View from the Niagara Falls observation tower (4)

View from the Niagara Falls observation tower


今天是回程的第一天,早上再前往尼加拉瀑布坐一趟霧中少女號(Maid of the mist)的尼加拉瀑布遊河之旅,然後一路往科羅拉多回行,晚上預計夜宿在印第安那州的East Chicago


D5 (2021.09.05)

紐約州(Buffalo, New York)~~賓夕凡尼亞州(Pennsylvania)~~俄亥俄州(Ohio)~~印第安那州(East Chicago, Indiana)



住宿Airbnb: 3517 Fir Street, Apt, East Chicago, IN



早上離開民宿後於07:30左右抵達Niagara Falls Visitor Center Parking Lot,我們已訂09:00霧中少女號(Maid of the mist)的瀑布遊船之旅,由於距搭船尚有一段時間,所以先前往“Schoellkopf 發電廠遺址”參觀。


Schoellkopf Power Plant Ruins Site

Schoellkopf Power Station (1)

Schoellkopf Power Station


Schoellkopf 發電廠遺址”位在彩虹橋(Rainbow Bridge)北邊約0.4哩的Niagara River河岸懸崖下,有提供免費乘坐電梯進入尼亞加拉峽谷(Niagara Gorge),下到峽谷後您將能夠看到尼亞加拉峽谷、尼亞加拉河、彩虹橋以及曾經是世界上最強大的水力發電廠的遺跡。“Schoellkopf 發電廠”於 1956 6 7 日倒塌到尼亞加拉峽谷,現在大部分場地被霧中少女號(Maid of the Mist)遊船公司用作維修區和淡季船隻存放場。

Schoellkopf Power Station (14)

Schoellkopf Power Station (2)

Schoellkopf Power Station (3)

Schoellkopf Power Station (4)

Schoellkopf Power Station (5)

Schoellkopf Power Station (6)

Schoellkopf Power Station (7)

Schoellkopf Power Station (9)

Schoellkopf Power Station (10)

Schoellkopf Power Station

Rainbow International Bridge from Schoellkopf Power Station

Rainbow International Bridge from Schoellkopf Power Station


Schoellkopf 發電廠遺址”是尼亞加拉瀑布州立公園的一個旅遊景點,並與尼亞加拉峽谷健行步道(Niagara Gorge hiking trail)系統相連。


Niagara Falls State Park (美國端)霧中少女號遊船之旅(Maid of the Mist Boat Tour)

參觀完“Schoellkopf 發電廠遺址”後回到霧中少女號(Maid of the mist)搭船入口處,從驗票口進入經過Niagara Falls observation tower搭乘電梯下到遊船碼頭;

Niagara Falls Observation Tower (1)

Niagara Falls Observation Tower 



Niagara Falls Observation Tower (2)

Niagara Falls Observation Tower 

Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (1)

Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (3)

Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (2)

Maid of the Mist Boat Tour 

Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (4)

Maid of the Mist Boat Tour 


遊船首先經過美國瀑布(American Falls)和新娘面紗瀑布(Bridal Veil Falls),在瀑布下方看瀑布和從瀑布上方看瀑布那種感受是截然不同的,從尼加拉河遊船上看瀑布可以直接感受到瀑布狂瀉直下而產生的巨大水氣與浪花,氣勢洶湧有如千軍萬馬,真是驚心動魄。

American Falls & Bridal Veil Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (1)

American Falls & Bridal Veil Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (2)

American Falls & Bridal Veil Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (6)

American Falls & Bridal Veil Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (7)

American Falls & Bridal Veil Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (8)

American Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour

American Falls & Bridal Veil Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (4)American Falls & Bridal Veil Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour  

American Falls & Bridal Veil Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (5)_副本

American Falls()Bridal Veil Falls()並列,瀑布下方紅色部分則是風洞之旅(The Cave of the Winds)的木棧道。


遊船一路駛過美國瀑布(American Falls)”新娘面紗瀑布(Bridal Veil Falls)”,當遊船駛近馬蹄瀑布(Horseshoe Falls)時,仰望瀑布從天而降,氣勢磅礡,真是令人震撼難忘,尤其當遊船越接近瀑布時,現場雷鳴聲相當震撼,燕鷗在瀑布前飛舞,水霧不斷噴發,尼加拉瀑布的水噴的超遠,在船上就像被強颱豪雨狂吹猛打的感覺,雨衣根本抵擋不住這強風暴雨,每個遊客幾乎是全身濕透,帶相機者鏡頭如沒特殊保護,整個鏡頭幾乎都是水,是非常有壞掉可能的。

Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (5)

Horseshoe Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (4)

Horseshoe Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (3)

Horseshoe Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (2)

Horseshoe Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (1)

Horseshoe Falls, Maid of the Mist Boat Tour 

Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (6)

Maid of the Mist Boat Tour (7)

Maid of the Mist Boat Tour 


整個遊船行程大約半小時的時間,結束遊船之旅,回到Niagara Falls observation tower可以居高臨下從遠方欣賞瀑布的磅礡。

View from the Niagara Falls observation tower (6)

View from the Niagara Falls observation tower (5)

View from the Niagara Falls observation tower (4)

View from the Niagara Falls observation tower (3)


View from the Niagara Falls observation tower (2)

View from the Niagara Falls observation tower (1)

View from the Niagara Falls observation tower 

Taken from the Niagara Falls observation tower (3)

Taken from the Niagara Falls observation tower (2)

Taken from the Niagara Falls observation tower (1)

Taken from the Niagara Falls observation tower 

Rainbow International Bridge from Niagara Falls observation tower (2)

Rainbow International Bridge from Niagara Falls observation tower 


10:00 離開Niagara Falls Visitor Center Parking Lot開車往今晚的住宿地~印第安那州的East Chicago

12:06 經過I-90 Hwy “New York & Pennsylvania State Line”進入Pennsylvania州續沿I-90 Hwy往西南行;

I-90 Pennsylvania Welcome Sign

I-90 Pennsylvania Welcome Sign


行約0.3哩進入Pennsylvania Welcome Center小休再行。

I-90 Pennsylvania Welcome Center (1)

I-90 Pennsylvania Welcome Center (5)

I-90 Pennsylvania Welcome Center 


13:14 經過I-90 Hwy “Pennsylvania & Ohio State Line”進入Ohio州續沿I-90 Hwy往西南行。

I-90 Ohio Welcome Sign (1)

I-90 Ohio Welcome Sign 


14:50 進入OhioCuyahoga Valley National Park,限於時間我們僅路過到遊客中心稍作停留,無法做詳細參觀。

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio (49)

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio 


路過俄亥俄州(Ohio) 凱霍加谷國家公園 (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)


Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio (3)

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio (12)

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio (18)

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio (20)

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio 

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio (26)

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio (27)

Cuyahoga Valley National Park Boston Mill Visitor Center

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio (31)

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio (38)

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio (40)

Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio


15:40 離開Cuyahoga Valley National Park沿I-271 HwyI-71 Hwy西南行。

16:30 I-71 Hwy西南行至Exit 176下交流道改走US 30Mansfield西行。

18:40 經過US 30 Hwy “Ohio & Indiana State Line”進入印第安納州(Indiana)

US 30 Indiana Welcome Sign (4)

US 30 Indiana Welcome Sign 


21:55 抵達今晚住宿民宿3517 Fir Street, Apt, East Chicago, IN,盥洗後早早休息。



Alltrails北美行D5 Buffalo, New York~Pennsylvania~Ohio~East Chicago, Indiana (2021.09.05)


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