Looking down on Naylor lake(L) and Silver Dollar Lake(R) from Silver Dollar Lake above (2)

Looking down on Naylor lake(L) and Silver Dollar Lake(R) from Silver Dollar Lake above 

Silver Dollar LakeMurray LakeGuanella Pass景觀道路沿線旁的兩個高山湖,位在Guanella Pass Campground西邊約兩哩多的高山山谷中,兩個湖相距約0.5哩,三面剛好被三座高山環繞著;南邊是Square Top Mountain (13,794/4,204公尺)、西邊是Argentine Peak (13,738/4,187公尺)、北邊則為Mount Wilcox (13,408/4,087公尺),該兩座湖已登過多次,今天隨登山隊再度前往攀登。



Silver Dollar Lake:海拔11,942/3,640公尺

Murray Lake:海拔12,139/3,700公尺

登山口Silver Dollar Lake Trailhead,海拔10,880/3,316公尺






從丹佛沿I-70州際公路西行,在Exit 228下交流道進入小鎮Georgetown,由Georgetown Visitor Center一路沿“Guanella Pass”南行;

Aspen in Fall, Guanella Pass (39)

Aspen in Fall, Guanella Pass (38)

Aspen in Fall, Guanella Pass (35)

Aspen in Fall, Guanella Pass (30)

Aspen in Fall, Guanella Pass (11)

Aspen in Fall, Guanella Pass (9)

Aspen in Fall, Guanella Pass (4)

Aspen in Fall, Guanella Pass 


9.5哩抵Guanella Pass Campground,再行0.1哩遇右岔Naylor Lake Road,右轉Naylor Lake Road立即抵達Silver Dollar and Murray Lake第一登山口,小車停此,但車位很少(約停六部小車),在右轉Naylor Lake Road之前道路左側另有一較大停車場。四傳車輛可沿Naylor Lake Road土石路續行0.7哩抵達第二停車場;大多數登山客的車子都開到第二停車場,領隊考慮如開到第二停車場則登山的里程太短達不到登山的目的,所以決定由第一停車場起登。



08:50 第一停車場出發,海拔約10,880/3,316公尺;

Silver Dollar Lake 1st parking lot trailhead (1)

Silver Dollar Lake 1st parking lot trailhead (2)

Silver Dollar Lake 1st parking lot trailhead


沿著Naylor Lake Road西行,此土石路尚可行駛四傳車;

Naylor Lake Road

Naylor Lake Road



09:10 抵達第二停車場,座標N39° 36' 24.1" W105° 43' 37.6",海拔11,168/3,404公尺,距第一停車場約0.67/1.08公里,路旁空地蠻大的,可停不少車子;

Silver Dollar Lake 2nd parking lot

Silver Dollar Lake 2nd parking lot


道路續行通往Naylor Lake,那是一座私人湖泊勿進,Silver Dollar Lake Trail登山口在左側小徑,取左岔沿Silver Dollar Lake Trail上山。

Silver Dollar Lake trailhead (1)

Silver Dollar Lake trailhead (2)

Silver Dollar Lake trailhead

Silver Dollar Lake Trail (1)

Silver Dollar Lake Trail 


09:30 小徑先在松林間穿行一陣子後便穿越森林抵達Naylor Lake東南岸高處一展望點,座標N39° 36' 16.1" W105° 44' 02.3",海拔11,453/3,491公尺;Silver Dollar Lake Trail (2)

Silver Dollar Lake Trail 

Right after reaching the ridge that skirts Naylor Lake, Mount Wilcox in the distance (1)

Right after reaching the ridge that skirts Naylor Lake, Mount Wilcox in the distance 


在此點可俯瞰Naylor Lake及眺望西北邊的Mount WilcoxArgentine Peak,我們在此小休後續行;

Right after reaching the ridge that skirts Naylor Lake, Mount Wilcox in the distance (9)

Right after reaching the ridge that skirts Naylor Lake, Mount Wilcox in the distance (8)

Right after reaching the ridge that skirts Naylor Lake, Mount Wilcox in the distance (7)

Right after reaching the ridge that skirts Naylor Lake, Mount Wilcox in the distance (6)

Right after reaching the ridge that skirts Naylor Lake, Mount Wilcox in the distance (5)

Right after reaching the ridge that skirts Naylor Lake, Mount Wilcox in the distance (4)

Right after reaching the ridge that skirts Naylor Lake, Mount Wilcox in the distance (2)

