
The Cathedral Rock from  the Red Rock Loop Road  (16)
The Cathedral Rock from  the Red Rock Loop Road


Red Rocks formation, Sedona, AZ
Red Rocks formation, Sedona, AZ

(五) 從Airport Road回到89A道路東行右轉AZ-179 S道路南下,抵達Chapel Road後左轉進去參觀Chapel of the holy cross(聖十字教堂)
Chapel of the holy cross(聖十字教堂)
聖多娜著名的Chapel of the holy cross位在小城東南角的Chapel Road上,是亞利桑那州七大建築奇蹟之一,興建這座教堂共花了18個月的時間,於1956年完工,當年耗資30多萬美元,教堂建在高高的紅色岩層半山腰,為了保持山巒的完美,整個工程沒有動用炸藥,而是全部人工手動清除走2,5000多噸的岩石;教堂的正面中央以一大十字架為主要骨架,遠觀就像一座十字架嵌在紅色岩石中。
The Chapel of the Holy Cross 2
The Chapel of the Holy Cross 1
The Chapel of the Holy Cross 

The Chapel of the Holy Cross 8
The Chapel of the Holy Cross 
The Chapel of the Holy Cross 5
The Chapel of the Holy Cross (內部)

Cathedral Rock from The Chapel of the Holy Cross 6
在教堂下方距教堂很近的這棟豪宅據說影星Johnny Depp和Nicolas Cage都曾經擁有過它,後來證實都是謠傳,較可靠的說法毫宅是發明 Lasik eye surgery 的一位羅馬尼亞教授所擁有;圖片遠方是Cathedral Rock

Madonna and Child & Two Nuns
Red Rocks formation from  The Chapel of the Holy Cross
Red Rocks formation from  The Chapel of the Holy Cross

從教堂往東邊看過去的這個岩層被稱為Madonna and Child(麥當娜和兒童),而在右側的岩層稱為Two Nuns(兩修女)正在注視著她倆,似乎在守護著這對母子。
Two Nuns and the Madonna and Child
Two Nuns and the Madonna and Child
Overlooking south onto Bell Rock & Courthouse Butte from The Chapel of the Holy Cross
Overlooking south onto Bell Rock & Courthouse Butte from The Chapel of the Holy Cross

Cuctus at The Chapel of the holy cross
Cuctus at The Chapel of the holy cross 2
Cuctus at The Chapel of the holy cross 1
Cuctus at The Chapel of the holy cross 

(六) 由聖十字教堂回到AZ-179 S道路左轉繼續南下,在Courthouse Vista停車,走了一小段Bell Rock Trail(未登頂),沿途近距離仰望Courthouse Butte和Bell Rock。
Bell Rock 2

Bell Rock 3
Bell Rock
Bell Rock 
Courthouse Butte
Courthouse Butte

(七) 離開Courthouse Vista後繼續南下,行不久左轉進入Red Rock Ranger Station & Visitor Center參觀;
Overlooking northeast onto Bell Rock & Courthouse Butte from Red Rock Ranger Station & Visitor Center

Overlooking northeast onto Bell Rock & Courthouse Butte from Red Rock Ranger Station & Visitor Center 1
Overlooking northeast onto Bell Rock & Courthouse Butte from Red Rock Ranger Station & Visitor Center
The Bell Rock from Red Rock Ranger Station & Visitor Center
The Bell Rock from Red Rock Ranger Station & Visitor Center

參觀Red Rock Range Station之後又到Montezuma Castle National Monument繞了一下子,然後一路南下晚上住宿地Tucson
Montezuma Castle National Monument(蒙特蘇馬城堡國家保護區)
Montezuma Castle National Monument 1
Montezuma Castle National Monument 2
Montezuma Castle National Monument 

Montezuma Castle National Monument是一處印地安人的懸崖居住遺址,共分城堡區和井水區兩區,我們受限於時間僅參觀一般遊客最常參觀的城堡區,前後僅停留五十分鐘左右。
Montezuma Castle National Monument的城堡區範圍很小,有一條約一哩長的環行步道,步道旁山壁上頭有印第安人在天然洞窟所蓋的房子遺址,發現的人將之名為“Montezuma Castle”;
Montezuma Castle 3
Montezuma Castle 1
Montezuma Castle

該建築遺址共有五層,在此遺址的左下方另有一處被稱為Castle A的城堡區,不過後來因為遭受火災,縣僅剩下殘缺的牆壁和石壁上的洞穴,在遺址旁立有還原示意圖。
Montezuma Castle 2
Montezuma Castle 

在遺址的南邊有一條小河,是Verde River的支流。

園區裡遍植Arizona Sycamore,它是北美的一種梧桐,一大片,此時葉子變為紅褐色,不亮麗,遠觀還是有其可看性,在此園區走馬看花似的到此一遊,隨即驅車南下,今晚住宿南邊的Tucson,還有三個多小時的車程。

Arizona Sycamore 2
Arizona Sycamore 1
Arizona Sycamore 
Arizona Sycamore (trunk)
Arizona Sycamore (trunk)
Arizona Sycamore (leaves)
Arizona Sycamore (leaves)
Arizona Sycamore (fruit)
Arizona Sycamore (fruit)

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