Upper Arapaho Lake (2)

Upper Arapaho Lake 

James Peak Wilderness區內Forest Lakes南邊有一處被Forest Service放棄的湖區~ Arapaho Lakes,所謂被放棄並不是政策性的封山禁止攀登,而是主管單位不再維修此步道而不鼓勵山友攀登,但是還是有蠻多山友活動的。

Arapaho Lakes 從地圖上看是三個湖群,最東邊的兩個小湖海拔約10,778/3,285公尺,稱之為Lower Arapaho Lakes,最西邊的小湖海拔約11,470/3,496公尺,稱之為Upper Arapaho Lake,但這兩個湖群少人提及,一般登山客僅到中間的兩個湖,這兩個湖是連在一起的,中間只隔一寬約10公尺的陸地,第一個湖()比第二個湖(西)大很多,這兩座湖我在2010年即攀登過,今天除再度攀登此兩湖外,打算順便攀登UpperLower兩湖區三小湖。



North Lower Arapaho Lake,海拔10,778/3,285公尺

South Lower Arapaho Lake,海拔10,791/3,289公尺

Upper Arapaho Lake,海拔11,470/3,496公尺

East Arapaho Lake,海拔11,175/3,406公尺

West Arapaho Lake,海拔11,171/3,405公尺

登山口:East Portal Trailhead,海拔9,186/2,800公尺






BoulderBoulder Canyon Road(CO 119)西行,16哩後抵Nederland小鎮,接Peak To Peak景觀公路(CO 119, CO 72)南下,行4.8哩抵Rollinsville,右轉E. Portal road (Rollins Pass)西行,約7.5哩後行車終點(Moffat Tunnel)即為登山口,此處是Union Pacific Railroad火車隧道的東入口。

如從Golden開車可沿CO 119CO 72北上,抵Rollinsville再左轉E. Portal road (Rollins Pass)西行抵登山口。


08:17 登山口出發,座標N39.90319° W105.64442°,海拔9,186/2,800公尺。

East Portal Trailhead

East Portal Trailhead

Shooting Star flower

Shooting Star flower

Mountain Harebell

Mountain Harebell




09:00 抵達Forest Lakes & South Boulder Creek Trail 岔路,座標N39.89336° W105.66048°,海拔9,521/2,902公尺,距登山口1.3/2.1公里;

Forest Lakes & South Boulder Creek Trail junction

Forest Lakes & South Boulder Creek Trail junction


取右岔往Forest Lakes Trail上行,步道寬敞筆直,兩旁是杉木林。

Sego Lily

Sego Lily


09:21 來到 Arapaho Creek,有一木橋橫跨而過,座標N39.90126° W105.65662°,海拔約9,813/2,991公尺,距登山口1.93 /3.1公里;過了木橋後步道沿著Arapaho Creek右岸陡升,一路在杉林中穿行。

09:38 抵達第一處Forest Lakes Arapaho Lakes 岔路,座標N39.90609° W105.65943°,海拔約10,059/3,066公尺,距登山口2.3 /3.7公里;

Forest Lakes & Arapaho Lakes junction #1

Forest Lakes & Arapaho Lakes junction #1


岔路不明顯且以數根倒木橫擋岔路口,岔路再前行十餘公尺有一座原木橋,我捨此岔路續沿Forest Lakes Trail往上行。

09:43 抵達第二處Forest Lakes Arapaho Lakes 岔路,座標N39.90724° W105.66100°,海拔約10,118/3,084公尺,距登山口2.42 /3.9公里;

Forest Lakes & Arapaho Lakes junction #2

Forest Lakes & Arapaho Lakes junction #2




岔路下行30公尺遇左岔路,該岔路即是第一處岔路上來的路徑,還蠻清楚的;取右上行,小徑左側是Arapaho Creek,登山小徑蠻清楚的,應蠻多登山客在利用。

Arapaho Lakes Trail

Arapaho Lakes Trail


09:59 遇一岔路,座標N39.91007° W105.66552°,海拔約10,289/3,136公尺;

Arapaho Creek crossing by log bridge.

Arapaho Creek crossing by log bridge.


左岔有一原木橋橫跨Arapaho Creek到西岸,左右岔路行不久會會合,我先取右岔仍沿Arapaho Creek東岸上行。

10:06 抵達一片大草原,草原上野花盛開;

Elephant Head

Elephant Head

Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail (1)

Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail 


草原左側河邊一處狹窄處有兩塊石頭可渡河,踩著Arapaho Creek溪中兩顆墊腳石越過Arapaho Creek到西岸,座標N39.91059° W105.66604°,海拔10,240/3,121公尺,距登山口2.92/4.7公里;

Arapaho Creek crossing over stones

Arapaho Creek crossing over stones



10:15 抵達路右接近Arapaho Creek一處不小的流瀑,座標N39.91048° W105.66884°,海拔10,358/3,157公尺,距登山口3.11/5.0公里;

Waterfalls along Arapaho Lakes Trail

Waterfalls along Arapaho Lakes Trail


沿著Arapaho Creek(西)岸上攀,山徑轉為極陡爬升。

10:35 路過一棵大枯木後已達Lower Arapaho Lakes等高線,看左側林中植被還蠻乾淨的,決定由此左切往Lower Arapaho Lakes,座標N39.90963° W105.67230°,海拔10,715/3,266公尺,距登山口3.36/5.4公里;

