
Hiking Route 


科羅拉多最響譽的14ers--Mount of the Holy Cross(海拔14,005/ 4,269公尺,屬於Sawatch Range,在14ers中排序為第51),是以它東北面一個積滿白雪的十字架形狀的峽谷而出名,這十字架是由1,500呎高的垂直峽谷和750呎長的岩溝水平交叉,由於峽谷和岩溝積滿白雪,遠望就像一座巨大的十字架;但由於自然的風化侵蝕,使得此十字架在近一百年來越來越不清晰。此十字架在1869年首度被發現,20世紀初期是基督教徒朝聖的目的地,直至今日仍擁有其燦爛的光榮歷史。

Mount of the Holy Cross. as seen from Spalding's summit view

Mount of the Holy Cross (Photo by Gareth)


此山在滑雪勝地Vail西南方14哩處,距丹佛約100哩左右,若要清楚的看見如其山名的十字架,就必須攀登在其東邊的另一座山Notch Mountain(13237 ft / 4035 m),在此山頂上最能清楚的看清此天然的十字架。

Mount of the Holy Cross一度列為國家的歷史遺址(U.S. National Monument),但後來因為遊客太少不敷成本而於1950年才撤銷。

攀登Mount of the Holy Cross最常走的一般路線是由Half Moon (Tigiwon) Trailhead啟登的North Ridge,全程來回約11.5(18.4公里),爬升高度約5,600( 10,320 ft .~ 14,005 ft .),大約1,707公尺,攀登等級是Class 2,算是不輕鬆的一段行程。

該山我於2006.08.29去攀登,由於離家車程要兩個多小時,所以凌晨兩點多出門,沿I-70州際道路西行,過滑雪勝地Vail不久於Exit171出口接US 24南下,後右轉Tigiwon road到登山口,時天已微亮。

06:06 登山口出發(海拔10,320/3,146公尺)。出發不久遇一自然保護區入山登記處,此地屬於Holy Cross自然保護區(Holy Cross Wilderness),自行登記後將一份資料( Wilderness Registration Card)投入箱子內。

Half Moon Trailhead



Half Moon Trail


剛開始步道是在森林間穿梭,偶而透空處可看到紅色晨光灑落Notch Mountain山頂。

Sunrise alpenglow on Notch Mt.(13,237 ft.)



06:55 行約1.5哩後抵稜線接Half Moon Pass,此地是Notch Mountain(13237 ft / 4035 m)的北稜,海拔11,600呎,Notch Mountain就在左邊。此時紅色晨曦正灑落西邊Mt. Jackson (13,670')等山頭上。


Mt. Jackson (right, 13,670') at sunrise, from the north ridge of Notch Mt.



越過後Notch Mountain的北稜後步道轉向西,就在Notch Mountain的西北坡緩下。

07:10 來到一個展望點,隔著East Cross Creek看見Mount of the Holy Cross和它的整個北稜,Mount of the Holy Cross高傲的挺立在諸山頭的左側,看起來就是那麼神聖不可侵犯,此地海拔約11,400呎。

Mt. of the Holy Cross at sunrise(Taken from Half Moon trail)



過此點後步道轉向南,並沿著一連串的之字形步道朝East Cross Creek陡下。當下降將抵East Cross Creek時,會進入較密的森林,而此時在步道兩側都有營地可供露營。

07:30 East Cross Creek,海拔10,600呎,距登山口約3哩,從小溪上的石橋橫過後開始循Holy Cross的北稜上攀,一開始會經過幾處亂石坡,之後便在森林中穿梭。

East Cross Creek



08:14 出森林線,海拔11,800呎。視線豁然開朗,Holy Cross的北稜呈現眼前。

Looking up Holy Cross' north ridge from treeline(11,800 ft.)


08:24 Holy Cross山頭從北稜的稜線冒出,海拔12,100呎。

Looking up Holy Cross' summit & north ridge from above treeline(11,800 ft.)



