今天的主要行程除了Athabasca Glacier和Glacier Sky Walk進入Jasper National Park的範圍外,其餘景點都在班夫國家公園(Banff National Park)範圍內;由昨晚住宿地Canmore出發,先去搭乘Banff Gondola纜車後再趁大好天氣繞進Lake Louise,然後一路沿被視為世界上景觀最美麗的公路之一的93號公路~~冰原大道(Icefield Parkway)西北行,直抵今晚的住宿地Jasper,沿途遊覽Herbert Lake、Crowfoot Glacier、Bow Lake、Peyto Lake、Athabasca Glacier、Glacier Sky Walk等有名景點。
08:00 由昨晚的住宿地Canmore出發,先經Bow Valley Trail/AB-1A W道路上1號公路(Trans-Canada Hwy/AB-1 W)西北行駛,行約21公里下交流道朝Banff前進。
08:35 抵達班夫纜車站(Banff Gondola),我們來得早停車場尚有空位,如果晚一點來是一位難求的。
Banff Gondola parking lot
Northern view of the mountains from Banff Gondola parking lot
Banff Gondola Lower terminal
從海拔1,583公尺(5,194 呎)的Banff Gondola纜車站下站(Lower Terminal)搭纜車約8分鐘即可爬升約700公尺到達海拔2281公尺的硫磺山(Sulphur Mountain)山頂纜車站上站(Upper Terminal);
Banff Castle hotel from Banff Gondola
Banff Gondola Lower terminal from upper terminal
到了山頂後可俯瞰整個Banff市區、Bow River、明尼萬卡湖(Lake Minnewanka)等令人屏息的美景,更可極目遠眺積滿白雪的落磯山脈靄靄山頭。
Banff Gondola
Banff and surrounding area from the Sulphur mountain Gondola
Overlooking onto Banff from Banff Gondola On Sulphur Mountain
山頂纜車站上站(Upper Terminal)是一座四層的建築,每一層樓都有不同的功能,包括紀念品店、體驗館、瞭望台以及全北美最高的餐廳等。
Red Chairs at upper terminal, Banff Gondola
From Banff Gondola Upper Terminal facing west at Sundance Range
From Banff Gondola Upper Terminal facing North at mountains
Mount Rundle And Spray Valley From Banff Gondola On Sulphur Mountain
從纜車上站(Upper Terminal)四層建築往西北沿著山脊建有一條長約1公里的木棧步道;
Meteorological station on Sanson Peak & boardwalk trail from Banff Gondola upper terminal
The boardwalk trails on the ridge
步道終點為Sanson Peak山頂,山頂有一座於1903年建造現已停用的氣象站,步行其間,可從不同的視角觀賞壯麗的風景。
Meteorological observatory building on Sanson Peak
Banff and surrounding area from the Sanson Peak Observation Point
From meteorological station on Sanson Peak facing Northeast at mountains
From meteorological station on Sanson Peak facing North at mountains
Taken from Banff Gondola Sanson Peak Observation Point
Red Chairs at Sanson Peak, Banff Gondola
Taken from Banff Gondola Sanson Peak Observation Point
Sanson Peak Observation Point
A panoramic view of Mount Rundle, Banff Gondola Station and Sulphur Mountain from Sanson Peak
此趟加拿大之行女兒購買了來洛磯山脈旅遊必須體驗的四種旅遊活動的大套票,每張套票是加幣194元(約美金149 元),所謂大套票就是包含Banff Gondola、Maligne Lake Cruise、Glacier Adventure和Glacier Sky Walk的四種旅遊活動;我們在山頂一共停留了1小時30分鐘才下山。
10:40 離開Banff Gondola前往隧道山(Tunnel Mountain),首先抵達驚奇角(Surprised Corner)在此遠眺Banff的高級溫泉旅館The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel。
The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel from Surprised Corner
驚奇角(Surprised Corner),位於Banff要上隧道山(Tunnel Mountain)半路上的一個景點,在這邊可以眺望Banff高級溫泉旅館The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel與弓河(Bow River)河景,Surprised Corner設有觀景台供遊客觀景與拍照。
Taken from Surprised Corner
離開Surprised Corner後本來要開車上隧道山(Tunnel Mountain)繞一圈,但因道路封閉而直接離開Banff,前往冰原公路(Icefield Pkwy)沿途景點。
12:15 路過Lake Louise時因為大好天氣忍不住又進去了一趟Lake Louise。
12:50 離開 Lake Louise沿1號公路(Trans-Canada Hwy/AB-1 W)西北行駛約2公里後在Alberta 93出口下交流道,朝Jasper西北行。
繼續瀏覽:加拿大落磯山公園群之旅D5之二~~ Herbert Lake、Crowfoot Glacier、Bow Lake、Peyto Lake (2017.06.12)
- Jun 24 Sat 2017 08:09
加拿大落磯山公園群之旅D5之一~~Banff Gondola、Lake Louise (2017.06.12)