Picture 279

攀登山岳:James Peak

山岳高度:海拔13,294(4, 052公尺)

登山口:Saint Mary's lake trailhead

登山口高度:10,300(3, 139公尺)    



St. Mary's Glacier hike

景點:St. Mary's Glacier (聖瑪莉冰河)

冰河高度:底部海拔10,696 / 3,260 公尺

                    頂端海拔11,200 / 3,414 公尺

                    落差  500 / 152公尺

冰河長度:0.5 / 800公尺

登山口:Saint Mary's lake trailhead

登山口高度:10,300(3, 139公尺)


上週六Tony開團要走四座14ers-- Decalibron (Mount Democrat Mount CameronMount Lincoln Mount Bross),我雖然兩度登此群山,最近一次是2011.06.25二登Decalibron (DemocratCameronLincolnBross)但還是想跟他再走一趟,沒想到當天早晨五點在Golden集合後因人數不足,Tony臨時決定和同是CMC的另一領隊Marty帶領的登13ers—James Peak併團,這也好,James Peak去年登Rogers Pass Lake(獨登 Rogers Pass Lake and Heart Lake) 即見到此山壯麗的山容,沒想到一錯陽差,今天竟能非預期的攀登此山。


Golden分配共乘車輛後沿I-70州際公路西行,過Idaho Springs(Exit 240) 不久於Exit 238下高速公路後沿Fall River Road (County Road 275) 北行,中途經過Alice小鎮後抵登山口停車場,I-70至停車場約9哩;該停車場一大一小皆在公路左側,每車停車費5元美金,夏天假日有時車位一位難求,大部分的遊客是為著St. Mary's GlacierSt. Mary's  Lake而來,這個景點距登山口僅0.75哩,爬升約400(122公尺)






06:35 停車場出發(海拔10,300),登山口告示牌標示距冰河(Glacier)底部3/4哩;一路沿亂石集聚的還算寬大步道上山,步道雖寬但亂石堆積走來不輕鬆。


06:53到達冰河(Glacier)底部小湖--St. Mary's Lake (海拔10,696 / 3,260 公尺),時間尚早未見一位遊客。

St. Mary's Lake 1

St. Mary's Lake


07:00 St. Mary's Lake東岸出水口的小鐵橋繞過後,來到北岸的St. Mary's Glacier底部;與其說是冰河(Glacier)不如說是雪原(Snowfield)來得恰當,因為他並不是真的冰河,之所以取名冰河可能是為吸引觀光客吧!

Picture 049

St. Mary's glacier

Mt. Evans seen from St. Mary's Glacier 1

Mt. Evans seen from St. Mary's Glacier


07:05 循冰河上山,早上的冰河因夜晚的低溫冰面蠻堅硬的,但也容易滑倒,小心行走、步步為營。

Picture 071

Picture 091

Picture 115

07:35 抵達冰河頂端(11,200 / 3,414 公尺),這條冰河大約有七、八百公尺吧!爬升高度約150公尺左右;上到冰河頂端是一望無際的苔原,好壯觀哦!

View to East from the top of St. Mary's glacier 1

View to East from the top of St. Mary's glacier

The broad tundra above St. Mary's glacier 1

The broad tundra above St. Mary's glacier


這裡是James Peak的東面山坡,走在苔原上往西一看,兩塊大山頭矗立在遠處;左邊雙駝峰似的是另兩座13 ers--Parry Peak(13,391 ft.)Mt. Bancroft(13,250 ft.),右邊即是今天的目的地James Peak;我們就在這寬廣的苔原上朝James Peak西進。

Parry Peak、Mt. Bancroft & James Peak from the East slope 2

Parry Peak、Mt. Bancroft & James Peak from the East slope


08:00 穿過一條ATV(All-terrain vehicle)車道,來到一處沼澤地,沼澤地野花盛開、美不勝收;

Picture 228

Picture 221

Picture 257




涉過沼澤地後步道坡度變陡(海拔約12, 000 / 3,658公尺),一路在James Peak的東面山坡字形挺進,沿途南眺Mount EvansMount BierstadtGrays PeakTorreys Peak等幾座14ers

Grays and Torries seen from the slopes of James Peak 1

Grays(L) and Torries(R) seen from the slopes of James Peak

Mount Evans from James' slope

14ers--Mount Evans(後左) & Mount Bierstadt(後右) from James' slope

Mount Evans to Torreys Peak crest line from James' slope 4

Mount Evans to Torreys Peak crest line from James' slope

Great view from James' slope

Marty making his way up to James

Picture 301

Picture 299

Picture 352

Picture 462

Picture 346

Picture 473

Picture 509

Looking down on James lake from James' slope 2

Looking down on James lake from James' slope

Looking down on lakes that are between James & Bancroft 1

Looking down on lakes that are between James & Bancroft

Ice Lake 1

Ice Lake

Parry Peak、Mt. Bancroft as seen from James' east slope 2

Parry Peak、Mt. Bancroft as seen from James' east slope

Picture 262

Picture 149

Picture 345

Picture 277


09:40 登頂James Peak,海拔13,294(4, 052公尺),這裡地處落磯山脈大陸分水嶺,西邊是Winter Park滑雪勝地,北望Indian Peaks和落磯山脈連稜,南邊最近的兩個山頭即是同是13ersParry PeakMt. Bancroft

Picture 383

Tony & Marty on the summit of James Peak

Picture 408

Me on the summit of James Peak

Picture 425

View to Northwest from James' summit 2

View to Northwest from James' summit

View to North from James' summit 2

View to North from James' summit

View to North from James' summit, Longs Peak is in the distance

View to North from James' summit, Longs Peak is in the distance

Parry Peak、Mt. Bancroft from James' summit 3

Parry Peak、Mt. Bancroft from James' summit

View to South from James' summit 4

View to South from James' summit


10:10 下山。

We are heading down from the summit 3

Picture 483

We are heading down from the summit 7

Picture 471

We are heading down from the summit 5

Picture 529




11:25 ATV車道,數部ATV緩緩經過。


The top of St. Mary's glacier

The top of St. Mary's glacier

Picture 551

Susan & Me on the top of St. Mary's glacier

Picture 569

Picture 570

Picture 564



Picture 572

Picture 574

Picture 575



St. Mary's Lake, Mount Evans is in the distance 1

St. Mary's Lake, Mount Evans is in the distance

St. Mary's Lake 3

St. Mary's Lake

St. Mary's Lake 7

St. Mary's Lake



12:30 回到停車場,稍作整裝後下山,途經Idaho Springs時到一家“Two Brothers Deli”餐廳吃點東西、喝點飲料後回家。

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