
Geneva Mountain Trailhead (2)

Geneva Mountain Trailhead

今天登山隊前往Guanella Pass附近攀登海拔12,335/3,760公尺的Geneva Mountain,該山位在科羅拉多州Park County境內,這座山很容易與西邊約12哩遠的Geneva Peak(13,266 ft / 4,043 m)相混淆,其實兩座山高度相差近1,000呎;攀登Geneva Mountain一路都走在開闊的稜線上,所以登山過程有著無限的視野。


攀登山頭Geneva Mountain,海拔12,335 / 3,760公尺

登山口Geneva Mountain Trailhead,海拔11,604/3,537公尺






丹佛沿I-70西行,在Exit 228出口下交流道經Georgetown轉行Guanella Pass南下,續行約11.5哩的山路即達Guanella Pass的最高點;

Guanella Pass summit overlook

Guanella Pass summit overlook



Crowded vehicles parked on both sides of the road

Crowded vehicles parked on both sides of the road


Geneva Mountain的登山口位在Guanella Pass Road要右轉Upper parking lot岔路處再往南直行約50公尺的道路左下方。

Geneva Mountain Trailhead (1)

Geneva Mountain Trailhead 


08:10 登山口出發,座標39° 35.693' -105° 42.652'11,604/ 3,537公尺;

Geneva Mountain Trailhead (3)

Geneva Mountain Trailhead 


沿著步道往南朝著正前方的渾圓山丘Point 11990 ft.前進,步道寬敞開闊。

Geneva Mountain Trail (1)

Geneva Mountain Trail 


08:16 遇第一處步道岔路,座標39° 35.537' -105° 42.628',海拔11,647/3,550公尺;

First trail junction

First trail junction


右岔往Point 11990 ft.步道封閉,取左岔Rosalie Trail ( # 603)朝東南在Point 11990 ft.東側山坡腰繞,左下方是Scott Gomer Creek在一種北美柳樹(willow) 矮樹叢間蜿蜒向東流;

Geneva Mountain Trail (3)

Geneva Mountain Trail (2)

Geneva Mountain Trail 

Looking east over the marshes at the headwaters of Scott Gomer Creek from Guanella Pass

Looking east over the marshes at the headwaters of Scott Gomer Creek from Guanella Pass


Scott Gomer Creek的上方即是大眾化的一座14er~Mount Bierstadt (14,065 /4,287公尺)

Looking east at Mount Bierstead from the trail (1)

Looking east at Mount Bierstead from the trail 

Geneva Mountain Trail (4)

Geneva Mountain Trail 


步道腰繞行約10分鐘即見到南邊遠方的三座山頭,右邊兩座為Geneva Mountain的兩座副峰,最左邊一座就是今天的目標Geneva Mountain真正山頭;

Geneva Mountain, three subpeaks comes to the view, real summit is on third hill.

Geneva Mountain, three subpeaks comes to the view, real summit is on third hill.


Geneva Mountain左邊另一座隔著Scott Gomer Creek的渾圓山頭是海拔12,454/3,796公尺的Kataka Mountain

Looking south at Geneva Mount from the trail

Looking south at Geneva Mount from the trail

Looking east at Mount Bierstead from the trail (2)

Looking east at Mount Bierstead from the trail 

Square Top Mountain from Geneva Mountain trail (1)

Square Top Mountain from Geneva Mountain trail 


08:45 步道腰繞過Point 11990 ft.後不遠遇第二個岔路,座標39° 34.781' -105° 42.766',海拔11,775/3,589公尺;

Second trail junction

Second trail junction


岔路路標因時日已久已斑駁難辨,取右岔繼續南行,之後步道隨即在willow叢與苔原間沿著Point 11970 ft.Point 11941 ft.兩座小山頭的左側南行。

Geneva Mountain Trail (6)

Geneva Mountain Trail (7)

Geneva Mountain Trail (8)

Geneva Mountain Trail (9)

