週六進去落磯山國家公園看看Bear Lake附近白楊木(Aspen)葉子變色狀況,順便攀登Flattop Mountain,該山攀登多次,本篇僅簡述行程及貼些登山照片,詳細登山紀錄請瀏覽我以前的紀錄。
Flattop Mountain登山紀錄:
攀登落磯山脈Flattop Mountain及Hallett Peak (2012.09.29)
登山、賞白楊--Flattop Mountain攀登記(2008.09.27)
四登Flattop Mountain和首登Taylor Peak(2007.06.19)
攀登山岳:Flattop Mountain(海拔12,324呎/
登山口:Bear Lake Trailhead (海拔9,475呎/
清晨五點多離開女兒家,六點半左右路過CO-66公路旁的McCall Lake適逢將日出,特地停下來拍拍晨曦。
Dawn at McCall Lake
Longs Peak from CO-66 Hwy
Longs Peak from Estes Park
08:10 登山口Bear Lake出發,先在Bear Lake附近拍拍變色中的白楊木(Aspen)。
Bear Lake
Aspen at Bear Lake above
Longs Peak from Flattop Mountain Trail
09:37 抵達Dream Lake Overlook。
Dream Lake Overlook
10:30 抵達Emerald Lake Viewpoint。
Longs Peak from Emerald lake viewpoint
Fall colors
Mountain runner
Mummy Range from Flattop Mountain Trail
11:20 抵達一處拴馬架(Horse hitching rack,此山可騎馬上山,但必需將馬拴於此)。
Hallett Peak from Horse hitching rack
Horse hitching rack
11:40 登頂Flattop Mountain,海拔12,324呎(3,756公尺)。
Flattop Mountain's summit
Overlook to Grand lake from Flattop Mountain's summit
Flattop Mountain 山頂望Longs Peak(L)、Hallett Peak(R)
Longs Peak from Flattop Mountain
I'm on the Flattop Mountain's summit
Overlook to Bear Lake Road from Tyndall Glacier
12:55 下山。
15:00 返抵登山口Bear Lake,返家途中特地在Moraine Park觀賞一陣子鹿群(Elk)活動後才開車回家。
Elk in Rock Mountain National Park