South Valley Park

South Valley Park



今天帶著女兒及兩個孫子到LittletonSouth Valley Park去走走,該公園園區內有蠻多紅色砂岩巨石,當然與鄰近的Red Rocks Park是無法相比擬,但平緩的健行步道倒不失為一處老少咸宜的登山健行處所。

由女兒住家沿I-25高速公路南下轉I-76再接I-70州際公路西行,抵Golden後再轉CO-470公路南下,行10.4哩後在Ken Caryl Ave出口下交流道,右轉W Ken Caryl Ave西行0.3哩再左轉S Valley Rd0.9哩後抵達路左的South Valley Park停車場。Parking lot at Main Trailhead 1

Parking lot at Main Trailhead
Mann Reservoir 4
Mann Reservoir
Mann Reservoir, South Valley Park

South Valley Park有兩處登山口,此停車場是Main Trailhead,再往南邊續行另有一處South Trailhead,位置在Littleton12399 Deer Creek Canyon Rd.
South Valley Park原有登山健行步道約八哩,但目前有部分園區因季節性封閉,所以我們僅走了Coyote Song TrailLyon's Back TrailSwallow Trail,如此一個Loop大約2.5(4公里),邊走邊玩花了近兩個小時,這種行程對太座來說,她說剛剛好!小貝貝則臭屁的說,好像沒運動到~~
Coyote Song Trail:全長約1.5 (2.4公里),爬升高度約306(93公尺);奇特的紅砂巨岩沿著步道矗立著,一路俯瞰山谷美景;此步道單車、行人共用,行走時隨時要注意後面是否有單車過來。

Coyote Song Trail 1
Coyote Song Trail 
Coyote Song Trail 2
Coyote Song Trail 3
Red rocks along the trail 1
Red rocks along the trail 2
Red rocks along the trail 3
Red rocks along the Coyote Song trail 
Coyote Song Trail 4
Coyote Song Trail 6
Coyote Song Trail 

Swallow Trail:全長約1.2哩,爬升高度約190(58公尺);此步道是行人專用,不得騎乘腳踏車;走此步道可一路欣賞草原風光。
Coyote Song Trail 7
Swallow Trail 2
Swallow Trail 1
Swallow Trail 3
Swallow Trail 
Red rocks along the trail 5
Red rocks along the trail 6
A lot of red rocks in the park
Red rocks along the trail 7
Red rocks along the trail 8
Red rocks along the Swallow Trail  
Mann Reservoir 1
Mann Reservoir 2
Mann Reservoir 3
Mann Reservoir 

Lyon's Back Trail:此步道是由 Coyote Song Trail中途分岔上去的一條小徑,爬上稜線後接到Ken Caryl Foundation landColumbine Trail,回頭原路下山約0.4(640公尺),爬升高度約100(30公尺);爬上稜線高處可俯瞰兩側峽谷風光。
Lyon's Back Trail
Lyon's Back Trai
Overlooking the valley from a high point 2
Overlooking the valley from a high point 
Jump !
On the top of the Lyon's Back Trail
Taken from a high point
Taken from a high point
Overlooking the valley from a high point 1
Overlooking the valley from a high point 

Dense Blazing Star 2
Dense Blazing Star White Poppy flower 4
White Poppy flower 2
White Poppy flower
Common Mullein 2Common Mullein 1
Common Mullein 

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