Loveland Pass' summit 1
Loveland Pass' summit 

露營第二天用完早餐後全體到距營地約12哩的Loveland Pass hiking,營地出發後朝US-6E號公路前進,接US-6E號公路後右轉行約 11.2哩在將抵達Loveland Pass最高點前0.5哩處左轉,行約0.1哩即抵達Pass Lake停車場。
Pass Lake
Pass Lake海拔11,835(3,607公尺),上下大小計有三個湖,環湖一周大約0.8(1.28公里),湖邊小徑因融雪的關係有點泥濘,但湛藍的湖水,倒映著靄靄白雪山頭,風景優美。
Pass Lake (11)
Pass Lake (1)
Pass Lake (6)
Pass Lake (7)
Pass Lake (2)
Pass Lake (3)
Pass Lake (4)
Pass Lake (8)
Pass Lake (19)
Pass Lake (9)
Pass Lake (10)
Pass Lake (18)
Pass Lake
Pass Lake (5)
Marsh Marigold
Marsh Marigold

Pass Lake下湖
Pass Lake (12)
Pass Lake (13)
Pass Lake (16)
Pass Lake (17)
Pass Lake (14)
Pass Lake (15)
Loveland Pass
走完了Pass Lake開車續往上行約0.5哩抵達Loveland Pass最高點,此處海拔11,990(3,650公尺),有一處停車場,但旅遊旺季往往車滿為患。

Loveland Pass最高點

Loveland Pass' summit 2
Loveland Pass' summit
今天我們選擇停車場東側的步道預定登上Point 12,915’,海拔12,915(3,937公尺),登山距離約一哩(1.6公里)
Taken on the summit of Lovenland Pass
Taken on the summit of Lovenland Pass

Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 1
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 11
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 10
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 9
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 7
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 6
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 5
Hiker & her pet
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 4
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 8
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 2
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail 3
Wildflower Blooming along the hiking trail
Sitting in a Field 1
Sitting in a Field 2
Sitting in a Field 3
Sitting in a Field
Old Man of the Mountain
Old Man of the Mountain
Moss Campion
Moss Campion
大約花了50分鐘我們登上了Point 12,915’
Looking down onto Loveland Pass from Point 12,915' below 1
Looking down onto Loveland Pass from Point 12,915' below 2
Looking down onto Loveland Pass from Point 12,915' below 3
Looking down onto Loveland Pass from Point 12,915' below
Me on the 12,915' Point, in the background is the 13,152' Point & Mount Sniktau
Me on the 12,915' Point, in the background is the 13,152' Point & Mount Sniktau
Jacob on the 12,915' Point, in the background is the 13,152' Point & Mount Sniktau
Jacob on the 12,915' Point, in the background is the 13,152' Point & Mount Sniktau
Taken on the 12,915' Point 5
Taken on the 12,915' Point 4
Taken on the 12,915' Point 3
Taken on the 12,915' Point 2
Taken on the 12,915' Point 1
Taken on the 12,915' Point
Jump ! I'm on the 12,915' Point, in the background is the Grays & Torreys Peak
Jump ! I'm on the 12,915' Point, in the background is the Grays & Torreys Peak

Grays PeakTorreys Peak, 以及近一點的Grizzly PeakCupit高點;北邊則是兩年前才攀登過的13ers.~Mount Sniktau ,其他四週靄靄白雪高山更是不計其數!


12,915' Point展望 2
12,915' Point展望
12,915' Point展望
Looking north onto 13,152' Point & Sniktau from the 12,915' Point
Looking north onto 13,152' Point & Sniktau from the 12,915' Point
Looking southeast onto Grays, Torreys, Grizzly & Cupit from the 12,915' Point
Looking southeast onto Grays, Torreys, Grizzly & Cupit from the 12,915' Point
Overlooking southwest from 12,915' Point, Quandary, Lincoln et al. 14ers are in the distance
Overlooking southwest from 12,915' Point, Quandary, Lincoln et al. 14ers are in the distance
Overlooking southwest from Loveland Pass above, Mt. of the Holy Cross  in the distance
Overlooking southwest from Loveland Pass above, Mt. of the Holy Cross  in the distance



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