Columbine Lake (14)
Columbine Lake 

昨天是八月八日台灣的父親節,這是今年在美國度過的第二個父親節;世界多數國家將父親節訂在每年六月的第三個禮拜天,包括美國和中華人民共和國,上網查了一下定八月八日為父親節的國家僅中華民國及蒙古國兩國;女兒為了慶祝父親節特地請假一天,當天除了女婿公務繁忙上班外,舉家前往Winter Park附近的Indian Peaks Wilderness攀爬Columbine Lake高山湖。


攀登湖泊Columbine Lake (海拔11,060/3,371公尺)






從丹佛沿I-70 州際公路西行,行至Exit 232下交流道朝U.S. 40 E/Empire/Granby前進,一路沿U.S. 40西行再轉北行,行約34哩在過Winter Park後不久於Co Hwy 83向右轉,行0.4 哩後於County Rd 84/Usfs 129向左轉,行約 0.8哩後道路轉為土石路面,再行0.1哩後Usfs 129道路向左轉沿崎嶇山路上山,行約4.8哩後向左急轉繼續走Usfs 129道路,行約0.2哩於道路右彎越稜處有一處self-service pay station,每部車美金5元,持有國家公園的Annual passes可適用通行,過了自助繳費站後再行3.7哩抵達Meadow Creek Reservoir;
Meadow Creek Reservoir 2-1
Meadow Creek Reservoir 1-1
Meadow Creek Reservoir
Moose at Indian Peaks Wilderness  1
Moose at Indian Peaks Wilderness  2
Moose at Indian Peaks Wilderness 

過了Meadow Creek Reservoir再行1.1哩即抵達Junco Lake Trailhead;後段5哩山路最好是高底盤車為宜。
Indian Peaks Wilderness Information 2
Indian Peaks Wilderness Information

10:40 登山口出發,海拔10,090(3,075公尺)
Columbine Lake Trailhead 1
Columbine Lake Trailhead 

從停車場東南端沿Caribou Pass Trail東南行,這是一條昔時吉普車車道,現已禁止機動車通行,路面平整好走。

Caribou Pass & Columbine Lake Trail 1
Caribou Pass & Columbine Lake Trail
10:50 行約一百公尺左右抵達右側“High Lonesome TrailDevils Thumb Trail”岔路,取左沿Caribou Pass Trail直行。

10:55 步道右下方一片大草原,大草原四周是茂密的松林,此處海拔約10,100/3,078公尺,距登山口約0.3哩;
The meadow along the trail 1
The meadow along the trail 


Caribou Pass & Columbine Lake Trail 2
Caribou Pass & Columbine Lake Trail
11:02 步道有點緩坡上升且路面轉為粗糙的亂石路面,此處海拔約10,133/3,089公尺,距登山口約0.5哩。

Caribou Pass & Columbine Lake Trail 3
The rough rock section of the trail
11:15 路右一岔路以倒木擋住岔路口,取左直行。

11:17 步道右側一間損毀廢棄原木屋,僅剩三面牆,此處海拔約10,335/3,150公尺,距登山口約1.0哩。

Fall-Out Cabin along the trail
Fall-Out Cabin along the trail
11:22 抵達Indian Peaks Wilderness 界牌進入Indian Peaks Wilderness範圍,此處海拔約10,420/3,176公尺,距登山口約1.28哩;
Indian Peaks Wilderness Boundary 2
Indian Peaks Wilderness Boundary 


Caribou Pass & Columbine Lake Trail 4
The meadow along the trail 3
The meadow along the trail
11:36 步道離開草原左轉朝北進入森林盤升,此處海拔約10,517/3,206公尺,距登山口約1.8哩。

11:40 抵達Caribou Pass Trail Columbine Lake Trail岔路,左岔Caribou Pass Trail不取,取右岔往Columbine Lake,此處海拔約10,570/3,222公尺,距登山口約1.95哩;
Caribou Pass Trail & Columbine Lake Trail junction
Caribou Pass Trail & Columbine Lake Trail junction


Columbine Lake Trail (1)
Columbine Lake Trail (2)
Columbine Lake Trail (3)
Columbine Lake Trail
11:54 左側一片大草原,由草原邊繞過,此處海拔約10,674/3,253公尺,距登山口約2.3哩;
Columbine Lake Trail (4)
Columbine Lake Trail 


Columbine Lake Trail (5)
Columbine Lake Trail
The meadow along the trail 5
The meadow along the trail
12:06 穿過最後一片大草原,大草原有兩處低窪處,第一處以大原木為護邊中間以碎石墊高以利登山客通過;
Columbine Lake Trail (6)
Columbine Lake Trail


Columbine Lake Trail (7)
Columbine Lake Trail
橫跨過草原區後步道開始進入最後一段陡坡朝Columbine Lake爬升。

Columbine Lake Trail (9)
Columbine Lake Trail
12:12 步道右側小溪谷是Meadow CreekMeadow Creek兩旁野花盛開,對岸是崢嶸的岩壁,此處海拔約10,761/3,280公尺,距登山口約2.9哩。

Cascade along the trail
Cascade along the trail
Columbine Lake Trail (10)
Columbine Lake Trail (12)
Columbine Lake Trail (13)
Columbine Lake Trail
12:31 步道上升到高點,跨過Columbine Lake的出水口Meadow Creek,此處海拔約11,010/3,356公尺,距登山口約3.3哩;
Meadow Creek
Meadow Creek

然後沿著草原朝Columbine Lake東南方向前進,途中有一兩處水塘。

The pond at the meadow below Columbine Lake
The pond at the meadow below Columbine Lake
The scenic along the trail (1)
The scenic along the trail (2)
The scenic along the trail (3)
The scenic along the trail
12:38 抵達Columbine Lake西岸,海拔約11,079/3,377公尺,距登山口約3.5哩;湖岸已有好多登山客聚集,或用餐、或休息、或賞景聊天,我們在湖邊找一處巨岩松樹下用中餐。

Columbine Lake (10)
Columbine Lake (2)
Columbine Lake (11)
Columbine Lake (12)
Columbine Lake
Take a rest at the lakeshore 2
Take a rest at the lakeshore
用完中餐後我們繞到湖的南岸高點俯瞰整個Columbine Lake全景,這裡幾處沼澤地野花繁茂盛開著;
Columbine Lake (1)
Columbine Lake (4)
Columbine Lake (8)
Columbine Lake (13)
Columbine Lake (15)
Columbine Lake 
Wildflowers blooming along the lakeshore (1)
Wildflowers blooming along the lakeshore (2)
Wildflowers blooming along the lakeshore (3)
Wildflowers blooming along the lakeshore (4)
Wildflowers blooming along the lakeshore


13:40 下山。

Going down from Columbine Lake
Going down from Columbine Lake
15:10 回到登山口開車下山,度過一個溫馨充實的父親節!

Columbine Lake Trailhead 2
Columbine Lake Trailhead 3
Columbine Lake Trailhead 

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