
Hagues peak(From near the Saddle)




1.Alpine avens

Alpine avens 2


2.Common Evening Primrose

Common Evening Primrose 13 (2)
Common Evening Primrose 11 (2)
Common Evening Primrose 1 (2)


3.Chicory(Blue sailors)
Chicory(Blue sailors--Chautauqua) 3


4.Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper)
Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper)--Wild Basin 7
Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper)--Wild Basin 4
Calypso Orchid(Fairy Slipper)--Wild Basin 2


5.California Coneflower
California Coneflower 4
California Coneflower 2 (2)

California Coneflower 2

California Coneflower 1



Butter-and-Eggs 3
Butter-and-Eggs 2


7.Blue Flax
Blue Flax 2


8.Blue Columbine(科羅拉多州州花)
Blue Columbine(Lake Helene) 37
Blue Columbine(Lake Helene trail) 2
Blue Columbine(Lake Helene trail) 19
Columbines on the way up to Mt. Belford 2


9.Red columbine

Red columbine(Evergreen lake) 2

Red columbine(Evergreen lake) 6

Red columbine(Evergreen lake) 8


10.White Columbine


White Columbine


11.Alpine phlox
Alpine phlox


12.Alpine forget-me-not(勿忘我)
Alpine forget-me-not


13.Yellow Salsify
Yellow Salsify(yellow goatsbeard) 5

Yellow Salsify(yellow goatsbeard) 1


14.Purple Salsify

Purple Salsify(Chautauqua) 2

Purple Salsify(Chautauqua) 1



Monkshood 3


Monkshood 3 (2)

Monkshood 2


16.Little Elephant's Head(形狀似小象頭)
Little Elephant's Head(Lawn lake) 1
Little Elephant's Head(Ypsilon lake) 1Little Elephant's Head(Lawn lake) 3


17.Lichtnelke, weiss
Lichtnelke, weiss(Lair O' the Bear park) 2


18.Glacier Lilies
Glacier Lilies (Ouzel Lake) 13
Glacier Lilies (Ouzel Lake) 7
Glacier Lilies near the Bluebird Lake 2
Glacier Lilies (Bluebird Lake) 3


19.Fringed Gentian (是真花而非緞帶花)
Fringed Gentian 4
Fringed Gentian 3
Fringed Gentian 2
Fringed Gentian 1


20.Early larkspur

Early larkspur(Nelson Larkspur )--Bear Peak trail 1
Early larkspur(Nelson Larkspur )--Flagstaff Mt. 2
Early larkspur 1



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