Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument
昨天參觀完班德利爾國家遺址保護區(Bandelier National Monument)後回到聖塔菲市(Santa Fe)用晚餐,同時夜宿聖塔菲市(Santa Fe);今天利用回丹佛之便順到遊覽帳篷岩國家遺址保護區(Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument)。
Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument(帳篷岩國家遺址保護區)位於新墨西哥州首府Santa Fe和最大城市Albuquerque之間的Cochiti Pueblo印第安保留地內,由於區內岩石酷似帳篷因之得名,但此所言之帳篷是指印地安人傳統的帳篷“Teepee”,而不是我們一般印象中的帳篷“Tent”;該遺址保護區我們在前年(2015)曾去造訪一次,但當時到園時間較晚,又不知道冬天開放時間縮短,在Slot Canyon Trail半途中就被一位Ranger攔截下來,他告訴我們園方規定在下午三點半前沒登頂的就不能再繼續前行了,我們只好下山,因此錯過許多精華的景點殊為可惜,最扼腕的是大女兒了,一再說一定要再來,所以,我們又來了!
帳篷岩國家保護區(Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument)—2015.11.21
Slot Canyon Trail步道簡述:
Slot Canyon Trail步道單程長約1.5哩,登山口海拔5,731呎(1,747公尺),總爬升高度約570呎(174公尺),來回含山頂停留慢慢走約三小時;整條步道大致區分為三部分:
前段:由停車場登山口至Cave loop Trail岔路為兩步道共用步道,長約0.5哩,步道幾乎沒爬升,寬敞好走。
Unusual rock formations along the Slot Canyon Trail
中段:由Cave loop Trail岔路取右行,不久進入峽谷地形,由於狹谷狹窄所以稱為Slot Canyon,沿途狹窄的岩壁與羚羊峽谷(Antelope Canyon)有點近似,只是其氣勢、規模及色彩是無法相提並論的;此段距離約0.25哩,步道小幅度爬升。
Unusual rock formations along the Slot Canyon Trail
Slot Canyon Trail. Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument
Unusual rock formations along the Slot Canyon Trail
Above the tent rocks, seen from the upper part of the Slot Canyon Trail
Taken from the upper part of the Slot Canyon Trail
The end of the Slot Canyon Trail
Above the tent rocks, seen from the upper part of the Slot Canyon Trail
Above the tent rocks, seen from the upper part of the Slot Canyon Trail
The view as you get to the end of the trail
Taken from the upper part of the Slot Canyon Trail