The Devils Head Lookout, Pikes Peak is visible to the left

The Devils Head Lookout, Pikes Peak is visible to the left

Devil's Head Fire Lookout位於丹佛附近的Front Range,是科羅拉多州最後一座全職的森林火災瞭望台(Fire Lookout),該火災瞭望台建於1912年,距今已有100多年的歷史,由於該地區露營和娛樂活動頻繁,人為火災經常發生,閃電引起的火災也常發生在這個地方,這就是瞭望台仍然有人值守的原因。

1991年這個頗受歡迎的瞭望台被列入美國國家歷史名勝名錄(National Register of Historic Places),自建成以來,這座塔一直是登此山脈遊客的主要旅遊目的地;此山海拔不高,但登上該步道頂端的岩石露頭,從觀景台欣賞周圍山峰和環視360度的全景,煞是壯觀。每年從五月到九月,瞭望台都有護林員值守(昨天去時雖已十月底但仍有人值守),觀景台旋鈕鐵梯下方的小木屋裡住著一名火災瞭望台的護林員,從小木屋左前方沿著陡峭的鐵梯,爬上143級金屬樓梯即可到達Devil’s Head上歷史悠久的火災瞭望台(Fire Lookout)。



登山步道Devil's Head Lookout Trail

登頂標的Devil's Head Fire Lookout,海拔9,748呎/2,971公尺

登山口Devil's Head Trailhead,海拔8,825呎/2,690公尺






Thornton住家沿I-25 S南行,行至Exit 207B 號出口下交流道改沿US-85 S南行,行約20.2哩向右轉進入CO-67 S朝西南行,再行10.0哩向左轉進入Rampart Range Rd南行,Rampart Range Rd是一條未鋪設的土石路,雖偶有小坑洞且車行會揚起滿天灰塵,但基本上道路維護良好,一般小車行車無礙;Rampart Range Rd南行8.9哩後遇岔路取左岔Forest Service Road 300直行,行約0.4哩遇Devils Head Campground岔路取右岔再行0.2哩抵Devil’s Head Lookout Trailhead Parking Lot停車,座標N39° 16.182' W105° 06.289',海拔8,815/2,687公尺;登山口在停車場西南端。

The huge rock next to the parking lot

The huge rock next to the parking lot


10:25 登山口出發,座標N39° 16.164' W105° 06.304',海拔8,825/2,690公尺;

Devils Head Trailhead (5)

Devils Head Trailhead


Aspens stood by the trail (1)

Aspens stood by the trail (7)

Aspens stood by the trail (9)

Aspens stood by the trail 

步道行約0.3哩白楊木轉為Douglas fir (花旗松)等長綠針葉林樹種,步道也轉向東北有點陡升;

Devils Head Trail (2)

Devils Head Trail


The huge rock along the trail (3)

The huge rock along the trail

Devil's Head Lookout Trail基本上算是一條蠻親民的步道,坡度不算很陡而且維護良好,步道每隔一段距離便立有一面解說牌,解說該步道的動植物、岩石岩層的形成,並敘述有關該區域的傳說等;

Picture (68)

Picture (44)

Trail ecological interpretation sign on the Devils Head Trail


Devils Head Trail (3)

Devils Head Trail 

Devils Head Trail (4)

Devils Head Trail (5)

Devils Head Trail 


The huge rock along the trail (14)

The huge rock along the trail (13)

The huge rock along the trail (22)

The huge rock along the trail (20)

The huge rock along the trail (7)

The huge rock along the trail 

Mountain view from the trail (1)

Mountain view from the trail (2)

Mountain view from the trail (3)

Mountain view from the trail (8)

Mountain view from the trail 

Devils Head Trail (10)

Devils Head Trail

11:27 抵達Zinn Memorial Trail #815岔路,座標N39° 15.703' W105° 06.061',海拔9,591/2,923公尺,距登山口約1.2/1.93公里;

Devils Head Trail & Zinn Trail junction (1)

Devils Head Trail & Zinn Trail junction (2)

