderson Mine”; Henderson Mine Rd行約1.8哩後於Henderson Mine管制口前右轉土石路繼續西行,再行0.5哩後抵達Henderson Spur Trailhead停車場,座標N39.77093° W105.85405°,海拔10,312/3,143公尺;停車場北側是Henderson Spur Trail登山口,停車場續往西行則是Butler Gulch TrailJones Pass登山口。

Henderson Mine

Looking south at Henderson Mine from Jones Pass Parking Lot


08:10 停車場出發,沿著石子路續往西行。

Butler Gulch Trailhead (3)

Butler Gulch Trailhead 

Jones Pass Trailhead

Jones Pass Trailhead


08:17 抵達Butler Gulch TrailJones Pass Trail岔路口,右岔尚可行駛四輪傳動車石子路為Jones Pass Trail,取左岔Butler Gulch Trail繼續西行,此處座標N39.77199° W105.85819°,海拔10,417/3,175公尺,距停車場約0.25/400公尺;岔路口行50公尺即有一道鐵柵門擋住去路禁止車輛通行。

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (1)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 


繞過鐵柵門續行不遠道路越過West Fork Clear Creek後轉向南行,行不遠步道開始進入雲杉(spruce),冷杉(fir)和白楊木(aspen)的混合森林中穿行。

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (2)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike


08:41 遇一條小溪澗,座標N39.76395° W105.85948°,海拔10,715/3,266公尺,距停車場約1.0/1.6公里;

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (4)




08:47 遇第二條小溪,座標N39.76127° W105.86050°,海拔10,750/3,277公尺,距停車場約1.24/2.0公里;

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (7)

Stream crossing by log bridge



Butler Gulch Trail Hike (12)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 

Columbine (5)


Parry Primrose (4)

Parry Primrose 

Chiming Bells (5)

Chiming Bells 


09:14 抵步道一岔路處,座標N39.75560° W105.86221°,海拔11,132/3,393公尺,距停車場約1.74/2.8公里;

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (16)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 



Cascading water along the trail (15)

Cascading water along the trail (8)

Cascading water along the trail (29)

Cascading water along the trail 

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (20)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 

Bitter Cress (Brook Cress) (1)

Bitter Cress (Brook Cress) (3)

Bitter Cress (Brook Cress) 


09:34 出森林線,座標N39.75408° W105.86105°,海拔11,345/3,458公尺,距停車場約2.05/3.3公里;

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (23)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 


此處已接近步道終點圈谷下方,西北望積雪的Continental Divide

View to the west as the trail breaks out of the trees (2)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (215)

View to the west as the trail breaks out of the trees 


北望海拔12,940 /3,944公尺的Vasquez Peak以及海拔12,530 /3,819公尺的Stanley Moun tain

View to the north as the trail breaks out of the trees

View to the north as the trail breaks out of the trees

Taken from just above the treeline (11,476') (9)

Taken from just above the treeline (11,476') 

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (26)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 



Taken from just above the treeline (11,476') (19)

Taken from just above the treeline (11,476') 

Paintbrush flowers (7)

Paintbrush flowers (2)

Paintbrush flowers 

Elephant Head Flower (1)

Elephant Head Flower

Taken from just above the treeline (11,520')

Taken from just above the treeline (11,520')

View to the north from Butler Gulch Trail near 11,600'

View to the north from Butler Gulch Trail near 11,600'


10:04 抵左側一小岔路,座標N39.75241° W105.86581°,海拔11,598/3,535公尺,距停車場約2.36/3.8公里,前方約1~20公尺有一條小溪;右岔直行明顯路徑是正規的Butler Gulch Trail,上行約0.59/950公尺可抵達步道終點~一處礦場遺址,左岔一不明顯路跡爬上小草坡有路徑通往左上方稜線,品菁領隊計畫走一O形路線,我們取左岔上行。

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (38)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (51)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike


10:17 小徑穿過一片小樹叢後來到稜線下陡坡山腳,座標N39.75138° W105.86694°,海拔11,703/3,567公尺;

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (54)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (61)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 



Butler Gulch Trail Hike (72)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (76)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (79)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike


10:30 登上圈谷南緣稜線,座標N39.75025° W105.86706°,海拔11,936/3,638公尺,距停車場約2.67/4.3公里;

Taken from the ridge above the bowl (11,936') (3)

Taken from the ridge above the bowl (11,936') 



Taken from the ridge above the bowl (11,936') (13)

Taken from the ridge above the bowl (11,936') 

Taken from the ridge above the bowl (11,936') (26)

Taken from the ridge above the bowl (11,936') 

Sky Pilot (1)

Sky Pilot

Taken from the ridge above the bowl (11,936') (14)

Taken from the ridge above the bowl (11,936') 

View to the northeast from Butler Gulch Trail ridge near 11,955'

View to the northeast from Butler Gulch Trail ridge near 11,955'


11:00 續行,沿稜線朝西緩坡上行。

View to the northeast from Butler Gulch Trail ridge near 12,020'

View to the northeast from Butler Gulch Trail ridge near 12,020'

View to the southeast from Butler Gulch Trail near 12,060'

View to the southeast from Butler Gulch Trail near 12,060'

Alpine Sunflower(Old Man of the mountain) (2)

Alpine Sunflower(Old Man of the mountain) 

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (88)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (97)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (121)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (116)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 


11:26 步道取右朝圈谷下切,座標N39.74948° W105.87377°,海拔12,178/3,712公尺。

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (126)

Descend from the ridge

View to the northeast from Butler Gulch Trail near 12,165'

View to the northeast from Butler Gulch Trail near 12,165'

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (137)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 


11:38 下抵圈谷,沿著圈谷邊緣北轉東行。

11:46 經過一處小型礦場遺址,座標N39.75188° W105.87813°,海拔12,067/3,678公尺。

Old mine ruins (2)

Old mine ruins 


11:50 抵一處小溪澗對面空地休息午餐,座標N39.75260° W105.87587°,海拔11,978/3,651公尺。

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (174)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 


12:12 續行,跨過小溪澗行數十公尺抵一岔路,右岔直行下山,左岔往礦場遺址,取左行。

12:19 抵礦場遺址,座標N39.75429° W105.87415°,海拔11,919/3,633公尺;

Old mine ruins (6)

Old mine ruins



Old mine ruins (7)

Old mine ruins 

Old mine equiment (2)

Old mine equiment (5)

Old mine equiment 

Playing with an old car (1)

Playing with an old car (10)

Playing with an old car (15)

Playing with an old car 


12:27 出發下山。

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (201)

Butler Gulch Trail Hike 


12:42 跨過一條小溪澗,座標N39.75271° W105.86720°,海拔11,657/3,553公尺。

12:46 跨越Butler Gulch Creek,座標N39.75246° W105.86631°,海拔11,634/3,546公尺。

Butler Gulch Trail Hike (206)

Butler Gulch Creek


12:47 抵達右往稜線的步道岔路,取左直行下山。

13:07 返抵小溪流瀑岔路,補拍幾張照片後續行下山。

14:08 返抵登山口,整裝後開車返家。



AlltrailsButler Gulch Trail track (2021.07.10)

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