Dead wood

Dead tree



Lower Arapaho Lakes Trail

Lower Arapaho Lakes Trail


10:40 抵達North Lower Arapaho Lake,座標N39.90816° W105.67320°,海拔10,778/3,285公尺,距登山口3.54/5.7公里;

North Lower Arapaho Lake (1)

North Lower Arapaho Lake (4)

North Lower Arapaho Lake 

North Lower Arapaho Lake (3)

North Lower Arapaho Lake (2)

North Lower Arapaho Lake 


沿著南北兩座Lower Arapaho Lakes繞一圈後找一條更清晰的路線切回Arapaho Lakes Trail

North Lower Arapaho Lake (6)

North Lower Arapaho Lake 

South Lower Arapaho Lake (2)

South Lower Arapaho Lake 


11:15 回到Arapaho Lakes Trail主線,座標N39.90934° W105.67350°,海拔10,823/3,299公尺;

Lower Arapaho Lake fork #2

Lower Arapaho Lake fork #2


取左續往Arapaho Lakes 上行。

Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail (2)

Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail (3)

Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail 


11:21 上抵一片平坦山谷,山谷長滿矮灌木Willow,此處海拔10,951/3,338公尺,距登山口 4.1/6.6公里;

Upper valley below Arapaho lakes

Upper valley below Arapaho lakes


向東俯眺隱約可見來時路Rollins Pass

Looking back down trailhead from upper valley

Looking back down trailhead from upper valley



Benchmark at upper valley

Benchmark at upper valley


近目的地前約數百公尺再上一小坡即抵達第一個Arapaho Lake

Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail (4)

Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail (5)

Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail 


11:50 抵達East Arapaho Lake出水口,座標N39.90789° W105.67894°,海拔11,138/3,395公尺,距登山口4.47/7.2公里(Lower Arapaho Lake 0.53/0.85公里)

East Arapaho Lake (1)

East Arapaho Lake (3)

East Arapaho Lake outlet 


在出水口小休和一位德裔美國山友寒暄後他要翻越南稜下Crater Lakes,我則沿Arapaho Lake的北稜攀登Upper Arapaho Lake

Arapaho Lake的北稜基本上還算好走,但有一段路是穿梭在針葉林的矮樹叢間是較困擾的,注意腳下別踩空了。

12:28 登上Arapaho Lake 北稜一處大亂石堆高點,俯瞰Arapaho LakeUpper Arapaho Lake則隱藏在西邊不遠處山腳下,中間要下到一小鞍部再攀上一岩坡;小心在大岩塊間朝Upper Arapaho Lake續行。

North ridge of Arapaho Lakes

North ridge of Arapaho Lakes

Looking down at Arapaho Lakes from it's north ridge

Looking down at Arapaho Lakes from it's north ridge


12:39 抵達Upper Arapaho Lake東北角制高點,座標N39.90925° W105.68555°,海拔11,486/3,501公尺,距登山口5.1/8.2公里;在此休息俯瞰Upper Arapaho Lake

Upper Arapaho Lake (1)

Upper Arapaho Lake 

Upper Arapaho Lake (3)

Upper Arapaho Lake 


13:05 啟程下山,先下到Upper Arapaho Lake東岸走一趟後觀察下切West Arapaho Lake的路線,發現沿著Upper Arapaho Lake出水口下切應為可行,路徑雖然陡峭但依稀可看到不明顯路跡,顯示有山友由此線上下。

Looking down at East & West Arapaho Lake from Upper Arapaho Lake (1)

Looking down at East & West Arapaho Lake from Upper Arapaho Lake (2)

Looking down at East & West Arapaho Lake from Upper Arapaho Lake


13:13 Upper Arapaho Lake出水口下切,座標N39.90823° W105.68603°,海拔11,457/3,492公尺,循著舊足跡小心下行,除一處大岩壁峭壁外,其他地形雖陡峭但小心踏點則無危險性;

Cliff under Upper Arapaho Lake

Cliff under Upper Arapaho Lake



Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail (6)

Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail (7)

Wildflowers blooming along Arapaho Lakes Trail 


13:36 下抵West Arapaho Lake西岸,座標N39.90750° W105.68469°,海拔11,171/3,405公尺,距登山口5.4/8.7公里;沿著West Arapaho Lake北岸繞到East Arapaho LakeWest Arapaho Lake之間分隔島;

A thin band of talus and sedge separates the Arapaho Lakes

A thin band of talus and sedge separates the Arapaho Lakes


沿著分隔島走到East Arapaho Lake南岸,再沿南岸東行到East Arapaho Lake出水口。

East Arapaho Lake (4)

East Arapaho Lake (5)

East Arapaho Lake 

East Arapaho Lake (2)

East Arapaho Lake outlet


14:10 下山,循上山原路下山。

14:38 下抵Lower Arapaho Lake 第二岔路取左下山。

15:11 回到Forest Lakes & Arapaho Lakes 岔路前約30公尺的岔路,座標N39.90726° W105.66126°;早上是從左岔下來,但右岔路跡很明顯,取右岔沿Arapaho Creek左岸下行。

15:17 接回Forest Lakes Trail,座標N39.90609° W105.65943°,海拔10,125/3,086公尺;岔路口上行幾公尺即是一座原木橋,岔路口以倒木橫置極不明顯,取右循Forest Lakes Trail下山。

15:46 返抵Forest Lakes & South Boulder Creek Trail 岔路,取左岔下山。

16:14 返抵登山口,完成Arapaho Lakes 探索之行。


AlltrailsArapaho Lakes hiking track (2021.07.29)


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