Lake Isabelle
步道全長:來回約4哩(6.4公里)登山口:The Long Lake Trailhead (海拔10,480呎 / 3,194公尺)終 點:Lake Isabelle (海拔10,868呎 / 3,313公尺)爬升高度:約400呎(122公尺)花費時間:約2.5~3小時(來回)
Lake Isabelle位在Indian Peaks Wilderness心臟地帶的Brainard Lake Recreation Area,登山口是The Long Lake Trailhead 。Brainard Lake Recreation Area在丹佛西北方約60哩(96公里)處;如果從Golden走72號公路(Peak To Peak)或由Boulder走119號公路到Nederland後續往北走12哩到達小鎮Ward,剛過小鎮路旁就可看到一面大指示牌指向西邊標明“Brainard Lake”,順著指示牌左轉沿Brainard Lake Road行約5哩即可到Brainard Lake ,中途2.6哩處會經過一收費站(夏季每一車輛9美元,持有國家公園年票-- America The Beautiful可適用;冬季大約10月初到次年6月中旬則免費。) The Long Lake Trailhead則續行約一哩,登山口有一停車場,但在夏季若不早到往往是客滿的。過了收費站後沿途會經過Red Rock Lake 和 Brainard Lake。
昨天經過 Brainard Lake Road 時,沿途的白楊木(Aspen)葉子已轉為金黃,比別的地方早了一點;科羅拉多秋天的變裝秀即將開場囉!
![Aspen leaves turn to golden 5 Aspen leaves turn to golden 5](
![Aspen leaves turn to golden 3 Aspen leaves turn to golden 3](
![Aspen leaves turn to golden 4 Aspen leaves turn to golden 4](
![Aspen leaves turn to golden 2 Aspen leaves turn to golden 2](
![Red Rock Lake 1 Red Rock Lake 1](
Red Rock Lake(Taken on 2009.06.24)
![Brainard lake Brainard lake](
Brainard Lake
![Brainard Lake Brainard Lake](
Brainard Lake(Taken on 2009.06.24)
從停車場的登山口“The Long Lake Trailhead”開始沿著 Pawnee Pass Trail 西行。
![Long Lake Trailhead Long Lake Trailhead](
Long Lake Trailhead
![Pawnee Pass Trail 1 Pawnee Pass Trail 1](
Long Lake Trail
約0.2哩到達 Long Lake ,左岔路是Long Lake的環湖步道 (The Jean Lunnings Trail) ,取右直行。
![Indian Peaks Wilderness Indian Peaks Wilderness](
![Long Lake 1 Long Lake 1](
Long Lake
![Morning light on Long lake 2 Morning light on Long lake 2](
Long Lake(Taken on 2007.08.09)
一路在松林林蔭下沿Long Lake的湖岸西行,距登山口約0.8哩處又和Long Lake的環湖步道 (The Jean Lunnings Trail) 交叉,自此步道離開Long Lake續往西沿Pawnee Pass Trail緩升。
![Long Lake 3 Long Lake 3](
Long Lake
步道自離開Long Lake西行一段距離後開始轉向北盤升,步道變得狹窄陡峭,但不至於太難走。
![Overlooking Indian Peaks from Pawnee Pass Trail Overlooking Indian Peaks from Pawnee Pass Trail](
Overlooking Indian Peaks from Pawnee Pass Trail
![Pawnee Pass Trail 3 Pawnee Pass Trail 3](
Pawnee Pass Trail
此較為陡峭的路段在經過一座木橋、小流瀑後便抵達Lake Isabelle Glacier Trail 和 Pawnee Pass Trail的岔路,循Lake Isabelle Glacier Trail走不久便抵達Lake Isabelle 。若沿Pawnee Pass Trail續行則可到達Pawnee Pass、Pawnee Peak,該路線兩年前曾走過,不錯的行程。
![Below the Lake Isabelle Below the Lake Isabelle](
![Mountain gentian(Parry gentian) 1 Mountain gentian(Parry gentian) 1](
Mountain gentian
![Wildflower along the Trail 4 Wildflower along the Trail 4](
![Wildflower along the Trail 3 Wildflower along the Trail 3](
![Wildflower along the Trail 2 Wildflower along the Trail 2](
![Looking down the stream from Lake Isabelle Looking down the stream from Lake Isabelle](
Lake Isabelle海拔10,868呎 / 3,313公尺,湖水是由其上頭一哩之遙的Isabelle Glacier的融雪所供應,湖的背面聳立著Navajo Peak(13,409'), Apache Peak(13,441'), 和 Shoshoni Peak等高山,很是壯觀;可惜此次來到湖邊湖水出奇的少,所以顯不出其壯觀美麗。
下列照片拍攝於湖的西岸較高地點,小瀑的水來自其上頭一哩之遙的Isabelle Glacier的融雪,匯集到Isabelle Lake。
西岸制高點俯瞰Lake Isabelle