拍攝地區:落磯山脈(Bear Lake Area, Peak To Peak Scenic Byway)


Lake Estes (Estes Park)

Bear Lake(Rocky Mountain National Park)

Bear Lake(Rocky Mountain National Park)

Bear Lake(Rocky Mountain National Park)

Bear Lake(Rocky Mountain National Park)

Hallett Peak from above Bear Lake

Hallett Peak from above Bear Lake

Longs Peak from above Bear Lake

Hallett Peak from above Bear Lake

Longs Peak from above Bear Lake

Hallett Peak from above Bear Lake

Hallett Peak(L) & Flattop Mountain ( R) from Bear Lake Road

Rocky Mountains from Bear Lake Road

Twin Sisters Peaks as seen from CO-7

Hallett Peak from above Bear Lake

St Malo Catholic Church along CO-7

Twin Sisters Peaks as seen from CO-7

Bear Lake(Rocky Mountain National Park)

Bear Lake(Rocky Mountain National Park)

Aspen in Fall, Peak to Peak, Rockies


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