Chautauqua Park
Chautauqua Park

登山步道1st. & 2nd. Flatiron Trail

登山口Chautauqua Ranger Cottage(海拔5,710呎/ 1,740公尺)






09:40 由Chautauqua Park的Ranger Cottage出發,沿Ranger Cottage西側的寬大土石道路Bluebell Road朝西南上行;
Wild Teasel 2
Wild Teasel 1
Wild Teasel 
Bluebell Road 1
Bluebell Road
Flatirons from Bluebell Road 4
Flatirons from Bluebell Road 3
Flatirons from Bluebell Road
The 3rd Flatiron from Bluebell Road
The 3rd Flatiron from Bluebell Road
Bluebell shelter
Bluebell shelter

行約0.4哩遇Royal Arch Trail登山口;
Royal Arch Trailhead
Royal Arch Trailhead

取右上小徑往Flatirons Trail北上;
Flatirons Trail
Flatirons Trail

再行約0.1哩上到稜線松林中遇到Bluebell-Baird Trail,此稜線是第二座(2nd) Flatiron下方的稜線。

10:18 抵達Bluebell-Baird Trail,左右均為Bluebell-Baird Trail,直上為“To Flatirons Climbing Access”,取直行上山。
Bluebell-Baird Trail & Flatirons Climbing Access fork
Bluebell-Baird Trail & Flatirons Climbing Access fork

10:22 小徑再行約0.1哩抵達Flatirons Loop步道,左右均為Flatirons Loop步道,直上為1st /2nd Flatiron Trail;取直行上山。
Flatirons Loop & 1st、2nd Flatiron Trail fork
Flatirons Loop & 1st、2nd Flatiron Trail fork

10:27 抵達一大片碎石坡,此大片碎石坡是第二座(2nd) Flatiron下方的西北面坡,步道開始在岩石坡間“之”字盤升。
The trail through a long talus field
The trail through a long talus field
A long talus field between 1st & 2nd Flatiron
A long talus field between 1st & 2nd Flatiron
1st & 2nd Flatiron Trail 1
1st & 2nd Flatiron Trail

10:36 小徑右側一座木橋是要攀爬第一座(1st) Flatiron的攀岩路線,由Flatirons Loop步道岔路到此約0.2哩;
1st Flatiron climbing access spur
1st Flatiron climbing access spur
First Flatiron
First Flatiron from climbing access spur

Overlooking Boulder downtown from the talus field 2
Overlooking Boulder downtown from the talus field 1
Overlooking Boulder downtown from the talus field
Jacob hike up through the talus field
Jacob hike up through the talus field

10:45 上到將達抵岩石坡頂端時越嶺繞過稜線在另一坡面繼續盤升上山,此波面即是第二座(2nd) Flatiron下方的東南坡。
Rock Climbers on the First Flatiron 2
Rock Climbers on the First Flatiron 1
Rock Climbers on the First Flatiron 3
Rock Climbers on the First Flatiron 4
Rock Climbers on the First Flatiron
1st & 2nd Flatiron Trail 2
1st & 2nd Flatiron Trail

10:55 再越過稜線回到岩石坡(第二座Flatiron下方的西北面坡)這一坡面,越嶺處岩石上有極佳展望,可在此小休;
Taken from the 2nd Flatiron below 3
Taken from the 2nd Flatiron below 
Taken from the 2nd Flatiron below 1
Taken from the 2nd Flatiron below 2
Taken from the 2nd Flatiron below
Overlooking Boulder downtown from the trail
Overlooking Boulder downtown from the trail

The First Flatiron as seen from the 2nd Flatiron access trail 1
The First Flatiron as seen from the 2nd Flatiron access trail

11:15 登上最高點,最高點介於1st.Flatiron和2nd Flatiron的中間鞍部,從第一座(1st) Flatiron的攀岩路線木橋到登頂里程約0.5哩,從Chautauqua Park Ranger Station到登頂計約1.3哩。
The First Flatiron as seen from the 2nd Flatiron access trail 2
Rock Climbers on the First Flatiron 5
The First Flatiron as seen from the 2nd Flatiron access trail
The First Flatiron as seen from the 2nd Flatiron access trail 3
The First Flatiron as seen from the 2nd Flatiron access trail
Looking down toward Boulder downtown from The notch between the first and second flatiron 4
Looking down toward Boulder downtown from The notch between the first and second flatiron 1
Looking down toward Boulder downtown from The notch between the first and second flatiron 5
Looking down toward Boulder downtown from The notch between the first and second flatiron
Taken from The notch between the first and second flatiron 1
Taken from The notch between the first and second flatiron 2
Taken from The notch between the first and second flatiron

小心攀上2nd Flatiron的岩石上有不錯的展望;
The Third Flatiron as seen from the top of the 1st & 2nd Flatiron Trail
The Third Flatiron as seen from the top of the 1st & 2nd Flatiron Trail
Looking south at NCAR from the 2nd Flatiron
Looking south at NCAR from the 2nd Flatiron
Looking south at NCAR & 3rd Flatiron from 2nd Flatiron
Looking south at NCAR & 3rd Flatiron from 2nd Flatiron
Jacob on the Second Flatiron 2
Jacob on the Second Flatiron 1
Jacob on the Second Flatiron


12:20 回到Chautauqua Ranger Cottage,全程登山時間約2小時40分鐘。
Bluebell Road 2
Bluebell Road

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