
Hiking route


Mount Belford(14,197/4,327公尺)位在科羅拉多州第一高峰Mount Elbert南邊約12哩處,在14ers中相對的是較容易攀登的一座山,標準傳統路線Northwest Ridge的登山口是Missouri Gulch Trailhead(9,650/2,941公尺),攀登等級從Class 1Class 2。大多數的登山客在爬完這座山後緊接著會順便攀登另一座14ers-- Mount Oxford(14,153/4,314公尺),因為這兩座山相距僅約一哩半左右。當登頂Mount Belford後往東下降約700呎,沿稜線再爬升約650呎即登頂Mount Oxford。這兩座山連走是採原路來回方式,全程約11(17.6公里),爬升高度約5,900(1,798公尺);如果單獨走Mount Belford則全程僅7哩多,爬升高度約4,560(1,390公尺)。若時間許可且屬健腳者更可加上Mount Belford西邊的Missouri Mountain(14,067/4,288公尺),三山O形連走全程約14.5(23.2公里),爬升高度約7,400(2,256公尺)

Mount Belford Mount Oxford 都屬於Sawatch RangeMount Belford是為紀念科羅拉多首位國會議員James B. Belford 而命名;而Mount Oxford 是由Colorado Mountain ClubJerome Hart1931年以Oxford大學命名,它是科羅拉多州514ers以知名大學命名的其中一座,其他4座分別為Mount ColumbiaMount HarvardMount PrincetonMount Yale

我攀登Mount Belford是在2007年 77採取Mount BelfordMount Oxford兩山連登方式,因為登山口離家大約135( 217公里 )左右,所以當天清晨3:30左右便從家中出發。先取道I-70州際公路西行,行約90哩後由Exit 195出口接CO-91公路南下,05:40經觀光小鎮Leadville續沿US 24南下。

Today's goal--Belford & Oxford (攝於Leadville南邊US 24)


20哩後遇Chaffee County 390 road右轉,再行約7.5哩於06:30抵登山口Missouri Gulch Trailhead(9,650/ 2,941公尺 )

 Clear Creek Reservoir


06:45 停好車、稍作整裝後輕裝出發。



從停車場沿Missouri Gulch Trail南下,先經橫跨在Clear Creek上的小橋後進入森林,行約1/4哩,步道轉為一連串之字形的陡坡,但仍穿行於森林中。

The first mile or so is long switchbacks through the dense pines


抵達海拔約10,400呎出森林,但仍順著Missouri Gulch南行。當爬升至海拔約10,800呎時,步道左轉跨過小河轉走Missouri Gulch的東側續往南爬升。

Columbines on the way up to Mt. Belford


07:50 抵達一原木建築遺址,海拔約11,300呎。

Old build


再行約一分鐘出森林,步道趨平緩,此時Mount Belford出現在步道前方,而登頂的步道在此亦一目瞭然。

 Just out of treeline,the terrain levels out and easy to hike


08:10 抵達BelfordMissouri岔路口,此地海拔約11,600呎。右往Elkhead Pass (Missouri Gulch) Trail 通往Missouri Mountain,取左上往Mount Belford

At 11,600' there is a trail junction

View from Missouri Gulch trail. This is Belford's West slope



08:20 步道朝東南直抵Belford西北稜山腳,越過一條乾河床後準備攀登較為陡峭的步道,此地海拔約11,900呎。





Elk Thistle

Starting up the ridge


沿途右下俯瞰Missouri GulchElkhead pass trail

Looking down the Belford switchbacks and into the Missouri Gulch

 Looking down into Elkhead pass from Belford's slope

 Looking down into Elkhead pass from Belford's slope

 Looking down into Elkhead Pass from Belford's northwest slope

 Hiking up to the top

 Trail through boulderfield(near 13,800' approaching the flat spot on west slope)


10:10 爬升到Belford西坡一處地勢平坦的高點,海拔13,900呎。展望群山,視線豁然開朗。

Mountains views from the flat spot near 13,900 ft.

Mountains views from the flat spot near 13,900 ft.

Mountains views from the flat spot near 13,900 ft.



 The trail approaching to the summit


10:30 抵海拔14,100呎稜點,Belford的山頂已在不遠處。山頂很突出,黃褐色的岩石堆高高的隆起,像隻怪獸,也像顆樹瘤。翹首仰望,山頂上似乎聚集了不少登山客。


The summit knob of Belford



10:38 登頂Mount Belford(14,197/4,327公尺)。山頂是一處崎嶇的、堅硬的黃褐色岩石堆,展望極佳。

On the summit of Mt. Belford(14,197 ft.  4,327 m)

Mt. Belford's summit register

Mt. Belford summit marker

Mt. Belford along with the connecting ridge to Mt. Oxford

 Belford's north ridge

Mount Belford 山頂南方展望

Mount Belford 山頂西展望

Mount Belford 山頂北邊展望

Mount Belford 山頂南方展望


Mount Belford山頂南方展望


11:00 續往Oxford前進,步道先沿Belford的東南稜南行。

The trail lead to Oxford from Belford


11:05 行約1/4哩後步道轉向東離開Belford的東南稜往左下切(此地海拔約14,000)

Mt. Oxford and the connecting saddle as seen from the Mt. Belford


在下切之前可見一條小徑沿著Belford的東南稜續行,然後轉向西南朝著Belford Missouri Mountain 之間的Elkhead Pass 而下切,勿取。朝左往BelfordOxford之間的鞍部下切,山徑好陡,都是碎石,小心在Belford的東坡朝鞍部下切,途中遇到好多山友登完Oxford回途中。

 Descend to saddle from Belford


11:23 切到BelfordOxford之間的鞍部,海拔13,500(4,115公尺)

Oxford and the saddle from just below the summit of Belford. The route follows the obvious ridge line



Belford and the saddle from just below the summit of Oxford



 Alpine phlox

 Alpine forget-me-not

 Mountain Blue Violet

 Final push toward Mt. Oxford


12:10 登頂Mount Oxford(14,153/4,314公尺),展望和Belford差不多,只是此時遠方已有烏雲,視野較差。山頂一對遠從德州的父子,能攀登這裡的高山他們很興奮,在他們家鄉可沒見過這種高山呢!

On the Summit of Mount Oxford

Mt. Oxford summit marker

Summit of Mount Oxford

 Belford and the saddle from the summit of Oxford

 Mount Harvard(左) & Yale(左二) from Oxford's summit

 Mount Elbert & Massive from Oxford's summit

 Looking down into Falls Pine Creek from Oxford's summit

 Silver & Emerald peaks  from Oxford's summit


12:34 南方Mount Harvard的山頭已湧起一片烏雲,趕快下山,這兒的Thunderstorm可不好玩!





12:56 切到BelfordOxford之間最低鞍部。

13:06 Belford的東坡底部,上Belford的東南稜蠻陡的,努力爬吧,有花草為伴!


13:40 攀上Belford的東南稜,海拔約14,000呎,右轉朝Belford的山頂前近。

 Summit of Mt Belford at the end of the traverse from Oxford



13:48 再度登頂Mount Belford,沿原路下山。

14:00 回到Belford西坡一處地勢平坦的高點,海拔13,900呎。


16:15 返抵登山口,Great hiking!縱走兩座14ers,費時9小時30分,心滿意足的打道回府!

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