Right after reaching the ridge that skirts Naylor Lake, Mount Wilcox in the distance (3)

Naylor Lake



Silver Dollar Lake Trail (3)

Silver Dollar Lake Trail (4)

Silver Dollar Lake Trail (5)

Silver Dollar Lake Trail 


10:00 出森林線,座標N39° 36' 05.7" W105° 44' 23.1",海拔11,752/3,582公尺,距第一登山口約1.74/2.8公里;

Silver Dollar Lake Trail (7)

Silver Dollar Lake Trail  just above the treeline


此後步道一路在Square Top Mountain北坡下腰繞微幅爬升,偶而是岩石坡,偶而是高可及腰的willow樹叢,沿途俯瞰右側山坡下的私人湖泊Naylor Lake

Silver Dollar Lake Trail (6)

Silver Dollar Lake Trail 

Looking down on Naylor lake and the valley below from the trail

Looking down on Naylor lake and the valley below from the trail

Looking down on Naylor lake from the trail  (2)

Looking down on Naylor lake from the trail  

Silver Dollar Lake Trail (8)

Silver Dollar Lake Trail 



On the trail to Silver Dollar Lake, looking towards Square Top (left) 、Argentine(mid) and Wilcox (right)_副本

On the trail to Silver Dollar Lake, looking towards Square Top (left) 、Argentine(mid) and Wilcox (right)


10:35 抵達第一個湖泊Silver Dollar Lake,海拔11,942/3,640公尺,距第一登山口約2.49/4公里,她安詳的躺臥在海拔13,794/4,204公尺的Square Top Mountain北坡下;在此拍照小休。

Silver Dollar Lake (1)

Silver Dollar Lake (4)

Silver Dollar Lake

Silver Dollar Lake, background is Square Top Mountain (1)

Silver Dollar Lake, background is Square Top Mountain 

Silver Dollar Lake (2)

Silver Dollar Lake (3)

Silver Dollar Lake, background is Square Top Mountain (3)

Silver Dollar Lake


10:44 續往Murray Lake上行,Murray LakeSilver Dollar Lake約有半哩路,爬升約250呎,從Silver Dollar Lake的北岸沿小徑稍往西北爬升;

Looking down on Silver Dollar Lake halfway up the ridge to Murray Lake (2)

Looking down on Silver Dollar Lake halfway up the ridge to Murray Lake (1)

Looking down on Silver Dollar Lake halfway up the ridge to Murray Lake 

Naylor Lake from the trail above Silver Dollar Lake (1)

Naylor Lake from the trail above Silver Dollar Lake (2)

Naylor Lake from the trail above Silver Dollar Lake


沒多久即抵達Silver Dollar Lake的北岸稜線,海拔約12,200/3,719公尺,Murray Lake就在北邊幾十呎的稜線下。

Looking down on Naylor lake(L) and Silver Dollar Lake(R) from Silver Dollar Lake above (1)

Looking down on Naylor lake(L) and Silver Dollar Lake(R) from Silver Dollar Lake above 

Looking east at Evans、the Sawtooth & Biestadt from Murray Lake above

Looking east at Evans、the Sawtooth & Biestadt from Murray Lake above


11:06 下抵Murray Lake,海拔12,139/3,700公尺,距第一登山口約3.04/4.9公里;此湖比Silver Dollar Lake小了一點,我們在一塊巨岩旁避風處休息午餐。

Murray Lake (1)

Murray Lake (5)

Murray Lake (4)

Murray Lake (2)

Murray Lake (6)

Murray Lake 

Murray Lake, background is Square Top Mountain

Murray Lake, background is Square Top Mountain

Looking east at Evans、the Sawtooth & Biestadt from Murray Lake (2)

Looking east at Evans、the Sawtooth & Biestadt from Murray Lake 


11:50 循原路下山。

12:09 下抵Silver Dollar Lake後續沿原路下山。

13:06 回到二停車場,續沿Naylor Lake Road下山。

13:25 返抵停車處各自開車返家,在下山途中於Guanella Pass Road路旁看到三隻駝鹿(Moose)willows叢中覓食,這是今年第一次看到moose,意外的收穫!

Moose on Guanella Pass Road (5)

Moose on Guanella Pass Road (4)

Moose on Guanella Pass Road (3)

Moose on Guanella Pass Road (2)

Moose on Guanella Pass Road (1)

Moose on Guanella Pass Road


AlltrailsSilver Dollar and Murray Lakes Hike (2022.09.18)

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