

承前文:南達科塔(South Dakota)之旅() Custer State Park () 2010.09.24


第二天  2010.09.25  (星期六)  艷陽天

早上先到 Mount Rushmore、Crazy Horse 參觀(下一篇),然後回頭遊覽 Custer State Park 的另兩個景點--Sylvan Lake 和 Needles Highway 

(點此)  北達科塔第二日行程詳細路線圖

(點此)   本篇行程詳細路線圖


Panorama of Sylvan Lake 4Panorama of Sylvan Lake

Sylvan lake

Sylvan Lake  這顆被譽為 Custer State Park 皇冠上的寶石位在公園的西北角, 1881Theodore Reder 在現址建造一座水壩橫跨Sunday Gulch,形成現在的Sylvan Lake  

The dam of Sylvan lake 1

The dam of Sylvan lake 2


Sylvan lake 3

Sylvan lake 6

Sylvan lake 7

The granite formations along Sylvan lake

Sylvan lake 2

該區提供遊客一處野餐區,有多處攀岩路線,湖面有出租小船,許多遊客可在此湖垂釣 、游泳,還有多條難易不同的登山步道,其中的一條步道是環湖步道,長約1(1.6公里),步道平緩好走,景色優美,來此湖不走上一圈實為可惜。

Hiker on the top

Sylvan lake 1

Sylvan lake 5

Sylvan lake 9

Sylvan lake 8

Sylvan lake 4

Sylvan Lake 一般資料:





Panorama of Sylvan Lake 3

Panorama of Sylvan Lake 2

Panorama of Sylvan Lake


Needles Highway

Needles Highway

Custer State Park 內北自 Sylvan Lake開始沿SD-87公路南下直到和US-16A公路銜接的這條長達14哩的景觀道路即是以岩石景觀著名的Needles Highway此條道路穿越Pine Spruce 夾雜的針葉林區,偶而見到一大片被白樺(Birch)和白楊木(Aspen)圍繞著的草原,沿途舉目所及可見壯觀的花崗岩形成的尖狀岩石,Needles Highway名稱由來即是源自這些尖狀岩石乍看之下極似根根針狀物 (Needle)由地平線刺向天際

該條景觀道路是曾任South Dakota 州長的Peter Norbeck(1870.8.27~1936.12.20)實地測量規劃、爭取興建,完工於1922年。

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 10

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 9

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 8

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 7

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 6

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 4

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 3

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 1

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 12

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 11

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 15

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 14

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 13

Needles Highway沿線最有名的景點就屬Needles Eye,位在Sylvan Lake南下不遠處的Needles Highway公路旁,此景點包含一座尖突、上有一針眼的巨石,和一個長而狹窄的隧道,其他如 Bell TowerHitching Post、和 Bloody Spire 等巨大的尖突巨石如石林般矗立在此區,此區也是攀岩者的最愛

Needels Eye 1

Needels Eye 2

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 2

The needle-like granite formations along the highway 16

Needels Eye area tunnel 1

Needels Eye area tunnel 2

Needels Eye area tunnel

近幾年美國森林的松樹遭受一種甲蟲(Mountain Pine Beetle)侵襲而枯死,科羅拉多蠻嚴重的,看來南達科塔州也不能倖免。

Discolored trees indicate those damaged by mountain pine beetles


遊完Sylvan Lake 和部分 Needles Highway 之後我們又趕回 Rapid City用午餐(說下午茶可能貼切一點),因為下午的行程是 Badlands National Park


繼續瀏覽:南達科塔(South Dakota)之旅() Mount Rushmore National Memorial(2010.09.24~25)




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