
Looking down to Mountain Village from Station St. Sophia 


今天參觀完Owl Creek Pass後約在傍晚六點多來到住宿地Telluride西南邊不遠山上的小鎮Mountain Village

Mountain Village是一個地方自治市(Home Rule Municipality),海拔9,545(2,909公尺),人口才一千多人;該市是一座滑雪重鎮,當然經濟來源就是來自滑雪客及觀光客的消費;該市的連絡道路除了CO-145公路外,最大的特色就是有一座免費的空中纜車(Free Gondola)連接著東北邊山下的另一小鎮Telluride,整個纜車也算是滑雪場的一個部分,由於滑雪與觀光產業的發達,該市的纜車讓觀光客可以享受其免費服務,乘坐纜車可以從空中俯瞰整個Telluride這個鎮。

小鎮TellurideMountain Village我們去年才來過,今天僅在此過夜,有關該兩小鎮人文景觀請參閱我去年的遊記“科羅拉多山中祕境Telluride小鎮(2013.09.01)”,本文不再重述,僅貼些照片以饗讀者。

今晚我們住的是Inn at Lost Creek,號稱四星級的旅館,由於該市是一滑雪重鎮,客房房價冬天貴得嚇死人,一間兩人房可能要上千美金,淡季(春天)最便宜約1/4~1/3的房價;也許有人問說為什麼春天是淡季,因為這裡夏天瘋登山、秋天瘋賞楓和Aspen,冬天則是最旺季-滑雪,也是遊客最多的季節;我們一家五口住的房間有兩大套房,一大客廳加一廚房,其中一間套房備有蒸氣間及按摩浴缸,一晚美金170元,還免費附早餐(非房客早餐外賣一人約13美元),孫子樂得很,女兒則要我一定要我介紹一下,不過該地區觀光客停車不易,旅館代為泊車一部要20美元(結帳才告訴你),所以住宿時小費可別給得太大方。

★ 我們住宿的房間

Inn at Lost Creek


★ 安頓好方間後正直夕陽西下,出外走走,金黃色的陽光灑在金黃色的白楊葉子上,帶有點詩意!


Aspen in the fall at Mountain Village 


Free Gondola at Mountain Village 


Aspen Glowing in the Twilight Sun 

Twilight Glow Over the aspen and Mount Emma 

Twilight Glow Over the mountains 

Twilight Glow Over the part of San Juan Mountains 


★晚餐後搭纜車到山頂中途站Station St. Sophia(海拔10,535 /3, 211公尺)看看夜景(免費纜車早晨七點運作到晚上十二點),然後下到小鎮Telluride(海拔8,750/2,667公尺),老美都很早睡,街上甚少行人,商店也都打烊,只看到少數幾個年輕人在街上遊蕩著。


Looking down to Telluride from Station St. Sophia at night time

The sky at night

Main street at night, Telluride



★第二天早晨我們又到山頂中途站Station St. Sophia看風景後回到旅館check out,一路逛到小鎮Telluride,買完中餐後繼續今天的賞Aspen之旅~~CO-62公路沿線小徑。


Station St. Sophia

Mountain view from the gondola station 


Sunrise light at Telluride & the valley 


Sunrise light on the aspen and mountains 

Mountain View from Station St. Sophia, Mountain Village, CO 

Sunrise on Wilson Peak with gold aspen in the foreground 

Sunrise on Wilson Peak with gold aspen in the foreground 

Looking at the aspen

Looking down to Telluride from Station St. Sophia 

Looking down at Telluride

Jacob kicking Matthew

Mountain biker 

Mountain view from the gondola station 

Looking down to Mountain Village from the gondola

Aspen in the fall at Mountain Village 

Aspen in the fall at Mountain Village 

Walson Peak from Mountain Village 

Aspen in the fall at Mountain Village 

Aspen in the fall at Mountain Village 

Aspen in the fall at Mountain Village 

Mount Emma from Mountain Village

Mount Emma from Mountain Village 

Mountain Village 

Unamed pond at Mountain Village

Mountain view from golf course

Aspen in the fall at Mountain Village 

Mount Emma(13,581')

Overlooking Telluride from Mountain Village

Aspen in the fall with a snow mountain in the distance

Aspen in fall below Wilson Peak

The main street of Telluride

Aspen in fall at Telluride

Town of Telluride welcome sign




( 科羅拉多金秋三角賞白楊()~~Silver Jack Area & Owl Creek Pass(2014.10.04)

()  科羅拉多金秋三角賞白楊()~~Mountain Village, Telluride(2014.10.04)

()  科羅拉多金秋三角賞白楊()~~TellurideRidgwayCO-62公路旁鄉間小道(2014.10.05)

()  科羅拉多金秋三角賞白楊()~~百萬公路(Million Dollar Highway)遊記 (2014.10.06)



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