Geneva Mountain Trail 

Looking southwest from Geneva Mountain trail (1)-1

Looking southwest from Geneva Mountain trail 

Mount Silverheels from Geneva Mountain trail

Mount Silverheels from Geneva Mountain trail


09:23 抵第一副峰西北鞍部,開始朝第一副峰山頂爬升,座標39° 34.083' -105° 42.546',海拔11,801/3,597公尺。

Geneva Mountain Trail (10)

Geneva Mountain Trail (11)

Geneva Mountain Trail 

Square Top Mountain from Geneva Mountain trail (2)

Square Top Mountain from Geneva Mountain trail 

First subpeak of Geneva Mountain

First subpeak of Geneva Mountain

Geneva Mountain Trail (12)

Geneva Mountain Trail 

Looking north to James Peak and other mountains from the trail (2)

Looking north to James Peak and other mountains from the trail

Geneva Mountain Trail (14)

Geneva Mountain Trail (15)

Geneva Mountain Trail 

Looking east at Mount Bierstead from the trail (3)

Looking east at Mount Bierstead from the trail 

Taken from the slope of first subpeak (1)

Taken from the slope of first subpeak (2)

Taken from the slope of first subpeak 


10:04 登上第一副峰,座標39° 33.629' -105° 42.297',海拔12,179/3,712公尺,距登山口約2.86/4.6公里;

On the top of second subpeak (3)

On the top of second subpeak (4)

On the top of second subpeak (1)

On the top of second subpeak (2)

On the top of second subpeak 



Second subpeak,

Second subpeak from first subpeak,

Looking northeast to mountains from Geneva Mountain's first subpeak (1)-1

Looking northeast to mountains from Geneva Mountain's first subpeak 

Looking northwest to mountains from Geneva Mountain's first subpeak (1)-1

Looking northwest to mountains from Geneva Mountain's first subpeak 

Looking south to mountains from Geneva Mountain's first subpeak (1)-1

Looking south to mountains from Geneva Mountain's first subpeak


10:20 續朝第一副峰與第二副峰間鞍部下行。

10:26 下抵第一、第二副峰間鞍部,座標39° 33.540' -105° 42.149',海拔12,113/3,692公尺,續朝第二副峰上行。

The saddle between first & second subpeak of Geneva Mountain

The saddle between first & second subpeak of Geneva Mountain


10:42 登上第二副峰,座標39° 33.284' -105° 41.994',海拔12,248/3,733公尺,距登山口約3.54/5.7公里;小休後往第二副峰與主峰間鞍部朝東南下行。

10:46 下抵第二副峰與主峰間鞍部,座標39° 33.183' -105° 41.846',海拔12,175/3,711公尺

10:58 登上Geneva Mountain()山頭,座標39° 33.055' -105° 41.638',海拔12,326 / 3,757 公尺,續朝南往山頂前行。

The summit of Geneva Mountain

The summit of Geneva Mountain


11:00 登頂Geneva Mountain,座標39° 33.025' -105° 41.626',海拔12,335 / 3,760 公尺,距登山口約3.98/6.4公里。

On the summit of Geneva Mountain (1)

On the summit of Geneva Mountain (2)

On the summit of Geneva Mountain (3)

On the summit of Geneva Mountain (4)

On the summit of Geneva Mountain 

Looking northeast at Mount Evans and other mountains from Geneva Mountain' s summit (1)-1

Looking northeast at Mount Evans and other mountains from Geneva Mountain' s summit 

Views to southwest from the summit of Geneva Mountain (1)

Views to southwest from the summit of Geneva Mountain (2)

Views to southwest from the summit of Geneva Mountain 


11:37 循原路下山。

Geneva Mountain Trail (16)

Geneva Mountain Trail (17)

Geneva Mountain Trail 

Looking east at Mount Bierstead from the trail (4)

Looking east at Mount Bierstead from the trail 


13:18 返抵登山口後整裝開車返家,結束今天的登山行程。


AlltrailsGeneva Mountain via Guanella Pass Road (2022.08.13)

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