Garden of the Gods from visitor center

Garden of the Gods

Garden of the Gods 位處丹佛(Denver)南邊約70哩之科羅拉多洲第二大城Colorado Springs(科泉市)西郊約3哩的地方,面積約3300英畝,園内遍佈的紅色沙岩形成於約3億2千萬年前,怪石林立,使人有一種降臨火星的感覺。

Garden of the Gods原屬一個名叫Charles Elliott Perkins的私人產業,但他有鑑於此寶貴的自然景觀,所以一直未在該地做任何的建設,並且免費開放為公眾公園。Charles Elliott Perkins於1907年去世,其子女為賡續父願,更將該片土地於1909年捐獻給科泉市政府,並作為永久免費開放之公園。


Garden of the Gods visitor center

Garden of the Gods Visitor Center



Garden of the Gods view from visitor center( 遠處山頭為 Pikes Peak,海拔.4300 m)  

Garden of the Gods view from visitor center‧ ( 積雪山頭為 Pikes Peak ---Elev. 14110 ft./4300 m,在科羅拉多州的 14ers.中排名No.30。相關連結:




The Gateway Rocks

兩大座紅色砂岩是Garden of the Gods的天然大門,共分南、北兩座。數百英尺的高度聳立於平原上,引導遊客進入公園內部。

Gateway Rock(took it on the ridge of White Rock)

Gateway Rock(took it on the ridge of White Rock)

Picture 047

Sentinel RockGateway Rock 1

Gateway Rock(東面)

Gateway Rock(西面)North Gateway Rock(L) & South Gateway Rock(R)

Gateway Rock(西面)



North Gateway Rock

North Gateway Rock

North Gateway Rock (攝自遊客中心附近)

The Kissing Camels 2

North Gateway Rock (左上為Kissing Camels)


The Kissing Camels位在 North Gateway Rock的最頂端. 當然它的形成傳說又是一段悱惻纏綿的愛情悲劇。

Kissing Camels 1Kissing Camels through Juniper

Kissing Camels (此景在特定點拍攝,我是攀岩上去,一般遊客鮮少知道)。

Tower of Babel 1 

Tower of Babel(位於North Gateway Rock 最北端)

Tower of Babel 2

Tower of Babel(位於North Gateway Rock 最北端)


South Gateway Rock

South Gateway Rock through Juniper 2

The background is The South Gateway Rock (特定地點拍攝)

South Gateway Rock (2)

South Gateway Rock(Old Rocking Chair--老搖椅) & Gray Rock

South Gateway Rock

South Gateway Rock & Weeping Indian




Climbing the beautiful red rock at Garden of the Gods

Climbing the beautiful red rock at Garden of the Gods 1


Climber 3

Climber 4

White rock 1

White Rock (在Gateway Rock 附近)

White rock 3

White Rock (在Gateway Rock 附近)


The Bear and the Seal :

The Bear and the Seal 位在公園中央地區的Three Graces Rock 頂端;最早是一隻熊(右)和一隻海豹(左)對望(如黑白照片),但在1942年春的某一個暴風雨夜,海豹經不起暴風雨的襲擊而崩落,僅剩現在的一小節尾巴。


早期之 The Bear and the Seal

The Bear and the Seal 3

The Bear and the Seal 2The Bear and the Seal 1


Cathedral Spires (L)&Three Graces(R)

Cathedral Spires(L)&Three Graces(R) 2

Cathedral Spires(R)&Three Graces(L) 1

Three Graces(L)、Cathedral Spires(M)&South Gateway Rock(R)

Three Graces(L)、Cathedral Spires(M)&South Gateway Rock(R)



Three Graces

Three Graces 1

Three Graces



Cathedral Spires

大教堂頂峰(Cathedral Spires)

Cathedral Spires(seen to South) 1

Cathedral Spires(L)&Three Graces(R) 2

Cathedral Spires(seen to South) 



Gray Rock

Gray Rock 1

Looking down Garden of The Gods from Sleeping Giant 3

Looking down Garden of The Gods



Panorama of the Garden of the Gods

Panorama of the Garden of the Gods 2

Panorama of the Garden of the Gods 1

Panorama of the Garden of the Gods 5

Panorama of the Garden of the Gods 7

Panorama of the Garden of the Gods 7-1

Overlooking Pikes Peak from Sleeping Giant

Overlooking Pikes Peak from Sleeping Giant(積雪山頭為Pikes Peak --Elev. 14110 ft./4300 m,在科羅拉多州的 14ers.中排名No.30。相關連結:

Giant Footprints

Giant Footprints

Sleeping Giant

Sleeping Giant


Sleeping Giant

Looking down Garden of The Gods from Sleeping Giant

Looking down Garden of The Gods from Sleeping Giant

Scotsman 1




The Siamese Twins

這個石群當你從東邊看它是〝 the Siamese Twins〞(連體雙胞胎); 當你從南邊看則因石頭重疊而像木偶戲中的 Punch and Judy.

連體雙胞胎(Siamese Twins)

連體雙胞胎(Siamese Twins) 1

Pikes Peak throught the Siamese Twins

Pikes Peak (14110 ft.)from Siamese Twins Arch Overlooking Sleeping Giant(L) & Gray Rock(R)

High point overlook

Panorama of the Garden of the Gods 2

Overlooking Sleeping Giant(L) & Gray Rock(R)

Sleeping Giant(L) & Gray Rock(Cathedral Rock )

Sleeping Giant(L) & Gray Rock(R)



Balanced Rock & Steamboat Rock


Balanced Rock 4

Balanced Rock 1


Balanced Rock(R) & Steamboat Rock(L)

Balanced Rock(R) & Steamboat Rock(L)

Balanced Rock(L) & Steamboat Rock(R)

Balanced Rock & Steamboat

Balanced Rock(L) & Steamboat Rock(R)

Steamboat 2 



Trading Post

Garden of the Gods trading post

Big horn sheep in Garden of the Gods

Big horn sheep in Garden of the Gods


延伸閱覽:Garden of the Gods的傳說(2012.11.21)






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