Devils Head Trail & Zinn Trail junction 

因為該標誌釘在樹上,並且距離步道交叉口並不很近所以很容易錯過,沿著左岔西行0.3哩左右可抵Zinn Overlook觀景台,可以欣賞到Pikes Peak的美景,觀景台以美國海軍司令Ralph Zinn的名字命名;

This viewpoint is located above Zinn Overlook

This viewpoint is located above Zinn Overlook

Devils Head Fire Lookout as seen from Zinn Memorial Trail (2)

Devils Head Fire Lookout as seen from Zinn Memorial Trail (3)

Devils Head Fire Lookout as seen from Zinn Memorial Trail 

我們在附近到處走走逛逛後取右岔續往Devil's Head Lookout朝南“之字上行。

11:42 穿過一處窄石縫間的小徑後抵達一處開闊平坦地形,座標N39° 15.649' W105° 06.113',海拔9,676/2,949公尺;

Through the narrow portion (1)

Through the narrow portion 

Meadow below the fire lookout

Meadow below the fire lookout


Ranger summer cabin at the end of the Devils Head Trail (1)

Ranger summer cabin at the end of the Devils Head Trail (7)

Ranger summer cabin at the end of the Devils Head Trail (5)

Ranger summer cabin at the end of the Devils Head Trail 


The toilet on the lookout tower below, next the cabin (1)

The toilet on the lookout tower below, next the cabin (2)

The toilet on the lookout tower below, next the cabin

步道左右兩側均有木欄杆圍住,遊客不可擅自進入,該開闊平坦地形上方即是Devil's Head Fire Lookout Tower

Devils Head Fire Lookout as seen from Ranger summer cabin (3)

Devils Head Fire Lookout as seen from Ranger summer cabin 

沿著木欄杆間步道前行不遠即抵達通往Devil's Head Fire Lookout Tower的鐵梯處,該處附近有一個解說牌,上面寫著瞭望台的歷史;

This sign at the end of the trail details the history of Devils Head

This sign at the end of the trail details the history of Devils Head


Start of the stairs to the lookout (2)

Start of the stairs to the lookout (5)

Start of the stairs to the lookout 

11:45 沿著陡峭的鐵梯爬升上往Devil's Head Fire Lookout Tower

Stairs to Devils Head Fire Lookout (3)

Stairs to Devils Head Fire Lookout 


The Devils Head Lookout, Pikes Peak is visible to the left

The Devils Head Lookout, Pikes Peak is visible to the left

Taken from Devils Head Fire Lookout (1)

Taken from Devils Head Fire Lookout (3)

Taken from Devils Head Fire Lookout (5)

Taken from Devils Head Fire Lookout (6)

Taken from Devils Head Fire Lookout


Sign on the lookout (1)

Sign on the lookout 

Sign on the lookout, background is Thunder Butte

Sign on the lookout, background is Thunder Butte

The Benchmark on Devil's Head granite outcrop (2)

The Benchmark on Devil's Head granite outcrop 

On the Devil's Head granite outcrop ridge (1)

On the Devil's Head granite outcrop ridge (4)

On the Devil's Head granite outcrop ridge (5)

On the Devil's Head granite outcrop ridge 

On the Devil's Head granite outcrop ridge (9)

On the Devil's Head granite outcrop ridge 

View North from Devils Head Lookout (2)

View North from Devils Head Lookout 

Looking south at Pikes Peak from the Devils Head Lookout (1)

Looking south at Pikes Peak from the Devils Head Lookout 

View Northeast from Devils Head Lookout

View Northeast from Devils Head Lookout

View west from Devils Head Lookout (1)-1

View west from Devils Head Lookout 

View west from Devils Head Lookout (4)

View west from Devils Head Lookout 

12:05 在火災瞭望台及附近岩石頂端賞景小休後循原路下山。

Looking down the staircase at Devil's Head Lookout

Looking down the staircase at Devil's Head Lookout

12:50 返抵登山口,稍事整裝後開車返家。


AlltrailsDevil's Head Lookout Trail (2023.10.22)

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