Holy Cross with rock cairn in foreground


一路上太陽很大,岩石堆不好爬,空氣很稀薄,很累!偶而行走在稜上往左下一看,深不見底的峽谷由山頂一瀉而下,深谷裡偶而可見碧藍的小湖Bowl of Tears(還是嘉明湖形容的較詩意--天使的眼淚)Holy Cross山頭在峽谷的另一邊向著登山客招手。

Cross Creek valley from North Ridge

Looking down the West Cross Creek from Holy Cross trail

The cairns and Mt. Jakson(R)(Taken about 12,600 ft. of north ridge of Holy Cross)

A view of the summit from the crest just below the summit ridge on the way up

North Ridge of Holy Cross

Holy Cross' summit from north ridge


09:25 攀抵Holy Cross的北稜頂,海拔13,200呎。此時沿著稜線又可見一清晰的小徑往南延伸直抵Holy Cross的山腳下,沿此小徑前進,沿途往南可遠眺Elk Mountains的幾座14ers

On the north ridge of Holy Cross

Angelica Couloir from the North Ridge


09:40Holy Cross的山腳下,海拔13,400呎,左邊有一小峽谷直瀉谷底。

Looking west from The ridge runs into the summit block of Holy Cross at 13,400 feet


Looking southwest from The ridge 



Looking down North Ridge from above the Angelica Couloir

The final summit pitch seen from 13,700'


10:20 Finally!終於攀上山頂,海拔14,005(4,269公尺),這是我今年在科羅拉多的第914ers


On the summit of Holy Cross



Holy Cross的山頂蠻寬廣的,在山頂最高岩石上崁有一個Benchmark(水準點)的銅標。

Summit of Mt. of the Holy Cross(Elev. 14,005 ft.)

Summit mark of Mt. of the Holy Cross



今天天氣晴朗,展望極佳。不久一個年輕人冒出山頭,他是我今天遇到的第一位山友,他說是從Angelica Couloir(好詩意的名字)攀岩上來的,難怪一路上我都不覺有人跟來。

從山頂往東可遠眺Notch Mountain上的那間有名的石屋The Notch Mountain Shelter(看此山十字架最佳位置)

 Notch Mt. from summit of the Holy Cross,The Notch Mt.Shelter can just be seen to the middle.

 Notch Mt. from Holy Cross' summit


往東俯瞰Bowl of TearsLake Patricia

Bowl of Tears from  Mt. of  the Holy Cross' summit

 Lake Patricia and the East Cross Creek valley from the summit of Mt of The Holy Cross


往東遠眺Grays and Torreys Peak兩座14ers


往南遠眺科州第一、第二高峰及Elk Mountains的幾座14ers

Summit view from Mt. of the Holy Cross looking south( Mt. Massive & Mt. Elbert)

Summit view from Mt. of the Holy Cross looking southwest

Summit view from Mt. of the Holy Cross looking southwest

Summit view from Mt. of the Holy Cross looking south

Peak 13,831' from Holy Cross' summit looking South

Summit view from Mt. of the Holy Cross looking west

Summit view from Mt. of the Holy Cross looking west



11:00 下山,途中又遇到幾位山友正要上山。

 Notch Mt. from the north ridge of Holy Cross


12:20 過森林線,進入松林中。

12:45 下抵East Cross Creek。開始沿Notch Mountain西北坡爬升。

13:14 爬完之字形小徑後抵11,400呎展望點,步道右轉朝東沿Notch Mountain北坡緩升。

 Mt. of the Holy Cross (Taken from Half Moon trail)



13:40 Half Moon PassNotch Mountain的北稜,轉右越過稜線朝東南下山。

Mt. Jackson (right, 13,670') from the Half Moon Pass

Notch Mt. from Half Moon Trail


14:22 返抵登山口,整裝開車回家,這時才看清楚一路沿著Tigiwon road的兩側都是高大的白楊木(Aspen),來年9月該找個時間來此欣賞白楊木。


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