
Boulder Range from CO-128

Boulder Range from CO-128

South Boulder Peak海拔8,549呎(2,606公尺),是Boulder Range 最高的一座山峰,位在Boulder的西南邊,它和其北邊的Bear Peak(8,461呎)和Green Mountain(8,144呎),南邊的Eldorado Mountain(8,335呎)並排矗立在Boulder西邊,形成一座天然屏障,即所謂的Boulder Group。
 South Boulder Peak 雖然是Boulder Range 最高的一座山峰,但有很多角度是無法看到它的,它常被其北邊高度差不多的Bear Peak所擋住。該山多年前曾和Bear Peak“O”形連走一次,今天限於時間就採取由South Mesa Trailhead起登,經由Shadow Canyon trail單攻此山了。

Bear Peak (left) and South Boulder Peak (right) from Green Mountain West ridge
Bear Peak (left) and South Boulder Peak (right) from Green Mountain West ridge

Shadow Canyon trail
登山口在Eldorado Springs 附近的South Mesa Trailhead,從登山口起經由Mesa Towhee Homestead Trail走約2.1哩的緩坡到達Shadow Canyon,經過一條小溪邊的木屋遺址後隨即在Shadow Canyon陡升1.1(爬升1,800)抵達Bear PeakSouth Boulder Peak間的鞍部,再走約0.3哩的緩坡抵達山頂。
08:45 South Mesa Trailhead (5636 ft / 1718 m)出發,先過一小溪流,行不久再過橫跨在South Boulder Creek上之木橋後沿Towhee Trail前進。

South Mesa Trailhead
South Mesa Trailhead
South Boulder Creek
South Boulder Creek
Boulder Range from Trailhead
Boulder Range from Trailhead

09:02 經過Doudy-Debacker-Dunn House遺址,取左沿Towhee Trail續行,更左邊另有一條登山步道Homestead Trail也可抵達,下山時打算走此步道。

Doudy-Debacker-Dunn House
Doudy-Debacker-Dunn House
Doudy-DeBacker-Dunn house是一棟石頭建築,座落在South Boulder Creek北岸邊;他原是一棟木製屋子,由此地區第一位移民者Sylvester (Andrew) Doudy1858年左右所建造,他在此地畜牧(牛群),並且開設鋸木廠和磨坊,磨坊在1864年的洪水中被沖毀,但房子未被沖毀仍保存著。
在 1869 年John DeBacker(比利時人)500美元購買了這房子和附近的土地; DeBacker成功的經營農場供給鄰近的採礦小鎮 Central CityBlackhawk 1874 年DeBacker 修建這棟建築成為二層樓的石頭建築。
John DeBacker 在 1901 退休並將財產移交給他的女兒Emma 和女婿John Dunn,他們保留此一建築並繼續豢養乳牛直到1953John Dunn死亡。1969年Boulder市政府購買該產權,目前列為歷史遺址被保護著。
Towhee Trail 在一片草原間緩升,約0.5哩後路徑變窄沿著一條小溪在開滿花朵的矮樹叢間繼續上行。
Boulder Range from Towhee trail
Boulder Range from Towhee trail
Bear Peak and South Boulder Peak from Towhee trail
Bear Peak and South Boulder Peak from Towhee trail
Eldorado Mountain from Towhee trail
Eldorado Mountain from Towhee trail
Yellow Salsify
Yellow Salsify
Picture 010
Picture 078
Picture 054
Chokecherry 1
Wild Blue Flax 4
Wild Blue Flax
Boulder Raspberry 2
Boulder Raspberry
Boulder Raspberry 9

Boulder Raspberry
Western Dayflower 1
Towhee trail
Towhee trail 1
Towhee trail
Shell-leaf Penstemon 4
Shell-leaf Penstemon 1
Shell-leaf Penstemon
Common Dandelion 2
Common Dandelion
Early Larkspur 3
Early Larkspur 1
Early Larkspur

09:40左邊Homestead Trail來接(距登山口約1.15哩),續往上爬。

09:49 接Mesa Trail (距登山口約1.35 哩,海拔約6,275);右往Mesa Trail,左往Shadow Canyon,取左往Shadow Canyon,路面寬敞可行車。
09:53 路左一棟類似木屋遺址(距登山口約2.1 哩,海拔約6,582呎)。
Ruins cabin along the trail
Ruins cabin along the trail
The Matron (Elephant Rock) from Shadow Canyon trail
The Matron (Elephant Rock) from Shadow Canyon trail
Picture 110
Craggy rock formations along Shadow Canyon
Craggy rock formations along Shadow Canyon

10:07 寬敞道路盡頭遇一小溪澗,路右一棟木屋;

Ruins cabin along the trail 1
Ruins cabin along the trail
Picture 120

過溪澗有一小徑來接,該小徑可接Mesa Trail;溪澗之後即是陡升之山徑,即是Shadow Canyon,一路在松林樹蔭下陡升。

The Devil's Thumb as seen from the Shadow Canyon trail
The Devil's Thumb as seen from the Shadow Canyon trail 1
The Devil's Thumb as seen from the Shadow Canyon trail

11:08 抵達Bear Peak
South Boulder Peak間的鞍部(距登山口約3.2 哩,海拔約8,030);,右往Bear Peak,左往South Boulder Peak,取左。

The saddle
The saddle
Looking back the countryside below from the saddle
Looking back the countryside below from the saddle
11:25 登頂South Boulder Peak,海拔8,549(2,606公尺),山頂360度展望極佳。
Bear Peak viewed from South Boulder Peak
Bear Peak viewed from South Boulder Peak
Bear Peak viewed from South Boulder Peak with Boulder in the background
Bear Peak viewed from South Boulder Peak with Boulder in the background
Arapaho Peak from South Boulder Peak's summit
Arapaho Peak from South Boulder Peak's summit
Indian Peaks, RMNP from the summit 1
Indian Peaks, RMNP from the summit 3
Indian Peaks, RMNP from the summit 4
Indian Peaks, RMNP from the summit
Longs Peak from South Boulder Peak's summit
Longs Peak from South Boulder Peak's summit
Looking South-West from summit
Looking South-West from summit
Zoom shot of Denver from the summit
Zoom shot of Denver from the summit
South Boulder Peak's summit
South Boulder Peak's summit

11:30 山雨欲來風滿樓,遠眺西南邊烏雲密布,雷電交加,不宜久留趕緊下山。
11:41 返抵鞍部。
12:24 返抵溪澗木屋處。
Cascade along the trail 1
Cascade along the trail 3
Cascade along the trail 4
Cascade along the trail 2
Cascade along the trail
13:00 抵Homestead Trail岔路,取右走Homestead Trail下山。
Pasque Flower 2
Pasque Flower
Pasque Flower Seed Heads 2
Pasque Flower Seed Heads
Wild Iris 3
Wild Iris
Golden Banner 1
Golden Banner
Sand Lily(Star Lily) 2
Sand Lily(Star Lily)
13:52 返抵登山口。


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