Rider 1


登山口:Fern Lake Trailhead bus stop (8,155 ft.)
The Pool2.3(8,400 ft.)
Cub Lake3.5(8,620 ft.)
Cub Lake Trailhead5.8(8,080 ft.)
Fern Lake Trailhead bus stop6.0(8,155 ft.)

96日是美國的勞動節(每年九月的第一個星期一),所以這個週末就是所謂的Long Weekend,本計畫到猶他州的錫安國家公園(Zion National Park)走走,但因計畫太晚而取消,只好帶著孩子們往洛磯山國家公園走,今天預計由Moraine Park Fern Lake Trailhead起登,經The Pool 到達Fern Lake再原路下山。這一條路線許多遊客是採取開車到Bear Lake,然後沿Odessa Lake Trail爬升一段路後一路下坡走訪Lake HeleneOdessa LakeFern Lake,再接Fern Lake Trail回到Fern Lake Trailhead轉搭免費的園區車回到Bear Lake,全程約8.5哩,而且大部分是下坡路段,安排一天的時間是一趟不錯的健行路線。
11:09 Fern Lake Trailhead 園區免費巴士停車站啟程(8,155 ft.),車子應可開到登山口,但停車位有限,根據經驗假日這個時間開進去以後再開出來的機率頗高。

Fern Lake Trail 1
Aspen along the trail

11:29 Fern Lake 登山口 (8,165 ft.),估算無誤,停車位已滿。
12:00 行經Arch Rocks,幾顆巨石矗立兩側,許多孩子就在此地攀岩豆豆貝貝也不例外,在此休息一、二十分鐘。

Rocks by the trail 1
Rocks by the trail 2
Rocks by the trail 3
Rocks by the trail 4
Fern Lake Trail 2

12:33 抵達The Pool (8,400 ft. ),一座木橋橫跨Big Thompson River,山上積雪幾乎融光,所以水量太小、顯不出那種磅礡的氣勢,在此午餐休息。

Benchmark at The Pool
Benchmark at The Pool
The Pool 1
The Pool 2
The Pool 3
The Pool 4
The Pool 5
Big Thompson River
Big Thompson River 1

13:18 續行,到Fern Lake還有2.1哩,而且要爬升一千一百多呎,孩子們有點不想爬,臨時決定左轉改走Cub Lake Trail,經Cub Lake 下山。此段路到Cub Lake 1.2哩,緩上坡,行來輕鬆。

Cascade by the trail 3
Cascade by the trail 1
Cascade by the trail 2
Cascade by the trail 4

13:57 抵達Cub Lake & Mill Creek Basin Trail 的岔路,此地是此步道最高點(8,725 ft.),距Cub Lake僅剩0.2哩,右岔往Mill Creek Basin,取直行,隨即俯瞰整個Cub Lake,此地是Cub Lake西岸置高點。

Cub Lake
Looking back down on Cub Lake

14:13 抵達Cub Lake (8,620 ft.),幾天前才和太座來過,稍事休息後由出水口(東北岸)下山。
Cub Lake 1

Cub Lake 2
Cub Lake 3
Cub Lake and Stones Peak
Upside down
Upside down
Steller's Jay 1
Steller's Jay 2
Steller's Jay
Rider 2

16:00 抵達Cub Lake Trailhead (8,080 ft.),續沿車道前往停車處取車,完成一“O”形健行。回程時僅在Moraine Park大草原中看到一隻Elk,形單影隻,在這個時節、這個時段實在很反常!

Elk in Moraine Park 1
Elk in Moraine Park 2
Elk in Moraine Park 3
Elk in Moraine Park 4


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