Bear Peak海拔8,461呎(2,579公尺),位在Boulder的西南邊,它和其北邊的Green Mountain(8,144呎),南邊的South Boulder Peak(8,549呎)、Eldorado Mountain(8,335呎)並排矗立在Boulder西邊,形成一座天然屏障,即所謂的Boulder Group。
Overlooking Boulder Group from Baseline lake
Bear Peak我已爬過多次,此次我從Shanahan ridge登山口啟登,經由Shanahan ridge轉Fern Canyon上山;下山時則沿Fern Canyon接Mesa Trail轉Bear Creek由NCAR(National Center for Atmospheric Research)下方下山,全程約6哩、爬升高度約2,800呎(853公尺)、費時五個半小時。
09:50 North Fork Shanahan Trailhead啟登,沿 Shanahan ridge在松林中緩升。
Overlooking NCAR from trailhead
The view of Devils Thumb from Fern Canyon trail
Devils Thumb
10:54 接Fern Canyon Trail開始陡升。
Bear Peak Trail
Rock terrain along the trail
Rock terrain along the trail
11:23 抵達Bear Peak和Nebel Horn 的鞍部--The saddle。
The saddle
Overlooking Boulder down from the saddle
Nebel Horn seen from the saddle
稍作休息即朝Bear Peak的山頂由北稜攀升。
Bear Peak Trail
Bear Peak Trail
Bear Peak Trail
Longs Peak from the trail on the west side of Bear Peak
Indian Peaks as seen from Bear Peak
Green Mountain as seen from Bear Peak
View to west from the saddle of Bear Peak
12:08 抵達距山頂不遠的亂石坡。
Boulderfield near the summit
Green Mountain as seen from Bear Peak's north slope
12:15 越過亂石坡後登頂。因是假日,登山客不少;但因過於曝曬,登山客上上下下,鮮少在山頂久留。
Rock terrain on the summit
The summit of Bear Peak
Benchmark on the summit of Bear Peak
Me on the summit of Bear Peak
Overlooking NCAR from Bear Peak
South ridge of Bear Peak & South Boulder Peak(R) from Bear Peak's summit
Overlooking Boulder downtown from Bear Peak's summit
View to west from Bear Peak's summit
Overlooking Boulder downtown from Bear Peak's summit
12:30 下山
13:21 下抵鞍部。
13:55 接Mesa Trail。
14:15 接Bear Creek後,沿河邊步道由NCAR下方下山。
15:00 接馬路登山口。
bird's nest
沿途在Shanahan ridge和Bear Creek拍到不少野花。
Bracted Alumroot
Purple Prairie Clover
Mountain Gumweed
Mountain Gumweed
Horsemint Beebalm(Wild Bergamot)
Gentian(Monument Plant)
Gaillardia Blanketflower
Deptford Pink
Yellow Stonecrop
Wyoming Paintbrush(Narrowleaf Paintbrush)
Wyoming Paintbrush(Narrowleaf Paintbrush)
Tall Coneflower(Cutleaf Coneflower)
Sego Lily(Mariposa Lily)
Prickly Poppy
Prairie Coneflower (Mexican Hat)