
Taken from the trail near 12,120' 2

上週四(5)進去落磯山國家公園攀登Flattop Mountain,該山攀登過多次,但最近山上已下了蠻多雪,此次主要是去嘗試一下雪地攀爬的經驗,至於以前登此山之記錄請瀏覽我以前的紀錄。

Flattop Mountain登山紀錄:

登落磯山國家公園內Flattop Mountain(2014.09.13)

攀登落磯山脈Flattop Mountain及Hallett Peak (2012.09.29)

登山、賞白楊--Flattop Mountain攀登記(2008.09.27)

四登Flattop Mountain和首登Taylor Peak(2007.06.19)



攀登山岳Flattop Mountain(海拔12,324 呎/ 3,756 公尺)

登山口:Bear Lake Trailhead (海拔9,475呎/2,888公尺)


清晨六點多從家中出發,近八點抵達國家公園的Beaver Meadows Visitor Center時路旁陸續出現Deers和Elks;
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park (3)
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park (1)
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park (2)
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park 

Deer at Rocky Mountain National Park
Deer at Rocky Mountain National Park
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park (4)
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park (5)
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park
Wild turkeys on the road
Wild turkeys on the road

我在八點四十分左右抵達Bear Lake停車場。
Looking West onto the Rockies from Bear Lake Road 1
Looking West onto the Rockies from Bear Lake Road 2
Looking West onto the Rockies from Bear Lake Road
Looking West onto Otis(L), Hallett & Flattop from Bear Lake Road 1
Looking West onto Otis(L), Hallett & Flattop from Bear Lake Road
Looking West onto Hallett(L) & Flattop from Bear Lake Road 1
Looking West onto Hallett(L) & Flattop from Bear Lake Road 2
Looking West onto Hallett(L) & Flattop from Bear Lake Road



08:45 從Bear Lake停車場出發,先到Bear Lake繞繞,今天風小、湖面如鏡,倒影美麗如畫!此地海拔9,475呎( 2,888公尺)。
Bear Lake with Hallett Peak in the background 1
Bear Lake with Hallett Peak in the background
Bear Lake with Otis & Hallett Peak in the background 1
Bear Lake with Otis & Hallett Peak in the background
Bear Lake with Longs Peak in the background
Bear Lake with Longs Peak in the background
Bear Lake
Bear Lake

繞完Bear Lake以後進入Flattop Mountain步道,步道旁白楊木黃葉早已落光,只剩光禿禿的枝條,冬將近、有點蕭條!
Looking South onto Longs Peak from upper Bear Lake 2
Looking South onto Longs Peak from upper Bear Lake
Aspen leaves almost wilting
Aspen leaves almost wilting

09:11 抵Bierstadt Lake岔路,此處海拔9,711呎( 2,960公尺),距Bear Lake登山口約0.4哩,右直行往Bierstadt Lake;取左彎上山。
Looking South onto Longs Peak from Flattop Mountain trail near 9,730'
Looking South onto Longs Peak from Flattop Mountain trail near 9,730'
Flattop Mountain Trail 1
Flattop Mountain Trail

09:35 抵達Fern Lake岔路,此處海拔9,990呎( 3,045公尺),距Bear Lake登山口約0.9哩,取左往Flattop Mountain。
Flattop Mountain Trail 3
Flattop Mountain Trail

10:07 抵達Dream Lake Overlook,此處海拔10,476呎( 3,193公尺),距Bear Lake登山口約1.7哩,可俯瞰Dream Lake。
Looking down at Dream Lake from Dream Lake Overlook
Looking down at Dream Lake from Dream Lake Overlook
Longs Peak from Dream Lake Overlook 1-1
Longs Peak from Dream Lake Overlook

10:47 抵一處開闊點,海拔10,676呎( 3,254公尺),距Bear Lake登山口約2.0哩,此點已接進森林線,除了東南眺Longs Peak外,已可遠眺北方的Mummy Range。
Looking South onto Longs Peak from Flattop Mountain trail near 10,676'
Looking South onto Longs Peak from Flattop Mountain trail near 10,676'
Looking Southeast onto Longs Peak from the Flattop Mountain trail
Looking Southeast onto Longs Peak from the Flattop Mountain trail
Near 10,676’, looking back down on the Bear Lake Road, with Bierstadt Lake (L) & Sprague Lake in full view
Near 10,676’, looking back down on the Bear Lake Road, with Bierstadt Lake (L) & Sprague Lake in full view
Flattop Mountain Trail 4
Flattop Mountain Trail
Looking North onto Mummy Range from Flattop Mountain trail near 10,800'
Looking North onto Mummy Range from Flattop Mountain trail near 10,800'

11:05 整個傳統路徑完全被厚厚的積雪覆蓋,看不出一點痕跡,登山客已另闢出一條直通Emerald Lake Viewpoint的捷徑,跟著捷徑上登;此處已出森林線,海拔10,827呎( 3,300公尺),距Bear Lake登山口約2.06哩。
Looking South onto Longs Peak from Flattop Mountain trail near 10,827'
Looking South onto Longs Peak from Flattop Mountain trail near 10,827'

11:15 抵達Emerald Lake Viewpoint,此處海拔11,312呎( 3,448公尺),距Bear Lake登山口約3.0哩,Emerald Lake、Longs Peak一覽無遺。
Looking down at Emerald Lake from Emerald Lake Viewpoint
Looking down at Emerald Lake from Emerald Lake Viewpoint
Longs Peak from Emerald Lake Viewpoint 2
Longs Peak from Emerald Lake Viewpoint 1
Longs Peak from Emerald Lake Viewpoint

過了 Emerald Lake Viewpoint以後的岩石山坡都是厚厚的積雪,完全看不到舊路跡,正確登山步道應是朝西北方向腰繞12,012’山頭,但登山客已朝西南邊的12,012’山頭直攻走出一條捷徑,我跟著左轉朝山頭直攻。
Flattop Mountain Trail 5
Flattop Mountain Trail
Looking South onto Longs Peak from the trail near 11,600'
Looking South onto Longs Peak from the trail near 11,600'

11:52 抵達11,800’山頭,在此山頭可以俯瞰Dream Lake和Emerald Lake在左側的山谷下;
Looking South onto Longs Peak et al. from near 11,800'
Looking South onto Longs Peak et al. from near 11,800'
Looking South onto Longs Peak from near 11,800'
Looking South onto Longs Peak from near 11,800'
Looking down at Dream Lake & Emerald Lake from near 11,800'
Looking down at Dream Lake & Emerald Lake from near 11,800'

Looking south onto Longs Peak, Hallett Peak et al. from near Flattop Mountain summit 2
Looking south onto Longs Peak, Hallett Peak et al. from near Flattop Mountain summit 1-1
Looking south onto Longs Peak, Hallett Peak et al. from near Flattop Mountain summit
Hallett Peak & Tyndall Glacier from near 12,100'
Hallett Peak & Tyndall Glacier from near 12,100'
Looking South onto Longs Peak from the trail near 12,100'
Looking South onto Longs Peak from the trail near 12,100'

12:30 抵達栓馬架(Horse hitching rack),此處海拔12,120呎( 3,694公尺),距Bear Lake登山口約4.0哩,山頂快到了,這條登山步道可騎馬上來,但馬匹不可越過此點,必須栓在這兒。
Taken from the trail near 12,120' 1
Taken from the trail near 12,120'
Hiker on his way up to the summit
Hiker on his way up to the summit 1
Hiker on his way up to the summit

12:57 登頂Flattop Mountain,海拔12,324 呎( 3,756 公尺);諾大的高原都是白雪,原來佈滿山頂的岩石倒變成了白浪滔滔裡的暗礁。
The summit of Flattop Mountain
The summit of Flattop Mountain
Taken from the summit of Flattop Mountain
Taken from the summit of Flattop Mountain
Looking Southeast onto Longs Peak (L) & Hallett Peak  from the summit of Flattop Mountain 1
Looking Southeast onto Longs Peak (L) & Hallett Peak  from the summit of Flattop Mountain 3
Looking Southeast onto Longs Peak (L) & Hallett Peak  from the summit of Flattop Mountain 2
Looking Southeast onto Longs Peak (L) & Hallett Peak  from the summit of Flattop Mountain
Looking Southeast onto Longs Peak from the summit of Flattop Mountain
Looking Southeast onto Longs Peak from the summit of Flattop Mountain
Looking West onto Snowdrift Peak, Ptarmigan Point et al. from Flattop Mountain summit 3-1
Looking West onto Snowdrift Peak, Ptarmigan Point et al. from Flattop Mountain summit
Looking Southeast onto Hallett Peak from Flattop Mountain summit 1
Looking Southeast onto Hallett Peak from Flattop Mountain summit
Looking North onto Mummy Range from Flattop Mountain summit 1
Looking North onto Mummy Range from Flattop Mountain summit


13:10 在山上稍作停留後循上山路跡下山。

14:36 下抵Emerald Lake Viewpoint,續行下山。

15:34 返抵Dream Lake Overlook。

16:00 返抵登山口,遊客已少,整裝後開車回家,回家的路上又見到幾群Elk在路旁覓食,算來鹿群的活躍期也將結束,要聽到滿山滿谷的雄鹿求偶的嘶叫聲期待明年了!
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park (6)
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park (7)
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park 

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